Location and direction位置和方向训练-《教你怎么听》Lesson 4

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:10:54 105

Unit Four Location and direction
Number 1 Listen and write as much infor information in the table as you can.
Bart:Well,Robin,this seems like a really nice school you\'re -er-working in.
Robin:Mm,I like it,I must say.Yes,it\'s very modem and comfortable.
Bart:Yeah,listen,where-er-where are the classrooms?
Robin:They\'re on the first floor.In face if you go up the main staircase and turn right...
Robin:All those classrooms are on the landing.
Bart:Oh,I see,you have-er-what,seven or eight classrooms?
Robin:Mm,eight classrooms.
Bart:Eight classrooms,yeah.And-er-what about the floor above?...Um,I noticed there was...
Robin:Yes,we have a few students who live in,in residence.and those rooms there are for students who live in.
Robin:And-er-we also have a few smaller rooms for private tuition.that sort of thing.
Bart:On the top floor.
Robin:Yes,on the top floor.
Bart:Right,and what about eating,they must-if they...if they live in the building?
Robin:That\'s right downstais.At the bottom of the stairs you go through a door
and opposite that door there is a dining hall,
that\'s where they have their lunch.And beside that there\'s a little bar...
Robin:...which we use during social occasions.
Bart:So you have parties at th school?
Robin:That\'s right,in he dining hall nomally and it\'s quite pleasant,good atmosphere.
Bart:That\'s nice,What about-um-where do they study?
Robin:Well,in the classrooms,obviously,but also we have a library.
Bart:Yeah,where\'s that?
Robin:Um-you go through this staffroom we\'re sitting in now...
Robin:...and turn right,just beside th listening centre.

Number 2 Look at the map below,Three people-Mark,Jerry and Max-will describe how they went to the museum.
Draw an arrow to show how each person got there.
1)A:Mark,how did you get to the museum?
B:I took the underground from Wynn Street to Low Street.
Then I just walked across from the Low Street station to the museum.
2)A:Jerry,how did you go to the museum.
B:I took the Church Street bus,It tums from Hall Street into Church Street.
I got off th bus at the corner of Church Street and Low Street and walked to the museum.
3)A:Max,how did you get to the museum?
B:I drove my car alongt Hall Street and parked it behind the church.
Then I walked over to the museum.

Number 3 Look at the map below.You willhear four pwople asking the way to four differernt places on the map.
The places are marked with letter.
Listen and write down the place each person is asking about and which letter it is on the map.
Notice that the people are standing in High Street,at the spot marked"YOU ARE HERE".
Tony:Excuse me.How do you get to the cathedral?
Betty:It you carry straight along this road,go through the crossroads and turn right into Bromley Street,
you go through one set of traffic lights and then,
if you turn left at the second set of traffic lights into Orchard Street and it\'s just a little way along there.
Tom:Thank you.
Deborah:Excuse me.Could you tell me how to get to Trinity Hotel please?
Susan:Yes,you walk straight up this road till you come to a T-junction and yu turn right into Bromley Street.
You carry on up Bromley Street till you get to the traffic lights.
Then over,straight over the main road,which is Orchard Street.
Carry on until you go over the river and take the second turning on the right,
which is Trinity Road,and Trinity Hotel is just on the right.
Deborah:Thank you very much.
Dianne:I wonder ifyou could help me.I\'m lookingfor the park.
Frank:The park?Just a moment.Er,yes.That\'s up on eh Embankment.
Yes,you turn-go straight on down here,turn left into Park Road.
Carry straight along Park Road,you\'ll come to a makor crossroad with traffic lights.
Carry on straight over,past a church on your left-hand side,over th river.
Take the first on the left over theh river and you\'ll find the park on you left-hand side.
Dianne:First on the left over th river,Right you are then.Thanks very much indeed.
Frank:Thank you.You\'re welcome.
Peter:Excuse me.I wonder id yo could help me.
Could you tell me how to get to the,to the river for-er-one of these boat trips you have in this city?
Nancy:Er yes.Er,now let me think.
Er,the best way would probably be to go to Bromley Street,turn right,walk up until you see Merchant Street,
keep going up to the next intersection and you\'ll see Orchard Street.
Peter:Sorry,the first one is,is Bromley Street?
Nancy:Yes,when you see Bromley Street,turn right,to the next intersection you\'ll see Merchant Street,
and keep on the same road and then you\'ll come up tho Orchard Street.
Now you,you\'re still on Bromley Road,
so keep on walking up and the next intersection on you right
there should be a sign saying River Trips and that is on the Embankment Road.
Peter:OK,Thank you very much.
Nancy:That\'s all right.

Number 4 Look at the map below,Listen to Robert telling Tom what he did last night and where he went.
Write down the places he visited in correct order.
Gill:What did you do after work yesterday?
Robert:Ah,well,erm.oh,i went for a drink in the pub opposite the car-park where I keep,er,
where I keep the car,and I ran into Jane and Tom.
And,er.after a bit we decided we\'d go an have some dinner together.
Gill:Oh,Where abuts did you go?
Robert:Well,we went down to Oswald Drive and,er,tried that restaurant beside the bank,but it was full.
So we went down the other end of the Drive and,er,went into that other restaurant down there.
Gill:Oh,I know.What was the food like there?
Robert:Well,it\'s good food but it\'s very expensive.
Robert:And after dinner,anyway,we decided to go to the cinema.
We couldn\'t make up our minds which one to,which,which film to go and see.
There was a horror film on at,er,the de Havilland Cinema and,er,a comedy at the other one.
Gill:So which one did you end up at?
Robert:Well,finally,finally we went to the horror film.It was,er,it was horrid.
Gill:Oh,I know,I\'ve seen it.Quite a good film thugh,isn\'t it?
Robert:Well yes,but Jane didn\'t like it.
She came out,she said she was desperate for a drink so we went into the pub
and then finally I drove,drove them home.

Number 5 You will hear three people telling you how to get to their homes,
Listen and make notes on what you hear.

Anne:Erm,well,if you go,er,to Kilburn,
then you come out of the tube station and turn left and then you\'re on the main High Road.
Erm,and you carry on-just go straight down the High Road and take the second on the left
and it\'s about half way down.
Jane:Well,you turn right as you come out of tube station and carry on down,
and then turn right at the Kentucky Fried Chicken,and then just carry on down to the end of the road.
Sally:You turn right up Tottenham Cout Road and you go-keep going to the top of Tottenham Court Road,
cross over the traffic lights at the top.
Go straight on and when you come into Camden High Street,
you take th fish-I think it\'s the firsh-truning on the left at traffic lights.

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