新编大学英语自主听力 2Unit 11

英语听力 2019-07-19 18:12:32 124
[00:00.00]Unit 11:Lesson One Health Problems
[00:05.51]Parctice One Smoking  Words You Need to Know
[00:11.23]discourage      ban      illegal          awful
[00:26.93]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
[00:38.99]Rose:Did you read that letter in the newspaper about smoking? The person who wrote that must be crazy.
[00:46.12]Eric:I don\'t think so. I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking.
[00:53.57]Rose:Maybe so. But a law banning cigarettes would do no good.
[00:58.93]Eric:No. You can\'t suddenly make smoking illegal. But the government could prohibit smoking in public places like cinemas and theatres.
[01:09.16]Rose:Yes, that\'s true. Anyway, in most places you can\'t smoke in cinemas.
[01:15.82]But I think people should be allowed to smoke on trains and buses. Don\'t you?
[01:20.53]Eric:Not at all. It\'s awful sitting next to someone blowing smoke all over you, if you don\'t smoke. (112 words)
[01:28.60]1)The man and the woman are talking about a letter in the newspaper.
[01:33.89]2)The letter writer says smoking should be illegal.
[01:38.78]3)The woman agrees with the writer\'s opinion.
[01:43.50]4)The woman agrees with the writer\'s opinion.
[01:49.94]5)The woman thinks that smoking should be allowed in cinemas and theaters.
[01:55.38]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the table with the information you get from the recording.
[02:06.50]Practice Two The Bad Check
[02:10.03]Words You Need to Know
[02:12.41]arthritis     prescription         insufficient
[02:25.40]fund       coincidence
[02:33.86]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
[02:46.32]One day a middle-aged woman telephoned her doctor.
[02:50.57]"Doctor," she said, "I\'m having a lot of trouble with my shoulder. It hurts all the time and I can\'t sleep at night."
[03:00.25]"Come in the afternoon," said the doctor, "and I\'ll have a look at it."
[03:05.51]That afternoon the woman went to the doctor\'s office. He gave her a very thorough examination,
[03:13.57]asked a lot of questions, and listened carefully to her answers.
[03:18.50]"Well, my dear," he said, "it looks like you have arthritis".
[03:24.37]"Arthritis?" she said. "Oh, no! What am I going to do?"
[03:30.53]"Don\'t worry," he answered, "I\'ll give you a prescription and the pain will go away."
[03:37.01]Then the doctor took out his pen, wrote a prescription, and handed her his bill for fifty dollars.
[03:44.89]The woman opened her pocketbook, wrote out a fifty-dollar check, said good-bye, and left.
[03:51.91]The doctor mailed the check to his bank, but a week later he was surprised to find that he check was returned to him,marked,
[04:00.34]"Insufficient Funds." He telephoned the woman immediately.
[04:06.02]"I\'m very sorry to have to tell you this," he began, "but your check came back his week."
[04:13.37]"Oh really?" said the woman. "That\'s quite a coincidence."
[04:18.77]"What do you mean?" asked the doctor.
[04:21.79]"Well," said the woman, "so did my arthritis." (214 words)
[04:26.08]1)The doctor gave the woman a careless examination.
[04:31.44]2)The doctor promised the woman a quick recovery.
[04:36.70]3)The doctor\'s prescription was effective.
[04:41.56]4)The woman\'s check was returned for insufficient funds.
[04:47.53]5)The woman answered the call quite cleverly.
[04:53.22]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the passage again and complete the summary by filling in each of the blanks with an appropriate word.
[05:05.71]Practice Three What\'s the Trouble?
[05:09.60]Words You Need to Know
[05:11.76]chemist      indigestion      instep
[05:24.11]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions briefly. 

[05:33.32]Doctor:What seems to be the trouble?
[05:35.77]Patient:Well, it\'s a number of things. One is I\'m sleeping very badly.
[05:41.35]Doctor:What? Can\'t get to sleep?
[05:43.76]Patient:No. I spend most of the night awake.
[05:47.26]Doctor:Do you take anything to make you sleep?
[05:50.46]Patient:Well, I\'ve tried various things from the chemist, buy they haven\'t helped.
[05:56.22]Doctor:How long has this been going on?
[05:58.56]Patient:Some months now. Quite a long time.
[06:02.12]Doctor:Is anything worrying you at work or at home, or anything like that?
[06:07.13]Patient:No. I don\'t think so. It\'s mainly not sleeping that worries me.
