商业书信英语 第三单元

英语听力 2019-07-30 18:11:55 84

[00:00.00]Relevant Knowledge
[00:02.04]A quotation is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated .It is taken as a non-firm offer.
[00:10.81]he prospective buyer is under no oblugation to buy the goods for which a quotation is requested,
[00:16.95]while the seller is not bound to sell what has been previously quoted if he later decides not to do.
[00:23.17]A quotation in not legally binding thought it contains some qualifying words which function as firm offer do.
[00:32.42]An efficient quotation included the following parts:an expreeeion of thanks for the inquiry,if there is previous inquiry;name of goods,quality,quantity and specifications;
[00:46.86]details of prices,discounts and ters of payment;clear indication of what the peices cover,e.g.packing,transport,agents\' commission,insurances;
[01:01.18]an undertaking as to packing and date of delivery ;anexpression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.
[01:09.38]Simply spesking,an offer is the reply made by a seller to the inquiry by a buyer.
[01:15.60]It has also been the practice for the seller to sell his goods to his regular customers and to new customers who may have interest wothout waiting for an inquiry.
[01:26.60]It must be communicated to the offeree and must clearly undertake a performance definite as to all essential terms.
[01:37.07]Firm offers are make when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price and within a stated time.
[01:45.56]A price quotation is not an offer due to lacking an express promise to sell.
[01:51.83]Like advertisements ,catalogues,and circular letters ,it invites buyers\' offers or orders ,but they do not make them.
[02:02.02]A price quotation is not a legally binding promise.
[02:05.94]But if it is made subjest to certain condition of acceptance like with the words.
[02:11.74]for acceptance within 5 days,this quotation is valid for 31 days or similar qualifying words ,it will turn into somewhat of a firm offer.
[02:23.41]A firm offer is a contractual obligation.
[02:27.41]Therefore ,once it had been accepted unconditionally within the term of validity it cannot be withdrawn.
[02:34.93]Firm offers should be provided with two major requirements.
[02:39.14]First,in firm offers the writer encloses complete,affirmative,specific,terms of business.
[02:45.51]The major condition of the contract are required as to names of goods,Quality,specification,prices,quantity,time of delivery,shipping,terms of payment,packing and insurance.
[02:59.70]In the case of the regular customers ,as the twwo sides are aeare of the habitual practices which has come into being in a loing-term cooperation they needn\'t negotiate all the detal/il one by one.
[03:15.11]instead ,they put it briefly with words Other terms and conditions same as usual.
[03:21.27]Second,the beginning and the ending sate and place of the valifity must be given.
[03:25.35]For an offer will lose its binding force if it goes beyond the validity date.
[03:30.47]If the offeree disagree the terms from the offerer partly or completely
[03:37.08]he may make a counter offer in which he may show dissatisfaction as to the price,or the date of delivery,or terms of payment and make modifications instead.
[03:52.72]A counter offer must be written very explicicitly and very carefully in order to avoid misunderstanding.
[04:00.82]A sales leter is a means of advertising.
[04:05.16]Its purpose is to sell particular kinds of goods or services to selected eypes of customers.
[04:11.98]A competent seles letter catches readers\' attention all at once to what the writer is saying and makes them eager to try the product.
[04:22.32]try any ways to convince the readers that the product is well worth your claims.
[04:27.81]Showing round the factory and or the showroom ,goods on approval are relatively advisable.
[04:35.07]Is the cloding paragraph you should induce the readers to follow your advice practically.
[04:40.63]Put it your mind throughtout writing the sales letter that an order of the product is being expected to follow.
[04:48.97]So providing with a good excuse in the closing paragraph is indispensable for readers to answer your leter.
[04:58.21]Opening Sentence
[05:00.43]We know your firm ,through your advertising in an English newspaper China Daily,id leading exporter of textiles ,if yourprice is acceptablel eithout sacrificing the quality,we can close a deal.
[05:17.91]We have studied your offer carefully and consulted our home office and find your price is 5 percent higher than thise offered by other suppliers.
[05:29.40]As a leading trading company,we have well-established distribution channels ,enabling us to place a substantial order,would you please first give us an indication of price.
[05:42.52]We are informed in your leter of 3 February that ourprice for the work is too high to work on,since French goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 5% lower than that quoted by us.
[05:57.22]Thank you for your inquiry of 1 June and,as requested,we enclose samples of different patterns of crockey.We are pleased to quote as follows:
[06:08.35]Your inquiry of 7 December is now having our attention and we will let you have our ofer in a few days.
[06:16.87]We have lately received many requests for your hats and have good reason to believe that we could place regular orders with you  provused you offer competitive perices.
[06:28.60]I am sorry to find that we have not received an order from you over long time.
[06:35.05]Middle Part
[06:37.22]All quotation are subject to our final confirmation.
[06:41.50]Please note that we have quited our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.
[06:50.17]Though we do not doubt what you say,we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to ours.
[06:59.37]We agree to your proposed terms for this transaction in order to strengthen our relations.
[07:06.08]Please do not hesitate to make good use of this limited offer.
[07:11.57]We hope that your prices will be workable and the business will materialize to our mutual advantage.
[07:18.86]Desirous as we are to expand our business with you,we fell very regretful that we cann\'t accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.
[07:30.35]Our products are popular not only because they have light weight ,but also durability after being apecially treated.
[07:40.09]As regards sportswear shirts ans wash-and-wear cotton shirts ,we would inform you that 10 parcels we have at present are under offer elsewhere.
[07:50.80]These hats are of superior quality and can be supplied in range of designs and colors wide enough to meet the rrquirements of your customers.
[08:00.97]Closing Sentence
[08:03.55]We can promise delivery within 5 days feom receiving your order,and hope you will find both samples and peices satisfactory.
[08:13.17]However you may avail yourselves of the advantage of this strengthening market if you will send us an immediate reply.
[08:22.36]We are giving you the first chance in view of your previous order,but we should appreciate a prompt reply so that we can put the offer out in the event of your not being interested.
[08:35.66]We feel sure you will dind a ready sale for this excellent material,and that you customers will be well satisfied with it.
[08:45.87]We hope these terms are satisfactory to you and look forward to the pleasure of your order.
[08:51.62]Appreciation of Selected Business Letters
[08:55.25]Dear Sirs:
[08:57.00]We trust you recrived our catalogue,price-list and brochure,sent to you on the 18 October.
[09:03.45]We have forwarded under separate cover a list of price reductions available.
[09:08.52]We would like to inform you especially of price reduction for our office furniture,which came into effect on November 1.
[09:18.37]These price reductions were made possible by currency fluctuations,
[09:24.40]in particular with the decline in the value of sterling against most major currencies.
[09:30.20]The price reductions apply to other markets in Europe,so we expect demand to increase.
[09:38.25]this may mean our limited stocks may become depleted.
[09:42.35]To avoid delay in dispatch perhaps you would like to order as soon as possible.
[09:47.36]A fax message would be the best method of communication,since we could then beginst pack the required goods ready fir dispach.
[09:57.21]Yours truly.
[09:59.43]Words and Expressions:
[10:01.47]solid tyre
[10:03.82]air-filled tyre-punctures
[10:07.27]racing car driver
[10:09.57]test driver
[10:14.97]Dear Mr.Wood
[10:17.09]Reports from all over the world confirm what we have always known that the RELIANCE solid tyre is the fulfillment of every car owner\'s dream.
[10:30.91]You will naturally be well aware of the weakness of the ordinary air-filled tyre-punctures,split outer covers under sudden stress,and a tendency to skid on wet road surfaces ,
[10:46.77]to mention only a few motorists\' main complaints.
[10:50.92]Our RELIANCE tyre enables you to offer your customers a tyre which is beyond criticism in those vital qualities of road--holding and reliability.
[11:03.98]We could tell you a lot more about RELIANCE tyres,but would prefer you to read the enclosed copies of reports from racing car driver,test drivers and motor dealers and manufacturers.
[11:20.39]These reports really speak for themselves.
[11:24.23]You are already aware of our terms of dealing,but to encourage you to hold a stock of the new solid RELIANCE ,we are pleased to offer you a special discount or 3% on any order recrived by 31 July.
[11:41.00]Yours sincerely.
[11:43.84]The enclosed new price list reveals a number of increases.
[11:47.84]A few figures will quickly tell you why these quotation leave us a reasonable margin of profit.
[11:54.55]Today our overheads are 40% per cent higher than a year ago.
[11:59.12]Of the more than one hundred ingredients we utilize,not a single one has failed to advance in cost.
[12:07.61]The range of these increases runs from 20 to 60 per cent.
[12:11.77]To keep in step with these wide spread increases,we have had to raise our prices accordingly.
[12:19.29]I am sure you will understand.
[12:21.75]Truly yours.

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