英语小达人每天10分钟奋斗篇Unit 1:戒酒记

英语听力 2019-07-31 06:11:45 89


Unit1 Got on the Wagon  戒酒记

If I didn\'t get help I may have lost my daughters forever. That was the reason I sought treatment. I first began drinking at parties, dinners and other social gatherings . Then I began drinking on my own at home and work.

I was fired from my job because I had lack of focus. I went on social assistance from the government .My daughters saw the worst of me and began not to trust me.

They would come home from school unsure of what they would find. They didn\'t know if I would be drunk or sober, angry or happy.

The day my little girl pulled away from me when I went to hug her was the day I realized I had to get help for my problem. I went to a center for alcoholics.Through the help of social workers, my children and I received living assistance and guidance.

Now two years later, I am sober. If I ever feel like a drink, I just think of my girls and remember how good it feels to hug them again.


1 on the wagon 戒酒
William has been on the wagon for five months. 威廉戒酒已有五个月了。

2.forever adv. 永远
Nobody lives forever。没有人会永远活着。

3.seek v. 寻找
We are seeking employment。我们在招聘。

4.treatmentn. 治疗
Her cold didn’t respond to treatment。她的感冒对这个治疗没有反应。

5.socialadj. 社交的
Tom stayed out of the social life of the office。汤姆不和办公室的人打交道。

6.gatheringn. 聚会
Ruby never joined any political gathering。露比从不参加政治聚会。

7.on one’s own 独自
Ray is capable of finishing this work on his own。雷能够独自完成这份工作。

8.firev. 解雇
Jim was fired on the spot。吉姆当场就被解雇。

9.lackn. 欠缺
They can’t swim because of lack of water。他们没办法游泳,因为没水。

10.focusn. 注意力
Movie stars always are the focus of attention。影星总是众人注目的焦点。

11.assistancen. 协助
Your technical assistance in this program was necessary。你对这个计划的技术协助是必要的。

The state government is discussing the proposal。州政府正在讨论这项提案。

13. worst n. 最坏的一面
If worse comes to worst, we should deal with it。如果事情越来越糟,我们应该想办法解决。

14.unsure adj. 不确定
The baby’s situation remains unsure。这个婴儿的情况尚未明朗。

15.drunk adj. 酒醉的
He got drunk after only one can of beer。他只喝了一罐啤酒就醉了。

16.sober adj. 清醒的
Jim seldom goes to bed sober。吉姆很少清醒上床。

17.pull away 挣脱
Jane struggled to pull away from the stranger。珍挣扎着想挣脱那个陌生人。

18.hug v. 拥抱
Alice always gives her child a big hug when pickingher up。爱丽丝总是在接孩子时给她一个大拥抱。

19.center n. 中心
Irene is waiting in the center of the lobby。爱琳在大厅中央等候。

20.alcoholicn. 酗酒人士
Bill used to be an alcoholic, but he quit drinkingsix months ago。比尔以前酗酒,不过六个月前他已经戒了酒。

21.social worker n. 社工
Social workers visit poor families and provide help routinely。社工固定地造访贫困家庭并提供协助。

22.receive v. 得到
They received the support of the investors。他们获得投资者的支援。

23.guidance n. 指引
We would appreciate guidance from expertsin this field。我们很感激来自这方面的专家指导。

24.feel like 想要
I feel like a cup of tea。我想喝杯茶。

25.think of 想到
I thought of you immediately when I needed someone who could speak Italian。当我需要会说意大利语的人,我马上就想到你。

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