英语小达人每天10分钟奋斗篇Unit 4:提高自我的价值 MP3下载

英语听力 2019-07-31 06:11:46 151

Unit4 Increasing My Value  提高自我的价值

It took 46 years for me to realize that I was holding myselfback in my career. I am a businessman and I love it! However I wasn’t giving myself enough credit for my skills. In other words, I wasn’t charging enough for my services.

I was working too hard and barely getting by. This created a bad situation. Many people were calling me to ask for my services because they had heard about my low fees. I was overworked and began to dislike my job.

A few months ago, I took a workshop that taught me how to recognize my skills and see their dollar value. I began to see myself as a professional instead of someone to be taken advantage of .

It has been only a few months but I am beginning to see many fantastic changes in my career and life. My clientele has also changed. I am receiving jobs from some pretty amazing and important people in the community. I feel grateful that I have discovered a new relationship with my career and myself.


1. increase v. 增加
Reading increases one’s knowledge of the world。阅读可增加一个人对世界的认识。

2.valuen. 价值
The value of the dollar may rise。美元可能会升值。

3. hold back 阻碍
He was held back from that project。他没得到那个项目。

4.career n. 职业生涯
You have to take your career into account before you make any decision。当你做决定时,你必须把整个职业生涯考虑进去。

5 creditn. 认同
I didn’t give credit to his plan。我不相信他的计划。

6 skilln. 技能
Reading and writing are necessary skills。读和写是必备的技能。

7 in other words 换句话说
The organization is profit-oriented; in other words, it’soperating on marketing principles。这个组织是营利组织;换句话说,它是按市场原则经营的。

8. charge v. 索价
The bank charges 15 dollars for each domestic wire transfer。这家银行对于每笔国内电汇酌收十五元。

9. barely adv. 勉强
Sue could barely see before the operation。苏在手术前几乎看不见。

10.get by 过活
I tried to get by on such a small income。我试着用这些微薄的收入过活。

11 situationn. 处境
Jack is in a difficult situation。杰克的处境很艰辛。

12 ask for 要求
We’ll be asked for a photo when applying for the visa。申请签证时会要求我们交照片。

13 hear about 得知
I’m sorry to hear about your loss。我很遗憾听到你的损失。

14 lowadj. 低的
The firm is in a low building。这家公司在一栋矮房子里。

15 overworked adj. 工作过度的
Tim felt exhausted from being overworked。蒂姆因为工作过度而精疲力竭。

16 dislike v. 讨厌
I dislike having eggs everyday。我讨厌每天吃蛋。

17.dollarn. 美元
We spent over one million dollars for the campaign。我们在那个广告上花了一百多万美元。

18 professional n. 专业人员
Only professionals can help us。只有专家能协助我们。

19 take advantage of 利用
Do take advantage of this great opportunity。你务必要利用这个大好机会。

20 clientele n. 顾客
The First Lady is one of my important clientele。第一夫人是我的重要顾客之一。

21 pretty adv. 相当
It was a pretty cold day。这是一个相当寒冷的一天。

22 importantadj. 重要的
It’s important to learn to swim。学习游泳是很重要的事。

23 community n. 社区
You can always find a Jewish community in major cities。你可以在各大城市找到犹太社区。

24.gratefuladj. 感激的
I’m grateful for your guidance。我很感激你的指导。

25 relationshipn. 关系
What’s his relationship to the victim?他和受害者有什么关系?

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