大学英语综合教程 学生用书 U05_tA

英语听力 2019-07-16 00:12:47 165
[00:00.00]Community Service
[00:03.58]The idea of helping people comes naturally to most of us.
[00:10.03]If we see a blind person getting off a bus,
[00:15.70]we watch to make sure that he is no danger of falling.
[00:21.84]Members of family help one another,
[00:26.59]with particular care for the very young and the elderly.
[00:32.44]There are many people who have nobody near to see their need for help
[00:38.71]and often nobody to give it even when the need is known.
[00:45.17]The old,the handicapped,the homeless and friendless
[00:50.70]-these are the people for whom help may not come,because nobody sees.
[00:57.05]It may not have occurred to you that you are in a position to help.
[01:03.50]Community service means helping the people around you.
[01:09.25]Organizations exist which try to make sure
[01:14.89]that someone sees when help is needed and does something about it.
[01:21.35]These organizations depend on voluntary help
[01:27.09]to carry out a wide variety of tasks,
[01:32.66]volunteers giving up a little of their spare time to lend a hand.
[01:39.29]If you wish to take part in this worthwhile activity,
[01:45.14]what sort of things would you do?
[01:49.79]Think of the people most in need of help
[01:54.63]and the ways in which help can be given.
[01:59.48]Much of the work of community service
[02:04.34]is concerned with the care of the elderly and the handicapped.
[02:10.38]Old people cannot always redecorate their homes.
[02:16.33]Household repairs,cleaning,preparing food
[02:21.69]or taking care of the garden may all prove difficult.
[02:28.04]Elderly people with failing eyesight are delighted
[02:33.99]if a friend comes in to read or to write letters for them.
[02:39.84]A helping hand and a friendly face can mean a great deal
[02:45.80]to a lonely elderly person.
[02:49.95]Handicapped people may be young or old.
[02:54.99]People confined to wheelchairs
[02:59.25]cannot go out unless somebody takes them.
[03:04.11]Blind children may love swimming
[03:08.97]but they need a sighted swimmer to go with them.
[03:14.40]Some handicapped people may be unable to go out at all
[03:20.96]and a visitor is them more than welcome.
[03:26.32]Voluntary help is needed in hospitals.
[03:31.17]There are library and shop trolleys to be taken round the wards
[03:37.31]and at Christmas time decorations to be put up
[03:42.38]and parties and concerts to be organized.
[03:47.53]Some volunteers help to run playgrounds
[03:52.67]for young children during school holidays
[03:57.22]and also look after children in pre-school play groups.
[04:03.36]What do you do if you want to help?
[04:07.41]Your school may have contact with an outside organization or,
[04:14.77]indeed,run a community service scheme itself.
[04:20.52]In many towns there is a committee
[04:24.57]called the Council of Social Service or the Guild of Social Welfare
[04:31.41]and they will be able to tell you about voluntary activities in the area.
[04:38.36]The Citzens\'Advice Bureau and the Women\'s Royal Voluntary Service
[04:45.49]are other sources of information,as is the public library.
[04:51.66]Churches,the Scouts and other youth organizations
[04:58.29]can tell you about their activities.
[05:02.65]Most large cities in the United Kingdom
[05:07.62]have youth groups for community service,
[05:12.45]for it is here need is greatest.
[05:17.52]If you join such a group,
[05:21.07]you will bring pleasure and hope to people who need your help. 前景大学英语3U4 大学英语U校园听力 大学英语2U校园答案 新标准大学英语U校园 新一代大学英语U校园 U校园大学英语听说4答案 大学英语视听说4U校园 U校


