新编大学英语听力3 unit4

英语听力 2019-07-19 18:12:19 303
[00:00.00]Unit 4 
[00:03.42]Science and Technology
[00:07.60]Part Two
[00:11.27]Listening-Centered Activities
[00:15.34]Listening 1
[00:19.04]Exercise 1
[00:26.35]Listen to the dialogue
[00:30.13]and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear on the tape.
[00:36.54]Part 1
[00:39.71]Mom:Well, there are no ifs, ands, and buts about it.
[00:45.29]Anna is completely at home with all this technology.
[00:51.26]Dad:Isn\'t it great? She doesn\'t have the fear of technology that so many of us have.
[00:59.54]It\'s amazing to think that her generation has grown up with VCRs, answering machines
[01:09.44]cordless phones, computer games... They take all that stuff for granted.
[01:17.90]That\'s for sure.To think there are kids her age who have never changed a TV channel
[01:26.36]without a remote control! Can you imagine?
[01:32.38]Dad:I\'m sure you\'re right. Hey-remember our old computer?
[01:39.79]Mom:How could I forget it? I don\'t ever want to see that old dinosaur again.
[01:48.00]Dad:Oh, come on.
[01:52.07]Mom:Really. It made me so frustrated.
[01:57.94]Dad:Well, it\'s true that new computers are much, much better than the old ones.
[02:06.47]But still, it\'s hard for me to learn programs
[02:13.34]Mom:I know what you mean. You know,
[02:18.10]I\'ve been thinking that maybe we should take an evening class.
[02:24.68]What do you think? We could get a babysitter.
[02:32.96]I\'m really glad to hear you say that because I\'ve thought a lot about taking a class
[02:42.00]but I\'ve always dragged my feet. I don\'t know why, really.
[02:49.38]Part 2  At home after the first computer class
[02:55.25]Mom:Look at you! You\'re really working hard at that computer!
[03:01.98]Dad:Nothing could tear me away. You know, if it weren\'t for our class,
[03:10.80]I\'d be in a bind right now trying to figure out what to do.
[03:17.03]But I\'m doing OK. The class really helps.
[03:22.39]Mom:That\'s the truth. I prefer a teacher to an instruction manual.
[03:29.34]Hey-did I tell you that I want to get a modem?
[03:35.06]I want to get online. Don\'t you think we\'ve held off long enough?
[03:41.80]I want to have e-mail.
[03:45.65]Dad:That teacher sure won you over.
[03:50.44]A few months ago you didn\'t even know what e-mail was!
[03:57.17]Mom:Well, I have to admit, this whole world of computers is growing on me.
[04:04.66]Dad:Sounds like you\'re apt to go back to school
[04:10.38]and get some sort of degree in computers.
[04:17.08]Mom:You never know...
[04:20.68]1)What are the two people talking about?
[04:27.19]2)What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
[04:34.43]3)What brought about a great change in the two speakers\' attitude towards computers?
[04:43.79]Exercise 2
[04:51.64]Listen to the dialogue again and match the phrases and expressions in Column A
[05:00.06]with the definitions in column B.
[05:04.96]Exercise 3
[05:12.48]Listen to the dialogue for the third time and make up a dialogue in pairs.
[05:20.36]who feel very comfortable with new technology.
[05:25.76]The other person should represent old people who find new technology frightening.
[05:33.94]Try to use some of the expressions you have learned from the dialogue.
[05:39.95]Listening 2
[05:43.33]Exercise 1
[05:50.17]Listen to the talk
[05:53.59]and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
[05:59.57]Why Scientific Research?
[06:03.56]My favorite question, lately, is why scientific research?
[06:09.94]The most basic answer is because I want to contribute something to the society
[06:16.38]that I have been taking from all my life,
[06:21.31]and I want to help animals somehow. But then the answers become the questions.
[06:28.76]What could I possibly contribute, and how will my research help animals?
[06:35.21]I had an experience last spring where I was involved in a research project
[06:41.76]in which we were trying to determine more about gut size in lacating voles.
[06:48.46]Of course, I was really excited to be participating in something like this
[06:55.01]that could possibly result in a publication.
[06:59.87]We all know how good it looks for an undergraduate to have a publication.
[07:05.38]Anyway everything went along very well
[07:10.42]until I realized that I was going to have to kill about
[07:15.35]20 female voles and their pups.
[07:19.34]Every time I had to kill an animal, I felt the tears burning in my eyes.
[07:26.08]But I had to fight them back
[07:29.60]because scientists don\'t cry about those silly kinds of things.
[07:35.00]After all, we\'re doing SCIENCE here! Well,
[07:40.94]I managed to get through the experiment, and, yes,
[07:45.88]my name will be on that publication, but the questions keep puzzling me.
[07:52.46]Was I helping animals
[07:55.67]or just killing them to obtain data we could use in our publication? 新编大学英语2unit4 新编大学英语2unit6 新编大学英语2unit10 新编大学英语4unit7 新编大学英语2unit7 新编大学英语2unit8


