大学英语精读听力第五册Unit 7

英语听力 2019-07-18 10:15:18 118

                 UNIT 7


    Oliver Barrett IV, a Harvard student from a wealthy WASP family, fell in love with Jennifer, a Radcliff music major, daughter of a pastry chef of Italian descent. Jennifer returned his love. The two of them started talking about marriage, thinking they were made for each other. A banker and a squeamish parent, Oliver Barrett III refused to give his blessing to the proposed alliance. Oliver and Jennifer thereupon went ahead on their own, contented with their "love in a cottage".
    We join the novel in Chapter 13, three years after Oliver married Jennifer regardless of his father\'s fierce opposition. One day, they received an invitation from Oliver\'s parents to the old man\'s sixtieth birthday party. Jennifer preferred accepting the invitation, regarding it as a good opportunity for a reconciliation between father and son. But Oliver wouldn\'t gibe it a thought. Thus the two of them had a violent quarrel…

              Love Story
                   by Erich Segal
       Mr. And Mrs. Oliver Barrett III
     request the pleasure of your company
        at a dinner in celebration of
       Mr. Barrett\'s sixtieth birthday
        Saturday, the sixth of March
              at seven o\'clock
     Dover House, Ipswich, Massachusetts
     R. S. V. P.
    "Well?" asked Jennifer.
    "Do you even have to ask?" I replied. I was in the midst of abstracting The State v. Percival, a very important precedent in criminal law. Jenny was sort of waving the invitation to bug me.
    "I think it\'s about time, Oliver," she said.
    "For what?"
    "For you know very well that," she answered. "Does he have to crawl here on his hands and knees?"
    I kept working as she worked me over.
    "Ollie -- he\'s reaching out to you!"
    "Bullshit, Jenny. My mother addressed the envelope."
    "I thought you said you didn\'t look at it!" she sort of yelled.
Okay, so I did glance at it earlier. Maybe it had slipped my mind. I was, after all, in the midst of abstracting The State v. Percival, and in the virtual shadow of exams. The point was she should have stopped haranguing me.
    "Ollie, think," she said, her tone kind of pleading now. "Sixty goddamn years old. Nothing says he\'ll still be around when you\'re finally ready for the reconciliation."
    I informed Jenny in the simplest possible terms that there would never be a reconciliation and would she please let me continue my studying. She sat down quietly, squeezing herself onto a corner of the sofa where I had my feet. Although she didn\'t make a sound, I quickly became aware that she was looking at me very hard. I glanced up.
    "Someday," she said, "when you\'re being bugged by Oliver V --"
    "He won\'t be called Oliver, be sure of that!" I snapped at her. She didn\'t raise her voice, though she usually did when I did.
"Listen, Ol, even if we name him Bozo the Clown that kid\'s still going to resent you because you were a big Harvard athlete. And by the time he\'s a freshman, you\'ll probably be in the Supreme Court!"
    I told her that our son would definitely not resent me. She then inquired how I could be so certain of that. I couldn\'t produce evidence. I mean, I simply knew our son would not resent me, I couldn\'t say precisely why. Jenny then remarked:
    "Your father loves you too, Oliver. Her loves you just the way you\'ll love Bozo. But you Barretts are so damn proud and competitive, you\'ll go through life thinking you hate each other."
    "If it weren\'t for you," I said jokingly.
    "Yes," she said.
"The case is closed," I said, being, after all, the husband and head of household. My eyes returned to The State v. Perival and Jenny got up. But then she remembered.
"There\'s still the matter of the RSVP."
I said that a Radcliffe music major could probably compose a nice little negative RSVP without professional guidance.
    "Listen, Oliver," she said, "I\'ve probably lied or cheated in my life. But I\'ve never deliberately hurt anyone. I don\'t think I could."
    Really, at that moment she was only hurting me, so I asked her politely to handle the RSVP in whatever manner she wished, as long as the essence of the message was that we wouldn\'t show unless hell froze over. I returned once again to The State v. Percival.
    "What\'s the number?" I heard her say very softly. She was at the telephone.
    "Can\'t you just write a note?"
    "In a minute I\'ll lose my nerve. What\'s the number?"
    I told her and was instantly immersed in Percival\'s appeal to the Supreme Court. I was not listening to Jenny. That is, I tried not to. She was in the same room, after all.
    "Oh -- good evening, sir," I heard her say.
    She had her hand over the mouthpiece.
    "Ollie, does it have to be negative?"
    The nod of my head indicated that it had to be, the wave of my hand indicated that she should hurry up.
    "I\'m terribly sorry," she said into the phone. "I mean, we\'re terribly sorry, sir…"
    We\'re! Did she have to involve me in this? And why can\'t she get to the point and hang up?
    She had her hand on the mouthpiece again and was talking very loud.
