闪电学商务英语 Part 15 销售

英语听力 2019-07-27 00:11:29 67
[00:00.00]Products x can find a ready market in our country.
[00:03.71]Chinese fruits are very popular in the market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.
[00:10.58]This product is a best seller.
[00:13.21]There is no market for these articles.
[00:17.10]Your bicycles find a ready market here.
[00:20.59]There is a good market for these goods.
[00:23.69]Do you know how to increase the sale of your product?
[00:26.78]They are doing their utmost to broaden the market.
[00:30.02]Our demand for this product is on the increase.
[00:33.91]There is a poor market for these articles.
[00:36.94]We are trying to find a market for this article.
[00:39.71]The market situation is not known to us.
[00:42.62]Advertisement has a close bearing on sales.
[00:45.94]More information helps to find outlets for our products.
[00:50.18]According to your estimate,what is the maximum annual sale amount?
[00:55.01]Your market still has great potential.
[00:56.47]你们的市场仍有很大潜力。 商务英语销售 商务英语推销产品 商务英语口语对话销售 商务英语 对商务英语的认识 商务英语是干什么的 商务英语介绍 销售的英语 商务英语常用


