商务英语300句mp3 Unit 8 Discount and Commission

英语听力 2019-07-30 18:11:32 105
Discount and Commission

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Brief Introduction








Basic Expressions


A. Commission


1. Please quote us lowest price C.I.F. Los Angeles inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.

请报洛杉矶包括我方5% 佣金在内的最低到岸价格,并告知最早的 装船日期。


 2. In view of our long-standing business relationship, we would like to allow you another 2% commission for further promotion of our products.

考虑到我们之间长期的贸易关系,我们愿再给你方百分之二的佣金, 以进一步推销我们的产品。



3. We shall remit you a 5% commission of invoice value after payment is effected.



4. We request you to deduct our commission from the invoice.



5. Please grant us a 4% commission as a special consideration.



6. We usually pay our agents a 5% commission of the value for each deal.



7. We could make an arrangement with you, not a special discount.



8. Moreover, when other customers get to know it, they are likely to raise questions.



9. Usually we pay commission on the basis of C.I.F. value.



10. A five-percent commission will certainly help you in pushing your sales.



11. From other suppliers, we get a higher commission rate for the business in this line.



12. We regret that we can’t allow you a 5% commission.



 13. We will give you back a 5% commission by check.



14. We are anxious to know your usual practice in giving commission.



15. I’m afraid it goes against the usual commercial practice not to allow a commission.



16. It’s really impossible for us to make any concession by allowing you any commission.



17. As commission agents we do business on a commission basis.



18. We wish to be your agent in our district if the commission rate is favorable.



19. You may invoice the goods at contract price minus 3% commission.



20. The commission shall be paid either by means of goods covered under this contract or by check.



B. Discount


1. We give a ten percent discount for cash payment.



2. Right now, jeans are at a discount.



3. We are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compen- sate for the trouble we have caused.



4. The highest discount we can allow you on this article is 10%.



5. We have replaced the broken glassware. In addition, we offered the customer a 4% discount.



6. We hope to enlarge our trade with your country and intend to grant you a 5% discount.



7. Having given it a further thought, we think that 5% special dis- count on price will help you enlarge your trade in Africa.

经过深入地考虑,我们认为百分之五的特别折扣将有助于你们扩大 在非洲的贸易。


8. We are prepared to allow you a special discount of 3% if your order exceeds $5,000.



9. A discount can be deducted from the unit price.



10. The 5% discount can be deducted from the L/C and after shipment we will send you a check to cover the 3% commission.

百分之五的折扣可从开立的信用证中扣除。装运后,我方会再寄给 你们支票支付百分之三的佣金。


11. To be frank with you, a discount of 4% wouldn’t help very much.



12. We usually get 5% to 10% discount from our suppliers.



13. If your order is large enough, we can allow you a higher discount on our price.



14. Because of their poor quality, we have to sell the goods at a 5% discount.



15. It was only after much persuasion that the buyer finally agreed to accept the goods at a discount of 10% off the quoted price.





Dialogue 1


A: Hello, Mr. Kubat. I am glad to meet you here at the fair.

B: Likewise. Take a seat, please. How about a cup of tea?

A: Good. Thank you. It seems your business is prosperous. So many customers here.

B: Yes, not too bad. Our sales are going up year after year. And we still have a large potential production capacity.

A: Well, do you think of choosing a commission representative or agent abroad to promote your sales?

B: That’s a good idea. So far, we have several agents abroad.

A: We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-tools. What’s your idea?

B: It coincides with our desire.

A: Then, what’s your usual commission rate for your agents?

B: Usually, we give a commission of 3% to our agents.

A: 3% is too low, I think. You see, we have a lot of work to do in promoting the sales, such as advertising on radio or TV, printing booklets, leaflets, catalogues and so on. It all costs. 3% is not enough.

B: Don’t worry. We’ll allow you a higher commission rate if your sales score a substantial increase.

A: You mean to say……

B: Now, if you sell US$ 2 million worth of hand-tools annually, we can only allow 3% commission. If the annual turnover exceeds US$ 5 million, you can get 5% commission. What do you think of that?

A: It sounds OK. Then how do you pay the commission?

B: We may deduct the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment.

A: All right. If it is okay,we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately.

B: Think it over. We hope to keep a good business relationship with you.

A: Thank you for your help.


-- 你好,库巴特先生,很高兴在本届交易会上见到你。

-- 我也很高兴。请坐,喝杯茶好吗?

-- 好,谢谢。看起来生意很兴旺,这么多客户光临。

-- 是的,还可以。销量年年递增,我们的生产潜力还很大。

-- 哦,你们是否想在国外选择一家代办商或代理人为你们推销产品?

-- 这个主意不错。不过,目前我们在国外已有几家代理人。

-- 我们愿意在泰国做你方的手工工具代理人。不知你们意见如何?

-- 这正合我们的心意。

-- 那么,你们通常给代理人的佣金率是多少?


-- 我认为百分之三太低了。你知道,为了推销你方的产品,我们要做 很多的工作。比如,在电台或电视上做广告,印刷小册子、传单和 商品目录等。这一切花销,百分之三是不够的。

-- 别担心,如果你们的销量大幅度增长,我们会给予更高的佣金。

-- 您的意思是……

-- 如你方手工工具的年销量为二百万美元,我们只能给百分之三的佣金。如果年销量超过五百万美元,你就可得到百分之五的佣金,你看如何?

-- 这还差不多。那么,佣金如何支付?