[06:13.21]Doctor:Yes, well, of course some people don\'t need as much sleep as others.
[06:18.18]Patient:But I feel tired all day.
[06:20.63]Doctor:I see. You said there were other things.
[06:24.34]Patient:Yes. I get terrible indigestion. Almost every time I eat.
[06:30.31]I\'ve taken lots of things for that, too. And they don\'t really help.
[06:35.68]Doctor:Tell me, you\'re a bit overweight, aren\'t you?
[06:39.92]Patient:Yes. Yes. I\'m trying to lose that.
[06:43.52]Doctor:Do you get much exercise?
[06:45.90]Patient:No. Not really. You see, I have this very painful foot. It even hurts if I stand for long.
[06:53.68]Doctor:How long has that been the case?
[06:55.91]Patient:Oh, almost a year now.
[06:57.85]Doctor:I\'d better have a look at it.
[07:00.01]Patient:It\'s the instep.
[07:01.88]Doctor:This may be the whole trouble, you know. If you don\'t get enough exercise, you put on weight,
[07:08.54]and it can also affect your digestive system, and then all the rest can follow simply from...  (237 words)
[07:15.38]1)What\'s the probable relationship between the man and the woman?
[07:20.35]2)How long has the woman been unable to get to sleep?
[07:25.54]3)What worries the woman mainly?
[07:29.42]4)How does the woman feel all day?
[07:33.67]5)What seems to be the root of the whole trouble?
[07:38.21]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the table with the information you get from the recording.
[07:48.83]Practice Four Contact Lenss
[07:52.75]Words You Need to Know
[07:54.95]lens     drawback      break-in       visual       hinder
[08:16.33]Czechoslovakia        FDA(Food and Drug Administration)
[08:32.86]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the passage and decide which choice is the best answer to each of the questions.
[08:43.62]About four million people in the United States wear soft contact lenses.
[08:50.17]These lenses, made of waterabsorbing plastic, were developed in the former Czechoslovakia and were introduced into the United States in 1964.
[09:03.78]The first soft lens was approved by the FDA in 1971. In recent years, soft lenses have become more popular than hard lenses.
[09:15.80]There are several reasons for this increasing popularity. Many wearers find the soft lenses more comfortable.
[09:24.26]Also, unlike the case with hard lenses, no break-in period is necessary for soft lenses.
[09:32.00]But there are drawbacks as well. The soft lenses cost more than the hard lenses.
[09:39.06]In addition, the life of soft lenses is often measured in months compared to years for hard lenses.
[09:47.34]The tear easily and become worn by handling. Also, soft contact lenses correct only a limited range of visual problems.
[09:59.11]Nevertheless, for those who can afford them, soft contact lenses are a safe, simple, and attractive solution to the problem of poor vision.  (163 words)
[10:10.81]1)Where were soft contact lenses developed?
[10:15.64]2)When did the first soft lens win approval from the FDA?
[10:21.79]3)What material are soft lenses made of?
[10:26.62]4)What seems to be the biggest problem that hinders the popularization of soft lenses?
[10:33.85]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the passage again and fill in the table with the information you get from the recording.
[10:44.04]Lesson Two People and Their Stories 

[10:48.50]Practice One John Lennon   Words You Need to Know
[10:54.19]nightclub      sensitive      band     Liverpool
[11:09.20]the Beatles      John Lennon
[11:17.84]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
[11:30.44]Some people called John Lennon the "thinking man\'s" Beatle. He was serious and creative,
[11:38.44]and many young people of the 1960\'s and 1970\'s thought he spoke for them.
[11:45.13]Lenon was born on October 9,1940, in Liverpool, England. During his childhood he listened to the music of rock\' n\' roll singers like Elvis Presley,
[11:59.10]Jerry Lee Lewis, and Little Richard. At 15, when he was in an art school, Lennon started his first band,
[12:09.54]the Quarrymen. The band included Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Pete Best, a drummer.
[12:20.12]The Quarrymen later changed their name to the Silver Beatles and then the Beatles.
[12:26.75]Ringo Starr replaced Pete Best as drummer. Between 1958 and 1962 the group played in nightclubs in Liverpool and Hamburg,West Germany.
[12:40.79]Then the Beatles made a record called "I Wanna Hold Your Hand " and changed the history of rock \'n\' roll.
[12:51.01]Many people think that Lennon was the most important singer and songwrite for the Beatles.
[12:57.10]In general, his songs are sensitive and intelligent, and they still influence today\'s popular musicians.
