商业英语口语对话 1_check in

英语听力 2019-07-30 18:11:58 121

[00:00.00]Lesson One           Guest Comes to Register
[00:30.71]第一课               请客人登记
[01:01.41]G:Hi,I\'m here to check in.
[01:05.18]R:You must be Mr.Larson.
[01:09.75]G:Yes,that\'s right.
[01:12.91]R:Welcome to Tianjin International Building.
[01:17.45]Would you please fill out this registration form?
[01:22.02]R:Thank you ...Excuse me,sir.You forgot to fill in your visa number.
[01:28.58]G:Did I?Let me see that...Oh,sorry...Here you are.
[01:32.76]旅客:是吗?让我看看...... 喔,对不起...给你。
[01:36.94]R:And would you sign here,please? Thank you.
[01:42.40]May I see your passport,please ...Thank you.
[01:48.56]Would you mind leaving your passport here for an hour or so?
[01:53.92]We must/have to make a copy of your passport and visa for our records.
[01:59.77]Lesson Two           Guest\'s Visa Is Invalid
[02:14.82]第二课               客人的签证无效。
[02:29.86]R:I\'m sorry,your visa has expired.
[02:33.99]G:What?You\'re kidding!Let me see that...There must be some mistake.
[02:43.74]I don\'t understand how that could be.
[02:48.18]R:I\'m afraid you\'ll need to go to the Public Security Bureau
[02:54.05]to have your visa extended before we can have you check in.
[03:00.51]It\'s not far from here.A taxi can take you there in five minutes.
[03:07.59]Lesson Three         Introducing Facilities
[03:22.81]第三课               介绍设施
[03:38.04]R:You\'re in room 2904.Here are your keys.
[03:45.49]This is the key to your apartment.And this key is for your mailbox.
[03:53.95]The mailboxes are on the other side of this wall.
[03:58.94]This is your temporary I.D.card.
[04:03.38]The real one will be ready in a week or two.
[04:07.82]If you show this,you can get a 10% discount at the restaurants here.
[04:15.48]Also,with this you can use the Health Club for free.
[04:21.72]G:What kind of restaurants are there in your hotel?
[04:27.78]R:At T.I.B.-that\'s what we call Tianjin International Building-
[04:31.52]登记员:在 T.I.B.就是我们说的天津国际大厦
[04:35.25]we have two Chinese restaurants,a Japanese restaurant,
[04:41.91]a western restaurant and bakery.
[04:45.57]The western restaurant is on the first floor.
[04:49.41]Also,there is a supermarket on the second floor,
[04:54.37]the Health Club is on the third floor,
[04:59.13]and the Business Center is on the fourth floor.
[05:03.60]G:I have a question,and I park my car in the back parking lot?
[05:11.25]R:You can contact the Estate Department on the fourth floor about getting a parking permit.
[05:18.41]Lesson Four          Showing Guest to His Room
[05:33.90]第四课               带客人去他的房间
[05:49.39]R:May I show you to your room?
[05:56.49]R:Here,let me help you with your bags.
[06:03.10]R:(if there are blocking the way )Excuse me,may I come through,please
[06:06.07]登记员:(如果客人正 站在电梯前挡住了路)劳驾,过一下行吗?
[06:09.03](in the elevator)Your room is on the 29th floor.
[06:13.11]This way,please.After you.This is your room.
[06:19.35]By the way,you probably know you can\'t drink the tap water.
[06:24.63]You must drink boiled water.Or you can buy bottled water.
[06:30.79]G:Oh,thanks for telling me.
[06:34.45]R:If there\'s anything we can do for you please let us know.
[06:41.61]The extension for the front desk is "6".
[06:49.84]Lesson Five          If Receptionist Is a Lady
[07:05.17]第五课               如果接待员是一位女士
[07:20.50]R:You\'re in room 2902.
[07:25.05]Kenny will help you with your bags./Kenny will show you the way.
[07:28.43]Kenny 会帮助您搬运行李/带您去房间。
[07:31.81]G:Thank you.
[07:35.26]Lesson Six           Guest Wants to Park His Bicycle
[07:50.49]第六课               客人想停放他的自行车
[08:05.72]G:Where can I park my bicycle?
[08:09.38]R:You can park your bicycle under the awning in the back lot,
[08:14.73]but you need to get a bicycle tag first.
[08:18.99]There\'s a one hundred yuan deposit for the bicycle tag.
[08:24.74]You can give the deposit to the cashier,or if you like,
[08:29.70]you can give it to us and we\'ll bring it to the cashier for you,
[08:36.36]then give you the receipt.
[08:39.71]G:Okay.Why don\'t you do it for me?Here you are.
[08:46.86]R:One hundred yuan.Okay.
[08:53.11]We\'ll bring the receipt up to your room when we get it.
[08:57.65]G:Thank you.
[09:01.20]R:(knocks)Hello,Mrs. Lightsey.
[09:03.43]登记员:(敲门)您好,Lightsey 太太,
[09:05.65]Here\'re your bicycle tag,and this is the receipt for your deposit.
[09:12.52]It\'s very important that you keep the receipt
[09:16.77]or you will not be able to get your deposit back when you leave.
[09:22.02]G:All right.Thank you for your help.
[09:27.59]R:My pleasure.

check口语 check out口语 check it 口语 口语里只说一个check check的英文 check俚语 check it out俚语 che


