商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第89期:中国环保汽车市场蓄势待发4

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:10:56 74

BYD may lead the pack in China, but the government is encouraging others to move into clean transport manufacturing-an area where it hopes domestic companies can overtake bigger foreign rivals. 巴亚迪可能是中国汽车行业的佼佼者,但是政府也在鼓励其他汽车厂商从事清洁交通工具的生产。政府希望在这个领域的国内公司能超越更大的国外竞争对手。

At an exhibition of clean energy technology in Beijing in March, the science and technology minister, Wan Gang, said,"The country aimed to come out of the current economic downturn greener and more advanced than it went in. Accompanying every financial crisis is a revolution in technology that serves as an engine for economic development. This time, new energy technology will probably be the new driving force." 3月,在北京举行的一次清洁能源技术展览会上,科技部部长万钢说,“中国力图以更加环保的姿态和更加先进的技术从目前的经济低迷中走出。每一次经济危机都会伴随着一场技术革命,每一次技术革命又成为经济增长的引擎。这一次,新能源技术将成为新的驱动力。”


Every few weeks there is fresh news that China is upgrading its transport and energy infrastructure. In March, Chery Auto unveiled a battery electric vehicle-the S18EV-that it says has a range of 150 kilometres on a single charge. Shortly before that, Xinri started building an industrial park capable of producing five million electric scooters and bicycles per year. And Tianjin-Qingyuan has recently announced that it may precede BYD with the autumn release of a fully battery-powered Saibao sedan. 每隔几个星期,都有关于中国升级其交通和能源基础设施的最新报道。 3月,奇瑞汽车推出了一款电池电动汽车—S18EV。据说这款汽车充电一次即可行驶150公里。很快,新日公司也开始建造一个年生产量可达500万辆的电动摩托车和电动自行车的工业园区。天津清源日前也宣布会率先于比亚迪公司在今年秋天推出完全由电池供电的赛豹汽车。

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