刘毅词汇5000 vocabulary 5000 lesson 10

英语听力 2019-07-23 12:12:12 113


1.Adore v.崇拜 同:worship
All the girls in our school adore the handsome mathematics teacher who happens to be a bachelor.

2.Blend v. 1.混合 同:mix 2.调和
A grocer must know how to blend different kinds of tea.
These houses seem to blend well with the trees and the countryside.

3.Breadth n.宽度 同:width
The wise man has a great breadth of understanding.

4.Commend v.称赞 同:praise
Many children were commended for their good deeds on Children’s Day.

5.Conspicuous adj.明显的 同:noticeable
There are several conspicuous errors in your composition.

6.Delusion n.谬见;幻想
She is under the delusion that I’m going to give her a lot of money.

7.Impatient adj.不耐烦的;焦急的 同:hasty
As she was impatient to start to school, she forgot to take her homework.

8.Miracle n.奇迹 同:prodigy
According to the bible, Christ worked many miracles.

9.Provisional adj.临时的 同:tentative
Let’s arrange the provisional meeting for next Tuesday, even though we may have to change it.

10.Restrain v.阻止;抑制 同:suppress
She could not restrain the children from running into the street.

11.Stroll v.漫步 同:ramble
The old couple were strolling under the trees arm in arm.

12.Cradle n.摇篮 反:grave
The frightened baby refused to sleep in his cradle.

13.Deny v.否认;拒绝给予 反:admit
Justice must not be denied to anyone, however poor he may be.

14.Disperse v.散布;分散 反:gather
The crowd dispersed when the rain fell suddenly.

15.Endanger v.危机 反:secure
You will endanger your health if you work so hard every night.

16.Fiction n.小说 反:fact
Works of fiction are reviewed in the Sunday papers in England.

17.Initial adj.最初的 反:last
His initial effort at skating was a failure, but he succeeded the second time that he tried.

18.Intimacy n.亲密(的行为) 反:unfamiliarity
The intimacy with which the two friends talked showed how fond they were of each other.

19.Invade v.侵略 反:defend
At the beginning of World War II, Hitler invaded Poland without a declaration of war.

20.Selfish adj.自私的 反:altruistic
He was too selfish to share his candy with his little brother.

21.Thrifty adj.节俭的 反:wasteful
Mr. Thompson is thrifty that he is able to save more than half of his weekly salary.

22.Voluntary adj.自愿的 反:compulsory
Voluntary workers built a road to the boy’s camp.

23.Absorb v. 1.吸收 2.使专心
Anything black absorbs most of the light rays that fall on it.
He was so absorbed in his reading that he did not hear the telephone.

24.Accuse v.控告
It is wrong to accuse a person of a crime unless you have proof that his is guilty.

25.Adjust v.调节
You can adjust your chair to make it more comfortable.

26.Erroneous adj.错误的
Years ago many people held the erroneous belief that the earth was flat.

27.Expend v.花费
He had expended much time and energy on that experiment.

28.Fury n.愤怒
It’s no use trying to argue with you when you fly into a fury.

29.Liberate v.释放;解放
Abraham Lincoln is the President who tried to liberate slaves.

30.Perplex v.使迷惑
He was so perplexed that he asked many persons for advice.

31.Sovereign adj.独立的
When the thirteen colonies won the Revolutionary War, America became a sovereign nation.

32.Temperate adj.温和的
The temperate areas of the world are found to be the north and south of the tropics.

33.Bout n.一个回合;比赛
Those are the two boxers who will appear in the main bout tonight.

34.Category n.种;类
The selfish man places all people in two categories: those he likes and those he dislikes.

35.Choir n.唱诗班
As the choir rose to sing, the people joined in, filling the church with the music of the first hymn.

36.Compact adj.紧密的
The salesman tied the customer’s purchases into a compact bundle.

37.Concentrate v.集中
The defeated troops were ordered to scatter and then concentrate fifty miles to the south.

38.Emigrate v.自本国迁居到他国
In the 19th century many Europeans emigrated to America.

39.Navigate v.驾驶(船,飞机)
He navigated the shop across the Atlantic Ocean.

40.Pane n.窗玻璃片
The broken pane in the window was replaced by a man whose son threw a stone and broke it.

41.Pest n.令人讨厌的人或物
We have to get rid of pests in the garden.

42.Salute v.向…敬礼
The soldiers saluted the flag by raising the right hand to the forehead as they passed it.

43.Severe adj.严厉的
The students who cheat in examinations will be given a severe punishment.


1.That sickman is under the _____ that he is Napoleon.
2.If you can’t _____ your dog from biting the milkman,you must lock him up.
3.He is an honest man; I don’t _____ the truth of his statement.
4.In the 16th century, Japan _____ Korea, but failed to conquer it.
5.A(An) _____ person always puts his own interest first.
6.The old farmer was _____ by the crowds and traffic in the big city
7.You can’t see through a telescope until it has been _____ to your eyes.
8.He _____ to Brazil from Taiwan where he had lived for twenty years.
9.The captain safely _____ the ship across the ocean.
10.The leaves of cabbage are folded into a _____ head.

1. delusion 2.restrain 3. deny 4.invaded 5. selfish
6. perplexed 7. adjusted 8. emigrated 9. navigated 10.compact

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