[13:06.92]On December 9,1980, a confused young man shot John Lennon outside his apartment building in New York City.
[13:17.76]A few days later, thousands of people gathered in New York\'s Central Park to remember him. For them, and for many other people in the world, he was someone very special. (222 words)
[13:37.96]1)When he was still in school, Lennon set up his first band and called it the Quarrymen.
[13:46.38]2)The Beatles started in London, England.
[13:51.74]3)Lennon went to music school and got special training in music.
[13:57.97]4)Lennon wrote many of the Beatles\' songs.
[14:02.80]5)The Beatles opened the history of rock \'n\' roll.
[14:08.16]6)Lennon was killed in New York in 1980.
[14:13.78]7)Today\'s popular musicians can still learn from Lennon.
[14:19.43]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the passage again and fill in the missing words with the information you get from the passage.
[14:30.12]Practice Two Mark Twin as a Lecturer
[14:34.91]Work You Need to Know
[14:37.14]anecdote    guarantee     repertoire      exhausted
[14:55.79]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the story and try to understand it by imagining the truth Mark Twain\'s friend told him.
[15:07.34]Then answer the following question.
[15:09.94]There is an anecdote about Mark Twain, which goes as follows:In addition to being very famous as a writer,
[15:22.07]Mark Twain was also very famous in his day as a lecturer and a teller of funny stories.
[15:29.88]He frequently went from town to town giving lectures with a series of funny stories.
[15:37.66]One day he was walking down the street of a small town where he was going to deliver a lecture that evening.
[15:46.58]He met a young man who told him that he had an old unce who never laughed and never smiled.
[15:54.54]Mark Twain told the young man to bring his uncle to his lecture that evening.
[16:00.01]He said he would guarantee to make him laugh.
[16:03.79]That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the first row. Mark Twain spoke directly to them.
[16:13.19]He told some rather funny stories, but the old man never even smiled.
[16:18.91]Then he told the funniest stories in his repertoire, but the old man\'s face still remained blank.
[16:26.94]Mark Twain left the platform almost exhausted.
[16:31.55]Later Mark Twain was telling a friend about the incident.
[16:36.84]"Oh!" said the friend. "You could have saved yourself all your trouble."(212 words)
[16:49.55]Why did Mark Twain fail to amuse the old man? 

[16:53.58]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the story again and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the tape.
[17:03.84]Practice Three Hard Luck
[17:07.01]Words You Need to Know
[17:09.06]parking ticket      spot     tow
[17:21.77]windshield        let off
[17:30.19]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
[17:44.38]It was a bit of bad luck when the man\'s car broke down-he was stuck in a no-parking zone.
[17:51.94]So he went into a store to borrow a pen and paper to leave a note for the traffic police.
[17:58.20]Then pen, however, was like his car. It didn\'t work. When he decided to go back to the store to buy a pen,
[18:08.14]he found another little problem. He only had a $50 bill and the salesclerk couldn\'t change it.
[18:16.02]So he went off to find a bank to change the bill to buy the pen to write on the paper to put on his car to tell the traffic police that his car had broken down.
[18:27.40]As he left the bank he spotted a phone booth. He decided to call a garage to send a truck to tow the car away,
[18:36.61]but the number was busy. When he got back to his car he found a parking ticket on the windshield.
[18:44.68]The story has, however, a happy ending. The driver wrote to the Police Commissioner to explain what had happened.
[18:53.60]The police office who read the letter decided to let him off the $20 parking fine. She said that even if the man\'s story was not true,
[19:04.73]it was so clever he deserved to be let off! (213 words)
[19:08.47]1)The man came across bad luck at the very beginning of this story.
[19:15.02]2)The pen he borrowed from the store didn\'t work.
[19:20.60]3)The man saw a phone booth on the way back from the bank.
[19:25.90]4)He found a parking ticket on his car before he put on the note.
[19:31.58]5)The police officer didn\'t punish him because she thought he told a true story.
[19:38.60]6)The story shows that a run of bad luck may sometimes follow you.
[19:44.76]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the passage again and complete the following table with the information you get from the tape.
[19:55.34]Exercise 3:Directions:Try to retell the story in your own words.The following workds may help you.
[20:05.39]Practice Four Sweetwater\'s Oldest Citizen
[20:10.14]Words You Need to Know
[20:12.01]jogging       cradle
[20:19.36]Exercise 1:Directions:Listen to the interview and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
[20:30.70]Martha White, the oldest citizen of Sweetwater, in USA, just celebrated her one hundredth birthday.
