英语小达人每天10分钟冒险篇Unit 18:坐云霄飞车

英语听力 2019-07-31 00:11:38 119

Unit 18 Roller Coaster Ride  座云霄飞车

Each summer the fall Fair comes to Cranbrook. They set up their games and rides on the west side of the river near the empty car lot. Every year little Tommy watches the strong men pound the tent pegs into the ground. He watches them build the stages and finally when the Fair is open he watches all the people line up to get on the roller coaster. He watches as the cars twist and turn upside down. He wishes he were brave enough to go on it.

One day, one of the older boys sees Tommy and calls out, "Hey kid. Do you want go for a ride?" Tommy is shy,"No, I\'m scared." The older boy says,"Come on. I\'ll let you ride for free." Still Tommy shakes his head. "What if I ride with you?" Then will you come? This is my chance, Tommy thinks to himself. "Ok, I\'ll do it." The older boy took and strapped him into the car then sat down beside him. As the rolle coaster started to move, Tommy squeezed his eyes shut.

"Don\'t close your eyes," said the boy. "Keep them open. That\'s the fun part." Tommy opened his eyes. They were going up, up, up! Then SWOOSH! The roller coaster was flying down the tracks. Tommy was holding on tight. His eyes were wide open. Everything was flying past him. This is great, he thought.
“不要闭上眼睛,”大男孩说:“ 要把眼睛睁开才好玩。”于是汤米把眼睛睁开,他们正不断地往上,继续上,还在上!接着嗖的一声!云霄飞车顺着铁轨往下疾驰。汤米紧紧抓住车子,但眼睛仍然张开着,每样东西都从他身边飞驰而过。他觉得这一切实在太棒了。

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