商务英语听力:华尔街赚钱经 第88期:中国环保汽车市场蓄势待发3

英语听力 2019-07-31 12:10:54 83

Despite it making a third of the world\'s mobile phone batteries, until recently few people outside of China had heard of BYD. But the company exploded into the international consciousness late last year by beating Toyota and General Motors to launch the world\'s first mass-produced plug-in hybrid. 尽管全世界二分之一的手机电池都是比亚迪公司生产的,然然而在中国以外的地区,知道比亚迪公司的人是少之又少。但在去年年底,比亚迪因击败丰田汽车公司和通用汽车公司而率先大规模生产充电式油电混合动力车而在国际上声名鹊起。

There are also many questions about the environmental benefits of electric cars, given China\'s reliance on coal. Electric vehicles drive down carbon emissions best if they are charged at night with wind or other forms of renewable energy, but this is not currently possible in the country. 鉴于中国对煤的依赖,电动车的环境效益还存在很多问题。如果在晚上通过风力或者其他可再生能源给电动车充电,那么就可最大程度地降低二氧化碳的排放量,但是目前在中国这是不可能实现的。


But they do use energy more efficiently than both petrol-and diesel-driven cars, and environmental groups say electric vehicles can at least reduce the huge negative impact from the spread of car culture in China. 但是电动车比燃烧柴油和汽油的汽车更能有效地使用能源,环保组织声称电动车至少可以减少汽车文化在中国传播的巨大负面影响。

"Electric cars would be a big step forward," said Greenpeace executive director Gerd Leipold on a recent visit to Beijing. "Hybrid cars have a better reputation than their ecological performance merits." “电动汽车的产生会是一个巨大的飞跃”绿色和平组织总干事葛德·勒波尔德最近访问北京时说,“复合型汽车的名气比他们对生态环境带来的好处要大”。

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