"He\'s wounded, Oliver! Can you just sit there and let you father bleed?"
    Had she not been in such an emotional state, I could have explained once again that stones do not bleed. But she was very upset. And it was upsetting me too.
    "Oliver," she pleaded, "could you just say a word?"
    To him? She must be going out of her mind!
    "I mean, like just maybe \'hello\'?"
    She was offering the phone to me. And trying not to cry.
    "I will never talk to him. Ever," I said with perfect calm.
And now she was crying. Nothing audible, but tears pouring down her face. And then she -- she begged.
    "For me, Oliver. I\'ve never asked you for anything. Please."
Three of us. There of us just standing (I somehow imagined my father being there as well) waiting for something. What? For me?
    I couldn\'t do it.
    Didn\'t Jenny understand she was asking the impossible? That I would have done absolutely anything else? As I looked at the floor, shaking my head in adamant refusal and extreme discomfort, Jenny addressed me with a kind of whispered fury I had never heard from her:
    "You are a heartless bastard,\' she said. And then she ended the telephone conversation with my father saying:
    "Mr. Barrett, Oliver does want you to know that in his own special way…"
    She paused for breath. She had been sobbing, so it wasn\'t easy. I was much too astonished to do anything but await the end of my alleged "message."
    "Oliver loves you very much," she said, and hung up very quickly.
There is no rational explanation for my actions in the next split second. I must never be forgiven for what I did.
    I ripped the phone from her hand, then from the socket -- and hurled it across the room.
    "God damn you, Jenny! Why don\'t you get the hell out of my life!"
    I stood still, panting like the animal I had suddenly become. Jesus Christ! What the hell had happened to me? I turned to look at Jen.
But she was gone.
    I mean absolutely gone, because I didn\'t even hear footsteps on the stairs. Christ, she must have dashed out the instant I grabbed the phone. Even her coat and scarf were still there. The pain of not knowing what to do was exceeded only by that of knowing what I had done.
    I searched everywhere.
    In the Law School library, I prowled the rows of grinding students, looking and looking. Up and back, at least half a dozen times. Though I didn\'t utter a sound, I knew my glance was so intense, my face so fierce, I was disturbing the whole place. Who cares?
But Jenny wasn\'t there.
   Then all through Harkness Commons, the lounge, the cafeteria. Then a wild sprint to look around Agassiz Hall at Radcliffe. Not there, either. I was running everywhere now, my legs trying to catch up with the pace of my heart.
    Paine Hall? (Ironic goddamn name!) Downstairs are piano practice rooms. I know Jenny. When she\'s angry, she pounds the keyboard. Right? But how about when she\'s scared to death?
    It\'s crazy walling down the corridor, practice rooms on either side. The sounds of Mozart and Bartok, Bach and Brahms filter out from the doors and blend into this weird infernal sound.
    Jenny\'s got to be here!
    Instinct made me stop at a door where I heard the pounding (angry?) sound of a Chopin prelude. I paused for a second. The playing was lousy -- stops and starts and many mistakes. At one pause I heard a girl\'s voice mutter, "Shit!" It had to be Jenny. I flung open the door.
    A Radcliffe girl was at the piano. She looked up. Au ugly, big-shouldered hippie Radcliffe girl, annoyed at my invasion.
    "What\'s the matter, man?" she asked.
    "Sorry," I replied, and closed the door again.
    Then I tried Harvard Square. Nothing.
    Where would Jenny have gone?
    I just stood there, lost in the darkness of Harvard Square, not knowing where to go or what to do next. A colored guy approached me and inquired if I was in need of a fix. I kind of absently replied, "No, thank you sir."
    I wasn\'t running now. I mean, what was the rush to return to the empty house? It was very late -- almost 1 A. M. -- and I was numb -- more with fright than with the cold (although it wasn\'t warm, believe me). From several yards off, I thought I saw someone sitting on the top of the steps. This had to be my eyes playing tricks, because the figure was motionless.
    But it was Jenny.
    She was sitting on the top step.
    I was too tired to panic, too relieved to speak. Inwardly I hoped she had some blunt instrument with which to hit me.
    We both spoke so quietly, it was impossible to take an emotional reading.
    "I forgot my key," Jenny said.
    I stood there at the bottom of the steps, afraid to ask how long she had been sitting, knowing only that I had wronged her terribly.
"Jenny, I\'m sorry --"
    "Stop!" she cut off my apology, then said very quietly, "Love means not ever having to say you\'re sorry."
    I climbed up the stairs to where she was sitting.
    "I\'d like to go to sleep. Okay?" she said.
    We walked up to our apartment. As we undressed, she looked at me reassuringly.
    "I meant what I said, Oliver."
    And that was all.


