新编大学英语听力3 unit1

英语听力 2019-07-19 15:49:42 132
[00:00.00]Unit 1
[00:01.94]Mythus and Legends
[00:04.03]Part Two
[00:05.72]Listening-Centered Activities
[00:08.06]Listening 1
[00:09.76]Exercise 1
[00:13.21]Listen to the passage and then answer the questions.
[00:17.60]Work in pairs to check your answers.
[00:20.59]Mart Moody\'s Bird Dog
[00:22.86]Mart Moody from Tupper used to tell this tale.
[00:26.24]"I went out one day and there was a big flock of ducks out on Tupper Lake.
[00:31.39]And I had this good dog. I shot at the ducks, and then I sent the dog out there.
[00:37.66]She was heavy with pups at the time,
[00:40.97]and I didn\'t know whether I should send her out there.
[00:45.40]It was a cold day in the fall. Well, she took right off and away she went.
[00:52.60]But she didn\'t show up when it got dark. I began to worry about her.
[00:58.68]She was a good dog, a really good retriever. She\'d get anything I shot at.
[01:05.56]So the next morning I woke up and I thought I\'d better go see if I could find her.
[01:12.68]And I got down to the shoreline of the lake and I looked out.
[01:18.26]Suddenly I saw something coming. It was this dog, she came into the shore!
[01:26.33]She had three ducks in her mouth. And behind her she had seven pups.
[01:33.85]And each of the pups had a duck in his mouth."
[01:38.42]1)What did Moody shoot at one day?2)Who went with Moody?
[01:48.40]3)What happened to the dog after she left?4)Why was Moody worried about her?
[01:57.90]5)What do you think of the ending?
[02:02.83]Exercise 2
[02:09.24]Listen to the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
[02:16.51]Put "T" for true and "F" for false in the space provided.
[02:23.89]Check the answers with your partner.
[02:27.67]Listening 2
[02:31.31]Exercise 1
[02:38.44]Listen to the passage and answer the questions.
[02:43.84]Then check the answers with your neighbor.
[02:49.34]Women Are More Clever than Men
[02:54.35]There was an old man who had a daughter.
[02:59.75]He told his daughter that he had invited a preacher to his house.
[03:07.06]He said, "Daughter, I\'m going down to the train to meet the Reverend,
[03:14.94]and I\'ve roasted two ducks and left them there for him in the other room.
[03:22.28]Don\'t you touch them." The daughter said,"No, I won\'t touch them."
[03:31.36]So her Papa went to the train to meet the Reverend,
[03:37.40]and the girl began to taste the ducks.
[03:43.06]The ducks tasted so good
[03:48.17]that she kept on tasting them until she had eaten them all up,every bit of them.
[03:58.36]After the old man came back,
[04:02.71]he didn\'t even look in the place where he had left the ducks.
[04:09.16]He went directly into the other room
[04:14.20]to sharpen his knife on the oil stone so he could carve the ducks.
[04:22.12]The preacher was sitting in the room with the girl.
[04:27.70]She knew that her papa was going to punish her,
[04:33.31]and she started crying and shedding some tears.
[04:39.68]The preacher said, "What is the matter with you girl?" She said,
[04:48.32]"Papa has this one bad fault - he invites preachers to his house
[04:56.68]and goes to sharpen his knife to cut off both their ears."
[05:04.34]And the Reverend said, "What is that you say, daughter?" The girl said,
[05:13.45]"Yes, Papa invites preachers here all the time and cuts off both their ears."
[05:23.39]The preacher said, "Daughter, hand me my hat, quick!"
[05:29.83]The girl gave him his hat and he ran out of the door quickly.
[05:37.25]The daughter called her Papa and said,
[05:42.00]"Papa, the preacher got both of the ducks and has gone."
[05:49.31]The old man ran to the door and yelled to the preacher,
[05:56.22]"Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?
[06:02.30]Come back here right now!"
[06:07.02]But the preacher just kept running and shouted back over his shoulder,
[06:14.51]"Damned if you\'ll get either one of these."
[06:20.27]1)Whom did the old man invite to his house?
[06:27.47]2)What did he roast for the guest? 

[06:33.62]3)Where did the father go to meet the Reverend?
[06:39.96]4)What did the daughter do while the father was away?
[06:47.70]5)What did the father do after he came back with the guest?
[06:55.84]6)Why do you think the daughter started to cry in front of the guest?
[07:04.44]7)What did she say to the guest?
[07:10.60]8)What did the guest do after he heard what the daughter said?
[07:18.12]9)What did the daughter say to her father when the preacher left?
[07:26.54]10)What did the father shout to him?
[07:32.34]11)What did the guest reply?
[07:38.93]12)What does "either one of these" mean to the guest and to the father?
[07:47.57]Exercise 2
[07:54.88]Listen to the passage again and then role-play it in groups of three,
[08:02.58]being "the old man", "the guest" and "the daughter".
[08:09.31]Listening 3
[08:13.02]Exercise 1
[08:20.26]Listen to the passage and fill in the following blanks
[08:26.02]with the exact words you hear on the tape.
[08:30.95]The Cat with the Wooden Paw
[08:36.06]Jack Storme was the local barrel maker and blacksmith of Thebes, Illinois.
[08:44.41]He had a cat that the (stayed around) his shop.
[08:49.38]The cat was the best 2)(mouse catcher) in the whole country, Jack said.
[08:56.29]He kept the shop 3)(free of rats and mice.) But, one day,
[09:04.03]the cat got caught in a piece of machinery and 4)(got a paw cut off.) After that,
[09:12.53]he began to 5)(grow weak and thin) and didn\'t take any interest in anything,
[09:19.66]because he wasn\'t getting enough to eat.
[09:24.48]So, one day, Jack decided to 6)(make a wooden paw) for the cat.
[09:31.75]He made one with his pocket knife and 7)(fastened it on the injured leg.) After that,
[09:40.25]the cat began to 8)(grow sleek and fat) again.
[09:45.76]Jack decided to stay at the shop one night
[09:50.54]to see how the cat 9)(managed) with his wooden paw.
[09:55.87]After dark, the cat got down in front of a mouse-hole and waited.
[10:02.78]Pretty soon a mouse 10)(peered out cautiously.) Quick as a flash
[10:10.70]the cat 11)(seized it with his good paw) and knocked it on the head
[10:17.51]with his wooden one. 新编大学英语2unit6 新编大学英语2unit10 新编大学英语4unit7 新编大学英语2unit7 新编大学英语2unit8 新编大学英语2unit5


