
英语听力 2019-07-28 00:11:32 96

After scheduling delays, wiring problems, and order cancellations, the Airbus A380 super-jumbo jet is finally ready to fly. For its maiden voyage, a Lufthansa A380 took about 400 Lufthansa and Airbus employees and 60 reporters and photographers from Frankfurt to New York\'s JFK airport. Arriving early, the plane had to circle for 20 minutes to wait for the media crews to be ready. Los Angeles officials also arranged for a Quantas A380 to land there the same day, but with no passengers. The A380 is certified to carry up to 853 passengers, but most Airbus customers said that they will put no more than 550 passengers on, giving first class passengers more room. No American airlines have plans to buy the $300 million plane, but other airlines serving several American airports will be taking their A380s there.

空中客车 空中客车A220 空中客车A310 空中客车A390 空中客车a380 空中客车A340 空中客车A350 空中客车A319 空中客车和波音哪个好


