刘毅词汇5000 vocabulary 5000 lesson 8

英语听力 2019-07-23 12:12:15 124


1.Abrupt adj. 1.突然的 同:sudden 2.陡峭的
He made an abrupt turn to avoid hitting another car.
The road made an abrupt rise up the hill.

2.Acknowledge 承认 同:admit 函谢;承认收到
I am sure that she will soon acknowledge her own faults.
We should always acknowledge gifts as soon as we receive them.

3.Beware v.小心 同:heed
You should beware of bad companions; they may corrupt you.

4.Dwell v.定居 同:reside
They dwell in the country but work in the city.

5.Endow v. 1.捐赠 同:donate 2.赋予
The rich man endowed the college he had attended.
Nature endowed her with both a good mind and good looks.

6.Pathetic adj.可怜的 同:pitible
The lost child I met on the street was very pathetic.

7.Reap v.收割 同:harvest
Giant machines reap the wheat grown in the field.

8.Reproach v.责备 同:scold
When he came home drunk, his wife reproached him with a loud angry voice.

9.Rigorous adj. 1.严酷的 同:rigid 2.严密的
Rigorous exercise can damage health instead of improving it.
He made a rigorous study of the plants in the tropical area.

10.Sustain v.支持 同:maintain
The large columns sustained the weight of the roof.

11.Torment v.使痛苦 同:annoy
She is often tormented with violent headaches.

12.Abolish v.废止 反:establish
Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865.

13.Anguish n.痛苦的 反:comfort
The injured soldier moaned in anguish until the doctor arrived.

14.Awkward adj. 1.笨拙的 反:skillful 2.不方便的
He needs a great deal of driving practice; he is still awkward with his car.
The meeting was at nine o’clock, which was an awkward time for many people.

15.Bliss n.极大的幸福 反:misery
What bliss it is to be able to lie in bed instead of working.

16.Expenditure n.费用 反:income
Such a great work requires the expenditure of much money and time.

17.Primitive adj.原始的 反:modern
Primitive people lived in caves and made tools from stones and animal bones.

18.Prolong v.延长 反:reduce
The old woman’s life was prolonged by the doctor’s good care.

19.Rural adj.乡村的 反:urban
They lived in a small rural community.

20.Suspend v.暂停 反:continue
The hurricane suspended all ferry service for there days.

21.Undistinguished adj.不著名的 反:prominent
The book is very interesting although it was written by an undistinguished author.

22.Concession n.让步
To reach agreement, both sides must make concessions.

23.Deceit n.欺骗;诡计
The merchant always used deceit in his business dealings.

24.Dedicate v.奉献
The land on which the battle of Gettysburg was fought was dedicated to the soldiers who had died there.

25.Dizzy adj.晕眩的
When you spin round and round, and stop suddenly, you feel dizzy.

26.Economical adj.经济的;节约的
A good manager should be economical in the use of his funds.

27.Infect v.传染
She infected the whole class with her influenza.

28.Intolerant adj.不宽容的
The old man did not smoke himself and was so intolerant that he did not allow his friends to smoke when they visited him.

29.Respective adj.各自的
The party ended and we all went off to our respective rooms.

30.Scholar n.学者
He was respected as a great scholar of history.

31.Technique n.技巧
The pianist’s technique was excellent, though his interpretation of the work was poor.

32.Tedious adj.冗长乏味的
The long wait at the airport was really tedious.

33.Bristle v.(毛发)竖立
He was so frightened that his hair seemed to bristle.

34.Commodity n.商品
Price of household commodities have risen since the war began.

35.Dispatch v.派遣
The captain dispatched a boat to bring a doctor on board the ship.

36.Formal adj.正式的
You must write a formal acceptance to this invitation.

37.Frantic adj.疯狂的
Frantic efforts were made escape the sinking ship.

38.Heave v.用力举起
He heaved the heavy box into the wagon.

39.Hemisphere n.半球
North America and South America are in the Western Hemisphere.

40.Install v. 1.装设 2.使就位
The new owner of the house installed a telephone.
The cat installed itself in a chair near the fireplace.

41.Lash n.鞭策
I gave my horse a lash that sounded through the forest.

42.Pension n.养老金
He will start receiving a pensive when he retires at sixty.

43.Scope n.范围
This book has greater scope than others on the same subject.

44.Species n.种
The wolf and the dog belong to the same species.


1.We could not bear to listen to the sick child’s _____ cries from pain.
2.This wooden shelf cannot _____ the weight of all these books.
3.Teachers are often _____ by the students’ stupid questions.
4.She was in _____ until the doctor set her broken leg.
5.Bow and spears are _____ weapons.
6.If war could be _____ ,armies and navies would be unnecessary.
7.A long talk that you cannot understand is _____.
8.My husband and I are each going to visit our _____ mothers.
9.The mother was _____ with grief when she heard that her child was dead.
10.Wine is one of the many _____ that France sells abroad.

1. pathetic 2. sustain 3.tormented 4. anguish 5. primitive
 6.abolished 7. tedious 8.respective 9. frantic 10.commodities

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