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英语听力 2019-07-26 12:11:31 99
[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!English by Xu Guozhang
[00:10.79]Lesson 29 Text A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER
[00:28.21]Mrs.Cox teaches English in a high school in San Francisco,
[00:37.07]a big city on the West Coast of the United States.
[00:43.52]She had wanted to become a teacher when she was young.
[00:51.17]She has taught eight years now and always enjoyed her work.
[00:58.62]A school day at Mrs.Cox\'s high school
[01:06.27]is divided into six periods of one hour each.
[01:13.25]Mrs.Cox teaches five of these six periods.
[01:20.40]During her "free" period from 2 to 3 p.m.,
[01:27.85]Mrs.Cox has to meet with parents,order supplies,make out examinations,
[01:38.51]check assignments,and take care of many other things.
[01:45.46]So Mrs.Cox works steadily
[01:51.23]from the time she arrives at school in the morning
[01:57.39]until she leaves for home late in the afternoon,
[02:03.85]and her "free" period isn\'t really free at all.
[02:10.38]An English teacher usually divides her time among three subjects:
[02:20.43]language(grammar,punctuation,spelling,etc.),composition,and literature.
[02:31.61]Mrs.Cox\'s favourite subject is literature,
[02:38.15]and her most exciting classes are those on the literature of Black Americans.
[02:46.90]For Mrs.Cox,like most of the students in her school,is Black.
[02:55.86]In her sixth period today,
[03:02.80]Mrs.Cox taught a poem by a well-known Black writer in the United States.
[03:11.27]She wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it aloud.
[03:18.43]No sooner had she finished reading the poem
[03:26.60]than students\' questions began pouring in.
[03:32.35]One boy said the poem was heartbreakingly sad.
[03:39.51]Another student,a girl,said she had read a book by the same writer,
[03:48.96]but she wasn\'t able to enjoy it as much as her mother did,
[03:54.81]and she didn\'t know why.
[03:59.05]A third,a keen viewer of TV theatre recognized a phrase in the poem
[04:09.78]which had been used as the title of a recent play.
[04:15.84]As she answered the questions,
[04:21.62]Mrs.Cox made sure that her students understood every line of the poem.
[04:30.08]She asked them to discuss if the poem contained any message.
[04:38.13]The discussion became so lively that no one wanted to stop when the bell rang.
[04:46.48]Some said there was no message,some said there was,
[04:54.35]some said it really didn\'t matter,and the class ended at that.
[05:02.89]As she drove home,Mrs.Cox thought about the class she had just left.
[05:12.76]Today she could feel good about what she had accomplished as a teacher.
[05:21.31]Not one of her students looked bored.
[05:26.87]Every one of them seemed interested in the poem.
[05:33.04]Once they started to talk,they forgot about the time.
[05:40.30]She did not have to make them learn;
[05:46.25]she only had to answer their questions and to guide the discussion.
[05:53.70]This,she thought to herself,is what teaching is all about!
[06:01.64]Notes to the Text
[06:12.69]high school
[06:27.84]junior high school
[06:39.02]a high school junior
[06:49.29]senior high school
[06:59.45]a high school senior
[07:10.00]secondary school
[07:35.26]middle school
[08:03.60]A school day at Mrs.Cox\'s high school
[08:11.44]is divided into six periods of one hour each.
[08:44.59]one hour each
[08:57.34]These ties are 50 Yuan each.
[09:06.17]According to the text,Mrs.Cox teaches five of the six periods,
[09:15.91]and she is free from 2 to 3 p.m..
[09:21.16]So,what does she do during this free period? Let\'s see---
[09:29.21]Mrs.Cox has to meet with parents,order supplies,make out examinations,
[09:41.77]check assignments and take care of many other things.
[10:03.72]has to
[10:20.88]meet with
[10:34.57]make out
[10:42.01]make out examinations
[11:00.32]I want to order some books by mail.
[11:10.90]You can order a plane ticket by telephone.
[11:21.95]A waitress came to take our order.
[11:39.01]Have you placed an order with that company?
[11:50.84]make out a cheque for 100 pounds
[12:11.72]make out a receipt

[12:19.87]make out a list of reference books
[12:37.71]So Mrs.Cox works steadily from the time she arrives at school in the morning
[12:47.87]until she leaves for home late in the afternoon.
[13:05.53]from the time...until...
[13:33.17]leaves for...
[13:41.92]and her "free" period isn\'t really free at all.
[13:55.97]at all
[14:10.13]This is not at all difficult.
[14:19.79]An English teacher usually divides her time among three subjects,
[14:41.35]language(grammar,punctuation,spelling etc.)composition and literature.
[14:52.58]an English teacher
[15:07.13]divides her time
[15:18.18]among(  )---including
[16:02.04]And her most exciting classes are those on the literature of Black Americans.
[16:23.51]most exciting
[16:52.56]Black Americans
[17:06.22]a black
[17:22.47]She wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it aloud.
[17:46.53]read aloud
[17:53.29]No sooner had she finished reading the poem,
[18:05.68]than students\' questions began pouring in.
[18:18.34]no sooner...than...
[19:18.74]I had no sooner closed my eyes,than the telephone rang.
[19:33.92]No sooner had he got off the train ,than it began to rain.
[20:02.97]A third,a keen viewer of TV theatre recognized a phrase in the poem
[20:29.32]which had been used as the title of a recent play.
[21:16.19]Mrs.Cox is very encouraging,instead of explaining the poem herself,
[21:25.43]she wants her students to find out about the meaning of the poem.
[21:38.91]She asked them to discuss if the poem contained any message.
[22:06.58]I don\'t know if he\'ll come tomorrow.
[22:15.93]And the class ended at that.
[22:37.48]As she drove home,Mrs.Cox thought about the class she had just left.
[23:12.93]Once they started to talk they forgot about the time.
[23:35.50]Once you lose it,you lose it forever.
[23:47.75]He never changes his mind once he has dedided upon something.
[24:03.40]"This,"she thought to herself,"is what teaching is all about."
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