56. Baby Trouble p.383

英语听力 2019-07-24 12:11:33 132
    Betty is talking to her husband Dan
B: Don\'t you think it\'s time that we had a baby?
D: We\'re much better off without children. Think of all the trouble raising them.
B: But it\'s only natural that married couples have babies.
D: I don\'t want any brats who\'ll run around the house breaking things.
B: Then I\'ll have a baby by myself.
D: Don\'t be ridiculous. That\'s not possible.
B: Yes, it is. I can adopt or go to the sp.mp3 bank or…
D: Stop! Are you crazy? I forbid it.
B: Then, can we have a baby together?
D: Ok. You win.

Baby is a t.mp3 of ende.mp3ent.    The baby is so cute.
It\'s (about,high) time that he went asleep. 从句用虚拟
much better off 好多了   从well off引出,日子过的好
grocery store 杂货店
Many students have trouble/difficulty (in可省略) writing English.
toad  癞蛤蟆
brat 顽皮的小孩   kid(口语)   naughty,mischievous      Nobody likes mischievous children.
ridiculous = nonsensical 无意义的,荒谬的     
ridicule = tease v.嘲笑,奚落    The scientists ridiculed the professor\'s theory.

Baby Babyface baby5 angela baby come baby baby song oh baby Babycare p p


