vacabulary 5000 lesson 6

英语听力 2019-07-23 12:12:30 108


1.Avenue n.大街 同:road
Many people walked down the avenue through the center of the park.

2.Bestow v.赠予 同:confer
The president of the college bestowed honors on the best students.

3.Brim 1.n.(杯,碗,盘等的)边 同:brink 2.n.(帽的)缘
Please don’t fill my cup up to the brim.
The wide brim of her hat protected her face from the sun.

4.Drastic adj.激烈的 同:extreme
Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of the country.

5.Insight n.洞察力 同:penetration
We study science to gain insight into the world we live in.

6.Plea n.1辩解 同:pretext 2.恳求
The driver’s plea was that he did not see the stop sign.
The kind man answered her plea for aid.

7.Prestige n.声望 同:reputation
The doctor had great prestige among the members of his profession.

8.Ripple n.涟漪 同:wave
Throw a stone into still water and watch the ripples spread in rings.

9.Shrill adj.声音尖锐的 同:sharp
The boys mother shouted his name in a shrill voice.

10.Stray v.迷路 同:wander
The little lamb had strayed from the flock; we couldn’t find it.

11.Trend n.趋势 同:tendency
The trend of modern living is away from many old customs.

12.Wreath n.花环 同:garland
Many people hang wreaths on the window at Christmas.

13.Abstract adj.抽象的 反:concrete
Some authors are not popular because their writings are too abstract.

14.Accumulate v.积聚 反:scatter
Through the years he accumulated sufficient money to buy a farm.

15.Ample adj.充足的;广大的 反:scanty
He has received ample praise for the work he did.

16.Corrupt adj.腐败的 反:conscientious
If a government official accepts money to do things that he ought not to do, we say that he is corrupt.

17.Extinct adj.灭种的 反:existent
Many animals that lived thousands of years ago are now extinct.

18.Illuminate v. 1.照明 反:darken 2.说明
The room was illuminated by four large lamps.
Our interesting teacher could illuminate almost any subject we studied.

19.Incredible adj.难以置信的 反believable
These results are incredible; I can’t believe that they are accurate.

20.Lament v.哀悼 反:rejoice
All the people lamented the death of their President.

21.Profound adj.极深的 反:shallow
Having taken the medicine, he fell into a profound sleep,

22.Systematic adj.有系统的;有组织的 反:disorderly
They made a systematic search for the lost car.

23.Vivid adj.鲜明的 反:dull
The terrible car accident is still vivid in my mind.

24.Betray v. 1.辜负;出卖 2.显示
She betrayed her friends by breaking her promise.
The boys wet shoes betrayed the fact that he had walked in the rain.

25.Comical adj.滑稽的
That’s a comical hat you’re wearing, with all those flowers!

26.Drowsy adj.昏昏欲睡
Warm weather makes everyone become drowsy.

27.Embarrass v.使困窘
They were embarrassed because there was not enough food for all the guests.

28.Fabric n. 1.布;质地 2.结构
Suits and dresses are made of cloths of different fabric.
The whole fabric of society was changed by the war.

29.Hesitate v.犹豫
I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the whole story.

30.Pregnant adj.怀孕的
The newly wedded woman has been pregnant for five month.

31.React v.反应
He reacted to my question with much surprise.

32.Repulse v.击退
Our soldiers repulsed the enemy forces, which invaded the front line area.

33.Tenant n.客房
That building has apartments for one hundred tenants.

34.Unconscious adj.无知觉的
He was knocked unconscious when the car struck him.

35.Aristocrat n.贵族
For many years only aristocrats were members of the government.

36.Biography n.传记
After reading a biography of Lincoln I was able to tell many stories about the President.

37.Channel n.海峡;水道
There’s a channel in the middle of the old street to help water flow away when it rains.

38.Cherish v. 1.珍爱 2.怀抱(希望等)
The old woman cherishes the girl as if she were her daughter.
All the women cherished the hope of their husband’s safe return from fishing on the sea.

39.Daze v.使晕眩
A blow on the head dazed him so that he could not find his way home.

40.Dismay v.惊慌
He was dismayed by the sight of the burning house.

41.Haul v.拖
The logs were loaded on the wagons and hauled to the mill by horses.

42.Mess n.肮脏的一团
I’ve never seen so much mess and disorder anywhere.

43.Mound n.土堆
The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them.

44.Ranch n.大农场
The children spent the summer vocation on their grandfather’s ranch.

45.Repeal v.撤消
The new government repealed many old laws.

46.Rumble n.隆隆声
She was awakened during the storm by the rumbles of thunder.

47.Tuck v.折;卷
She tucked up her shirt and climbed over the fence.


1.His _____ rose when the boys learned that his father was a ship’s captain.
2.The best _____ to success is hard work.
3.His story of having seen a ghost seemed _____ to his family.
4.The _____ judge accepted money to let the prisoner go unpunished.
5.The big searchlight _____ a spot a mile away.
6.She _____ me by asking me whether I really liked her.
7.A man who _____ his country deserves the death penalty.
8.The mother was _____ when her son confessed he had robbed a store.
9.She _____ her wedding ring throughout her life.
10.Congress is discussing whether that law should be _____ or not.

1. prestige 2. avenue 3. incredible 4. corrupt 5. illuminates
6. embarrassed 7. betrays 8. dismayed 9. cherished 10.repealed

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