[20:40.67]A reporter (R) was at the party and asked Mrs White (M) to talk about her life.
[20:46.79]R:Mrs White, you\'ve had a very long and a very full life.
[20:51.54]M:Yes, I\'ve been very fortunate.
[20:55.32]R:Have you always lived in Sweetwater?
[20:58.13]M:All my life. As a matter of fact, I was born in this house. Of course, I\'ve taken many trips in my life.
[21:08.96]I\'ve been all over the world. But I\'ve always come back to Sweetwater. That\'s the way it used to be in the old days.
[21:18.86]You were born in a town, and you lived there until you died.
[21:23.76]R:How many children did you have?
[21:26.96]M:Six. First I had four boys and then two girls. The oldest is seventy-five now,
[21:36.11]and my baby is sixty-eight. And, of course, they all had children of their own, and their children had children.
[21:47.23]The last time I counted I had thirty great-grandchildren.
[21:54.90]So you see I\'ve never felt honely and I\'ve never been bored. Who has time?
[22:01.99]R:Your first husband died ten years ago...
[22:05.12]M:Yes, at the age of ninety. We had seventy-three wonderful years together.
[22:14.27]We were very much alike, you know. Our greatest loves were music and the outdoors.
[22:22.44]And talking, too. Both of us loved a good conversation.
[22:28.78]People don\'t talk to each other anymore. They watch television. 

[22:35.36]R:Mrs White, you\'ve already lived a hundred years and you look as if you might live another hundred years.
[22:41.63]What\'s your secret?
[22:43.03]M:Well, I\'ve laughed a lot. That\'s very important. And I\'ve kept busy.
[22:50.74]I taught school for over forty years. I\'ve gotten a lot of exercise, too.
[22:58.22]I\'ve always enjoyed sports-skiing, horseback riding, swimming.
[23:05.42]In fact, I still swim every day at the high school pool and now I\'ve started jogging a little with my second husband.
[23:15.47]R:When did you remarry?
[23:17.77]M:Six years ago. I was ninety-four and he was a young man of eighty.
[23:25.48]A lot of people say I robbed the cradle!
[23:29.47]R:You\'ve done so much in your life. Is there anything you haven\'t done yet that you\'d like to do someday?
[23:35.92]M:Well, you know, I\'ve read many, many books in my life, but I\'ve never written one myself.
[23:44.27]So I\'m writing one now. I\'d like to finish it and maybe publish it.
[23:51.40]And now that I\'ve started jogging, I think I\'d like to run in a race-maybe even the Boston Marathon. Who knows?
[24:01.94]R:Mrs White, you\'re a hundred years old today. How do you feel?
[24:07.60]M:Wonderful! Not a day over ninety! (416 words)
[24:17.78]1)In all her life, Martha has never left her hometown.
[24:23.94]2)Martha White spent a lot of time looking after her children.
[24:29.30]3)It can be inferred that Martha still has deep love for her first husband.
[24:35.96]4)According to Martha, laughing helps her live a much longer life.
[24:42.05]5)Martha married a young man when she was ninety-six.
[24:47.59]6)This conversation implies that old people can also do what young people do.
[24:55.37]Exercise 2:Directions:Listen to the interview again and complete the following sentences with the information you get from the tape.
[25:06.31]Exercise 3:Directions:Listen to the interview for the third time and answer the following questions briefly.
[25:16.46]1)"People don\'t talk to each other anymore. They watch television." In what tone is Martha speaking?
[25:27.19]2)What is Martha\'s secret of living so long?
[25:31.94]3)What does "rob the cradle" probably mean in the conversation?
[25:39.04]4)What would Martha like to do someday?
[25:43.86]Happy Minute
[25:45.52]You are going to listen to a song by John Lennon and Paul McDartney. Read the lines and sing along.
[25:54.16]Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
[25:58.76]Now it looks as though they\'re here to stay
[26:01.82]Oh, I believe in yesterday. Suddenly, I\'m not half the man I used to be
[26:09.31]There\'s a shadow hanging over me
[26:12.12]Oh, yesterday came suddenly!
[26:15.04]Why she had to go I don\'t know, she wouldn\'t say
[26:19.54]I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
[26:24.14]Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
[26:28.39]Now I need a place to hide away
[26:31.52]Oh, I believe in yesterday. 大学英语听力2 大学英语听力4 大学英语自主听力教程 大学英语自主听力教程2 大学英语2自主听力答案 大学英语自主听力答案 大学英语自主听力教程2答案 大学英语


