It's True ——Lene Marlin 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

英语听力 2019-07-22 06:08:33 178

 It\'s True

Lene Marlin

I wish I could
Sit here all alone
Thinking this is okay
Don\'t need anybody tonight
Just complete silence and the candle light
And I\'d drink my coffee
Wouldn\'t worry at all... wouldn\'t worry at all
I would feel fine
Like I always do
I would be smiling
Laughing too
Don\'t need anybody
Least of all you
And then I would convince myself it\'s true
I wish I could
Stare at the wall
And see something different everytime
The candle wouldn\'t stop burning
I could lay down
And I wouldn\'t be crying
I would feel fine
Like I always do
I would be smiling
Laughing too
Don\'t need anybody
Least of all you
And then I would convince myself it\'s true
It\'s true
It\'s true
I would feel fine
Like I always do
I would be smiling
Laughing too
Don\'t need anybody
Least of all you
And then I would convince myself it\'s true
I would feel fine
Like I always do
I would be smiling
Laughing too
Don\'t need anybody
Least of all you
And then I would convince myself it\'s true
And then I would convince myself it\'s true
It\'s true

琳恩·玛莲(Lene Marlin)是来自挪威的一位女歌手。成名以后,琳恩·玛莲将她的创作力归功于故乡挪威,在寒冬的月份中,一天的阳光只有短暂的一小时,这使她有更多的时间思考和琢磨自己的写作能力。她的歌曲在许多地方都反映出她的生活环境,例如将欢乐不断的北国夏日夜晚,用如此自然而具像的方式描绘出来,让听者无法不动容。她也用更深层、神秘的方式,反映出冬天的漫长与忧伤。



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