英语小达人每天10分钟奋斗篇Unit 3:获救的小狗 MP3下载

英语听力 2019-07-31 06:11:45 81

Unit3 The Rescued Puppy  获救的小狗

Sammy was out for a walk in the woods when she came across a little puppy laying on the trail. Sammy bent down and the little dirty puppy opened its eyes. She could see that the small animal hadn\'t been eating proper meals and its skin was covered in cuts.

Sammy scooped up the creature and carried it home. Once home Sammy put the puppy straight into the bath. The puppy didn\'t like the water and as it was trying to get out of the sink, Sammy discovered the puppy was a girl. Finally, after the pup was cleaned and fed, she took her to the vet. The vet gave the tiny dog some medicine and told Sammy the pup would be fine.

Sammy wanted to keep the puppy but she couldn\'t because she was allergic to dogs. Sammy posted the puppy\'s picture on the Internet. Five days later a family came and took the puppy home. Sammy was sad to see her little friend go but she knew she was going to a good home.


1.back on one’s feet 好转
How nice to see you back on your feet so soon。我们很高兴看到你康复得这么快。

2.talented adj. 有天分的
She’s a talented musician。她是个有天分的音乐家。

3.graphic adj. 图的
Ray works as a graphic designer。雷是平面设计师。

4. designer n. 设计师
Paul is now a world famous fashion designer。保罗现在是世界有名的服装设计师。

5. hirev. 雇用
We hired a driver to take us on a tour of Rome。我们雇用司机载我们在罗马观光。

6.proposal n. 提案
The proposal got no attention。这项提案未获得注意。

7.agencyn. 中介公司
Jim found a condo through a real estate agency。吉姆通过房地产公司找到一间独栋公寓。

8. start up 创立
Her business started up in the 30’s。她的公司成立于三十年代。

9.fundv. 赞助
Who’s funding the plan?谁在赞助这个企划?

10.require v. 需要
A copy of your I.D. card is required for the application。申请时需要身份证复印件。

11. client /5klaIEnt/ n. 客户
Tony’s on his way to meet a client。托尼正在拜访客户的途中。

12 feen. 费用
They charge a small service fee。他们收取少许服务费。

13.service n. 服务
That firm is noted for its ? ne service。那家公司以良好的服务闻名。

14. session n. 会议
The committee held a session to discuss the proposed bill。委员会召开会议讨论提议的法案。

15. counselorn. 顾问
Tracy’s a financial counselor to the Prime Minister。特雷西是首相的财务顾问。

16. finance n. 财务
The bank’s finances have improved。这家银行的财务状况已有改善。

17. planning n. 规划
Jason studied city planning in college。杰森在大学读的是城市规划。

18. business plan n. 经营企划
The board of directors has not approved the new business plan。董事会不同意新的事业计划。

19. instruct /In5strQkt/ v. 告诉
My agent has instructed me that I still owe you 200 dollars。我的经纪人告诉我,我还欠你两百美元。

20. practice n. 实务
He promised the idea would work in practice。他保证这个点子将会实现。

21.fantasticadj. 很好的
That is really a fantastic show!这真是场精彩的表演!

22. resultn. 结果
We’re waiting for the result of the exam。我们在等考试结果。

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