刘毅词汇5000 vocabulary 5000 lesson 14

英语听力 2019-07-23 18:12:01 86


1.Amaze v.使惊讶 同:surprise
They were all amazed at the mighty power of nature.

2.Bargain n. 1.协定 同:contract 2.廉价货
The boys made a bargain with one another to exchange baseball gloves.
These good shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.

3.Belongings n.财产 同:possessions
She packed all her belongings in a box and took them with her.

4.Besiege v. 1.围攻 同:attack 2.围困 同:congregate
Troy was besieged by the Greeks for ten years.
The teacher was besieged with the questions and requests from pupils.

5.Fowl n.家禽 同:poultry
I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl.

6.Harsh adj.刺耳 同:coarse
At the end of the football game, the cheer leader’s voice became harsh.

7.Menace n.威胁 同:intimidation
The crossroad in front of the school is a menace to the children’s safety.

8.Rapture n.出神 同:ecstasy
The beauty of the sunset filled everybody with rapture.

9.Renowned adj.著名的 同:famous
Ladies and gentlemen, now I will introduce to you the renowned star of the stage and screen, John Wayne.

10.Stool n.凳子 同:chair
I pulled the stool near the wall to hang a picture.

11.Verify v.证明 同:certify
We will repeat the experiment twice in order to verify the results.

12.Abnormal adj.异常的 反:normal
His abnormal behavior shows that something is wrong.

13.Abundance n.丰富 反:shortage
At the party there was food and drink in abundance.

14.Apprentice n.学徒 反:expert
He worked seven years at the printing company as an apprentice.

15.Bearable adj.可忍受的 反:intolerable
She said to the doctor that her pain would be just bearable.

16.Immortal adj.不朽的 反:dying
Most people believe that a man’s body dies but his soul is immortal.

17.Innumerable adj.无数的 反:countable
The sun is one of the innumerable stars in the universe.

18.Preliminary adj.预备的 反:consequent
The chairman made a preliminary statement before beginning the main business meeting.

19.Remote adj.遥远的 反:near
Some of your statements are rather remote from the subject we are discussing.

20.Repose n.休息;睡眠 反:work
His brief repose was interrupted by her sudden arrival.

21.Shrewd adj.精明的 反:stupid
Although he had no formal education, he is one of the shrewd businessmen in the steel company.

22.Temporary adj.临时的 反:permanent
He has a temporary job, which ends in two weeks,

23.Automatic adj.自动的
An automatic timer turns the street light on at night and off in the morning.

24.Comprehend v.理解
The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning.

25.Cordial adj.真诚的
When one of his former students visited him, the teacher gave him a cordial welcome.

26.Elaborate 1. adj.精心的 2. v.详细拟定
The scientists made an elaborate plan for landing a man on the moon.
The inventor elaborated his plan for a new engine, spending several months in his laboratory.

27.Expire v.期满
His term of office as president will expire next year.

28.External adj. 1.外在的 2.国外的
He judges people by mere external clothes rather than internal character.
This newspaper doesn’t pay enough attention to external affairs.

29.Glorify v.赞美
Singing hymns is one of the ways to glorify god.

30.Priority n.优先
The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those slightly hurt.

31.Reliable adj.可信赖的
Send the boy to the bank for money; he is a reliable boy.

32.repetition n.反复
Repetition of the sentence helped him to memorize it.

33.Survive v.残留
Only three of the fifty passengers survived the shipwreck,

34.Behalf n.代表
My husband can’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on his behalf.

35.Breed v.饲养
The farmer breeds cattle and horses for market,

36.Disguise v.掩饰 n.伪装
She disguised her writing by writing with her left hand.
The thief wore a false beard and glasses as a disguise.

37.Domain n. 1.版图 2.知识领域
The king is respected throughout his domain.
I can’t answer your question about photography; it ‘s not in my domain.

38.Morsel n.少量
The dinner must have been good because there is not even a morsel of it left over.

39.Routine n.惯例
Getting up and going to bed are parts of your daily routine.

40.Transit n.通行
The points of transit from one country to another are carefully guarded.

41.Transform 改观
That dress transforms her from a little girl into a young lady.

42.Ultimate adj.最终的
Her ultimate goal is to receive her degree and return to her country to work as a teacher.

43.Warily adv.留心的
The hikers climbed warily up the dangerous path.


1.The boys went hunting for pheasant and other wild _____.
2.Many students find _____ jobs during their summer holidays.
3.The lawyer knows all the tricks ; he is very _____.
4.It is _____ for a baby to have teeth at the age of two months.
5.I believe whatever he says because he is very _____.
6.We _____ although others died in the traffic accident.
7.Great Britain is large island _____ under the Crown of England.
8.He went among the enemy in the ______ of an enemy soldier.
9.The young mother gazed at the newborn baby with _____.
10.All members of the family except _____ relatives were invited to his birthday party.

1. fowls 2. temporary 3. shrewd 4. abnormal 5. reliable
6. survived 7. domain 8. disguise 9. rapture 10.remote

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