What Now —— Rihanna 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

英语听力 2019-07-21 06:12:04 133


Rihanna新专辑Unapologetic中的《What Now》MV横空出世!音乐的妙处就在于,我们可以把那些复杂的无法言说的心事统统用音符表达。有的时候,就算外表再冷静,其实内心早已翻滚如潮水。

What Now


I\'ve been ignoring this big lump in my throat
I shouldn\'t be crying
Tears were for the weaker days
I\'m stronger now or so I say
But something\'s missing

Whatever it is, it feels like it\'s laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror
Whatever it is, it\'s just sitting there laughing at me
And I just wanna scream

What now? I just can\'t figure it out
What now? I guess I\'ll just wait it out
What now? ohhhh what now?

I found the one he changed my life
But was it me that changed
And he just happened to come at the right time
I\'m supposed to be in love
But i\'m not mugging

Whatever it is, it feels like it\'s laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror
Whatever it is, it\'s just sitting there laughing at me
And I just wanna scream

What now? I just can\'t figure it out
What now? I guess I\'ll just wait it out
What now? please tell me
What now?

There\'s no one to call cause im just playing games with them all
The most where im happy, the more that im feeling alone
Cause I spent every hour just going through the motions
I cant even get the emotions to come out
Dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout

What now? I just can\'t figure it out
What now? I guess I\'ll just wait it out
What now? somebody tell me
What now?

I dont know where to go
I dont know what to feel
I dont know how to cry
I dont know ow ow why
I dont know where to go
I dont know what to feel
I dont know how to cry
I dont know ow ow why
I dont know where to go
I dont know what to feel
I dont know how to cry
I dont know ow ow why

So what now? 


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