Sirens —— Cher Lloyd 每天一歌 好听英文歌 经典英文歌

英语听力 2019-07-20 12:12:41 132

英国90后流行女歌手Cher Lloyd转型力作《Sirens》MV首播!Cher一改往日阳光性感形象,点起香烟化身颓废派,在声嘶力竭中质问旧爱。警笛四起之时,过往生活从此分崩离析,Cher在暗影当中泪流满面,痛苦至极地希望旧爱能够洗心革面。但这样的祷告丝毫不起作用,一切只能以悲剧结束。


Cher Lloyd

I carry the weight of you in my heavy heart
And the wind is so icy, I am numb
I carry the weight of you heading back to start
With the thousand eyes on me
I stumble on
I am tired of growing older
I\'m getting weaker everyday, yeah
I carry the weight of you
I carry the weight of you

Lay down here beside me in the shallow water
Beside me where the sun is shining on a steel
Lay down here beside me in the hallowed water
Beside me with the silver lightning stays until
The sirens\' calling
I follow the sun down north and I think of night
And you hold so tightly, it\'s hard to breath
And I\'m tired of growing older
I\'m getting weaker everyday, yeah
I follow the sun down low
I follow the sun down low

Lay down here beside me in the shallow water
Beside me where the sun is shining on a steel
Lay down here beside me in the hallowed water
Beside me with the silver lightning stays until
The sirens\' calling
The sirens\' calling

Yeah I\'m tired, I\'m growing older
I\'m getting weaker everyday
I am drowning, and you\'re stealing every breath
Take me away and just
Lay down here beside me in the shallow water
Beside me where the sun is shining on a steel
Lay down here beside me in the hallowed water
Beside me with the silver lightning stays until
The sirens\' calling
The sirens\' calling


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