-- 我们可以直接从发票金额中扣除佣金,或在付款后汇给你方。

-- 那好。如果可以,我们会与你们立即签订代理协议。

-- 好好考虑一下,我们希望与你方保持良好的贸易关系。

-- 谢谢你们的关照。



Dialogue 2


A: Mr. Kirkman, I’ve considered the offer you made me yesterday. I must point out that your price is much higher than other offers we’ve received.


B: Well, it may appear a little higher, but the quality of our products is much better than that of other suppliers. You must take this into consideration.


A: I agree with you on this point. That’s why we like doing business with you. This time I intend to place a large order but business is almost impossible unless you give me a discount.


B: If so, we’ll certainly give you a discount. But how large is the order you intend to place with us?


A: 80,000 sets with a discount rate of 20%.


B: I am afraid I can not agree to such a big discount. Such a discount won’t leave us anything. Our maximum is 10%.


-- 柯克蒙先生,我已考虑过你昨天的报价了。我得指出你们的价格比 我们收到的其他报价高很多。


-- 可能显得高一点,但我们的产品质量要比其他供应商的好。你应该 考虑到这一点。


-- 这点我同意。那也是为什么我们喜欢和你们做生意。此次我们想下 订一个大订单,但你们要给我一个折扣,否则很难成交。


-- 既然如此,我们当然会给你们一个折扣。但你们要订购多少呢?


-- 八万套,折扣百分之二十。


-- 我恐怕不能同意给这么高的折扣。给这样一个折扣,我们就无利可图了。我们最高给百分之十。


A: Oh, Mr. Kirkman, you see, with such a large order on hand, you needn’t worry anymore. You don’t have to take in new orders. Think it over. We are old friends.


B: Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall grant you a special discount of 10%. As you know, we do business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


A: Yes, I also hope we do business on mutually beneficial basis. But 10% discount is not enough for such a big order.


B: Only for very special customers do we allow them a rate of 10% discount. Besides, the price of this product tends to go up. There is a heavy demand for it.


A: Yes, I know the present tendency. Anyhow, let’s meet each other halfway, how about 15%?


B: You are a real businesswoman! All right, I agree to give you a 15% discount provided you order 100,000 sets.


A: Ok, I accept.


-- 柯克蒙先生,手头有这么大一个订单,你都不必再担心了。你们都 不必接新订单了。好好想一想吧,我们都是老朋友了。


-- 考虑到我们长期的贸易关系,我们才给你百分之十的特别折扣。你 知道,我们是在平等互利的基础上做交易的。


-- 是的,我们也希望在互利的基础上做交易。但是,这么大一笔订 单,百分之十的折扣是不够的。


-- 只有对十分特殊的客户,我们才给予百分之十的折扣。另外,这一 产品的价格日趋上升,需求旺盛。

-- 是的,我知道目前市场的趋势。不管怎样,我们互让一下,给百分之十五怎么样?


-- 你真是个名副其实的商人。好吧,我同意给百分之十五的折扣,但你得订购十万套才行。


-- 好,我接受。



Words and Expressions



commission [kE5miFEn] 佣金


concession [ kEn5seFEn ] 让步


consignment [ kEn5sainmEnt ] 货物


deduct [ di5dQkt ] 扣除


embarrassing [ im5bArEsiN ] 令人为难的


grant [^rB:nt] 许可,答应


head office 总公司


make a compromise 妥协


make oneself clear 表达清楚


general practice 惯例


profit margin 利润率


distributor [dis5tribjutE] 经销商

hand-tools 手工具

commission agent 佣金代理商

credit inf.mp3ation 资信情况



1. potential production capacity/potential market 潜在生产力/潜在市场


2. It’s really impossible for us to make any concession by allowing you any commission. 我们真的很难在佣金问题上作出任何让步。


make concession 意为“做出让步”


例:I don’t think I’ll make any concession in this matter.





3. pay




We believe you will pay our draft on presentation.




b. 合算,划算


It doesn’t pay to buy in small quantities. 小量购买不合算。


c. 给予


Special attention should be paid to the outer packaging. 要特别注意外包装。


 4. agree


a. agree to (to 为介词)对建议、办法、条件等同意或接受


We agree to your t.mp3s of payment. 我们同意你的付款条件/付款方式。


b. agree to (to 为不定式)


We agree to open (establish) L/C at once. 我们同意立即开立信用证。

c. agree with 同意某人的意见,一致

He agrees with what I say. 他同意我所说的。

d. agree on (upon) 双方同意或商定

We agreed on sharing the expenses. 我们同意分担费用。

e. agree (后可接 that 从句,其中 that可省略)


We agree that extra expenses are to be borne by both parties.




A Specimen Letter


Letter One


Dear Sir:


We have received your letter of Jan. 12th, regarding commission on the sale of the above-mentioned goods.


As a rule, we usually grant 3% commission on this particular article. However, considering the difficulty you may meet with and your efforts in pushing sales of our products, we agree to raise your commission to 5%, in order to help you open the market at your end.


Yours faithfully,











Letter Two



Dear Sir:

Your letter of April 20th inquiring about the discount is to hand.


As a rule, we do not grant any discount for small orders. However in regard to your order that is sufficiently large this time, we shall be pleased to give you a 6% discount, but this is not to be taken as a precedent.


As you are perhaps aware, our lighters are good in quality and cheap in price. So it pays to purchase from us in large quantities.


We shall welcome you to Beijing again and will do all we can to make your stay a pleasure one. We look forward to signing the contract with you at an early date.


With best regards.









Substitution Drills


1 Mr. Green, I’d like to discuss the discount.

I’d like to talk about commission







2 How much discount do you intend to give us?




你们打算给我们多少 折扣?





3 It is very difficult for us to further lower our price.











Business Representation


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