n.  a main division of a book 章,回,篇
    r. s. v. p / R. S. V. P
    [Fr.] please reply
vt. make a shortened form of (a statement, speech, etc.) by separating out what is important 摘录...要点
prep. (Latin) against  对
n.  a judicial decision, case, or proceeding that serves as a guide in future similar situations 前例;判例
n.  a spoken or written request to go or come somewhere or do sth.
vt. annoy; irritate
int, n. (sl.) foolish talk; nonsense
a.  almost what is stated; in fact though not officially
vt. attack or try to persuade with a long, loud, and scolding speech 向...夸夸其谈地演讲;大声训斥
a.  (sl.) (used to express annoyance or give force to an expression) 该死的,讨厌的
n.  bring back of friendly relations  和解
v.  fit by forcing, pressing or crowding 挤
n.  (sl.) a stupid person
n.  a student in the first year of high school or university
a.  highest in rank, power or authority
ad. exactly; accurately
ad. (sl.) (used to give force to an expression, good or bad) very 非常
ad. in a joking manner
ad. On purpose
n.  the basic or most important part of sth. 要素,实质
n.  any of the threadlike parts of the body which form a system to carry messages to and from the brain; courage 神经;勇气
ad. at once; immediately
vt. put deep into a body of liquid; cause (oneself) to enter deeply into an activity 使沉浸于;使(自己)专心于
n.  the part of a musical instrument, telephone, etc. that is placed at or between the lips  (乐器的)吹口;(电话的)送话口
vi. lose blood
vt. disturb or make worried
a.  loud enough to be heard
a.  firmly or stubbornly determined
n.  the act of refusing
a.  violent anger; rage 暴怒
a.  having no sympathy or pity
n.  a child of unmarried parents; (sl.) an unpleasant, disagreeable or cruel person
vt. declare without definite proof 断言,宣称
a.  able to reason; based on reason
vt. tear open or split apart
n.  插座
vt. throw with force
vi. breathe in short, quick gasps 气喘
n.  a step of the foot; the sound of a foot stepping
vi. move with sudden speed
n.  a piece of cloth worn around the neck or head for warmth or decoration
v.  徘徊于;在...搜寻 
vi. study hard, esp. for an examination
a.  extremely severe or violent; terrible
n.  a dining hall where food is served to a large group at common tables 公共食堂
n.  public sitting room in a hotel, club, etc. (旅馆,俱乐部等的)休息室
n.  a restaurant in which customers wait on themselves 自助餐厅
a.  expressing one thing and meaning the opposite; expressing irony 讽刺的
n.  a narrow hallway or passage in a building, that often has rooms opening onto it
vi. pass through a filter; pass slowly in a specific direction 过滤;透过
vi. mix together thoroughly
a.  (inf.) extremely unpleasant; terrible
n.  an ability or way of behaving that a person or animal possesses from birth and does not need to learn 本能
a.  (inf.) very bad, unpleasant, useless, etc. 糟糕的,劣等的
v.  speak in a low voice that is hard to hear; complain or grumble 轻声低语;抱怨
int. (taboo)(expressing anger or annoyance) 呸!妈的!
n.  (esp. in the 1960s and 1970s) a person who opposes the accepted standards of ordinary society, esp. when showing this by dressing in unusual clothes, living in groups together, and sometimes taking drugs for pleasure 嬉皮士
n.  the act of invading, esp. an attack in war when enemy spreads into and tries to control a country 入侵;侵犯
n.  an injection of narcotics 毒品注射剂
ad. in an absent-minded manner
n.  sudden, intense fear
a.  without any movement; completely still
ad. in the innermost being; mentally; to oneself
a.  directed toward or located on the inside of interior
a.  having an edge or point that is not sharp 钝的
n.  a device used for a particular kind of work
n.  a statement that one is sorry for sth.
vi. take one\'s clothes off
ad. in a way that comforts, encourages, or restores confidence

in celebration of
    in order to celebrate
sort of
    to some extent; rather有几分;有点
work over
    subject to harsh or cruel treatment, as by beating, torture, etc.
reach out(to)
    try to communicate (with); make contact (with)
in the shadow of
    very near to
kind of
    to some extent; sort of
in simple terms
    in very plain language
be certain of
    have no doubt about
lose one\'s nerve
    panic suddenly and become afraid of sth. that one is doing; lose courage or self-control
be immersed in
    be deeply absorbed in
involve in
    cause to be mixed up in
come / get to the point
    talk about the important thing; reach the central question or fact
hang up
    place a telephone receiver back on its hook and break the connection
go out of one\'s mind
    start to behave in a strange way; go crazy
scared to death
    extremely frightened
 (be) in need of
    need or ought to have
cut off
    interrupt or stop


    Erich Segal
    Oliver Barrett
    Agassiz Hall
    Paine Hall
    Harvard Square

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