Until It's Gone —— Linkin Park 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

英语听力 2019-07-20 18:08:54 367


Until It\'s Gone

Linkin Park

A fire needs a space to burn,
A breath to build a glow.
I\'ve heard it said a thousand times,
But now I know.
That you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
Oh you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
No you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
Until It\'s Gone
Until It\'s Gone
Until It\'s Gone.

I thought I kept you safe and sound,
I thought i kept you strong.
But something made me realize,
That I was wrong.
\'Cause finding what you got sometimes,
Means finding it alone.
And I can finally see your light,
When I let go.
\'Cause you don\'t know whats you\'ve got,
\'Til It\'s Gone
Until It\'s Gone
\'Til It\'s Gone

Until It\'s Gone
Until It\'s Gone
Until It\'s Gone
\'Til It\'s Gone
\'Til It\'s Gone
\'Cause you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
Oh you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
No you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
It\'s your battle to be fought,
No you don\'t know what you\'ve got,
\'Til It\'s Gone
\'Til It\'s Gone
\'Til It\'s Gone


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