淘金式大学英语四六级词汇听力mp3下载附文本 Unit3B
[00:00.00]Lesson 37 ;第三十七课
[00:01.99]activate [\'ktiveit] ;vt.使活动起来, 使开始起作用
[00:03.19]The cardiac pacemaker is used to activate the heartbeat ;心脏起博器是用来激活 心脏跳动的,
[00:05.86]when the patient is suffering from a serious shock. ;在病人严重休克时.
[00:08.63]adjacent [\'deisnt] ;a.临近的,毗连的
[00:10.03]Guangdong Province is adjacent to Hunan Province. ;广东省与湖南省交界.
[00:13.48]automation [婠]:t\'mein] ;n.自动化(技术), 自动操作
[00:14.93]Automation means the methods and machines that make industry mo- re and more automatic, ;自动化指的是使工业生 产日益自动化的方法或 机器,
[00:19.29]esp. by means of electronic controls. ;尤指通过电子控制.
[00:22.30]batch[bt] ;n.一批,一组,一群; 一批生产量
[00:23.38]Every year migratory birds fly to Kunming in batches to survive the winter. ;每年有成批的候鸟飞到 昆明来越冬.
[00:28.94]casualty[\'kulti] ;n.伤亡人员,死伤者; 受害者
[00:30.35]In Iran-Iraq war,both sides incurred heavy casualties. ;在两伊战争中,双方均 遭受惨重伤亡.
[00:33.95]catastrophe [k\'tstrfi] ;n.大灾难,灾祸
[00:35.18]The Tangshan earthquake in 1975 was a catastrophe. ;1975 年的唐山大地震 是一场灾难.
[00:38.95]cavity[\'kviti] ;n.洞,穴,龋洞
[00:40.24]There is a cavity in one of my teeth;it makes me terribly painful. ;我有颗牙齿上有个洞, 疼死我了.
[00:44.13]census[\'senss] ;n.人口普查,统计
[00:45.25]In March 2001 the Chinese government announced the result of the fifth census. ;2001 年3月中国政府公 布了第五次人口普查的 结果.
[00:50.09]coverage[\'kvrid] ;n.覆盖范围;新闻报道
[00:51.09]CCTV has an overall coverage of 90% of the mainland area ;中央电视台已覆盖大陆 90%
[00:55.30]by means of satellite telecommunication. ;通过通讯卫星.
[00:57.47]deficiency [di\'finsi] ;n.缺乏,不足; 缺点,缺陷
[00:58.50]In spite of mental deficiency,Zhouzhou can conduct a large orchestra. ;尽管弱智,但洲洲却能够 指挥大型管弦乐队.
[01:02.39]It\'s really a miracle. ;这真是个奇迹.
[01:04.21]deficit[\'defisit] ;n.赤字,亏空,亏损
[01:05.50]The financial deficit of the USA is now even more serious than Japan. ;美国现在的政府赤字比 日本要严重得多.
[01:10.01]eccentric[ik\'sentrik] ;a.古怪的,怪僻的;离心的 n.古怪的人,怪僻的人
[01:11.09]I\'m afraid I cannot learn to speak Italian ;我想我一辈子也学 不会意大利语,
[01:13.07]because I cannot pronounce the eccentri -c trill sound no matter how hard I try. ;因为我怎么也发不出那古 怪的颤音,
[01:17.51]Mars,Venus and the other planets move in eccentric orbits. ;火星、金星及其他行星沿 不正圆的轨道运行.
[01:21.39]eclipse[i\'klips] ;v.(月,日)食,遮掩 (天体的)光;使失色 n.(月,日)食;(地位,名 誉的)消失,黯然失色
[01:22.55]A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the moon. ;当月球从地球和太阳之间 穿过时就会发生日食.
[01:26.37]Many actors go into eclipse after death. ;许多演员死后声名衰退.
[01:29.30]fascinate[\'fsineit] ;vt.强烈地吸引,迷住
[01:30.62]The changing vivid colors of the sunset fascinated the eye. ;日落时变化多端的色彩使 人看得入迷.
[01:33.86]It is a universal social problem ;这已成为一个普遍 的社会问题.
[01:35.79]that many teenagers are fascinated with video-games. ;许多青少年沉醉于电子 游戏,
[01:38.41]gasp[gsp] ;n.喘息,喘气 vi.喘息,喘气 vt.喘着气说出(或发出)
[01:39.15]An asthmatic patient coughs so much that he keeps gasping for breath. ;哮喘病人咳嗽得很厉害, 以至于不停地喘气.
[01:42.88]hail[heil] ;n.冰雹;欢呼,呼喊 vt.以欢呼迎接
[01:43.75]In summer hail sometimes falls and damages the crops. ;夏天有时下冰雹,使农作 物受到损害.
[01:46.74]The crowd hailed the actress with joy. ;人群高兴地向那位女演 员欢呼.
[01:49.09]ideology [aidi\'ldi] ;n.思想(体系), 思想意识
[01:50.47]As modern university students,we should be opposed to the feudal ideology. ;作为当代大学生,我们应 该反对封建思想.
[01:55.38]kit[kit] ;vt.装备 n.成套工具(或用品); 成套元件
[01:56.34]A fighter plane carries a kit of lifesaving appliance ;歼击机飞行员带有整套 的救生设备.
[01:59.40]when he bails out the fighter plane. ;歼击机飞行员跳伞时
[02:01.36]latent[\'leitnt] ;a.潜在的,不易察觉的
[02:02.34]The evils latent in the most promising contrivances are prov- ided for as they arise ;最有希望的发明当它们问 世时就带着潜在的邪恶.
[02:07.73]magnitude[\'mgnitju:d] ;n.重要性,重大;巨大, 广大;大小,最值
[02:09.14]It is an affair of the first magnitude for government of various levels ;是各级政府的头等大事
[02:12.57]to strictly carry out the policy of family planning. ;严格执行计划生育政策.
[02:15.52]The magnitude of traffic flow of Guangzhou is greatly increasing these years ;广州的车流量这几年猛增
[02:20.11]obscene[b\'si:n] ;a.淫秽的,下流的; 可恶的,可憎的
[02:21.77]The editors of the film,Women in Pavilion ;电影《庭院里的女人》的 编剧
[02:24.17]cut several scenes containing obscene language. ;删除了几个含有淫秽 语言的场景.
[02:26.94]peel[pi:l] ;vt.剥皮,剥壳; vi.剥落,脱皮; n.(水果等)皮,外皮
[02:27.69]It is said that the apple peel contains a lot of vitamins. ;据说苹果皮富含维生素.
[02:30.67]Some people like to peel the apple before eating ;有的人吃苹果喜欢剥皮.
[02:33.08]for fearing the hamp3 of the famp3 chemical and antiseptic to their health. ;有的人担心农药和 防腐剂对身体有害,
[02:37.20]pendulum [\'pendulm] ;n.钟摆; 摇摆不定的事态 或局面.
[02:38.50]The pendulum of the Big Ben above the British Parliament House ;英国国会大厦上的大本钟 的钟摆
[02:41.52]has to be cleaned every year. ;得每年清洗.
[02:43.38]qualify[\'kwlifai] ;v.(使)胜任, (使)具有资格, (使)合格
[02:44.45]Youngsters are qualified to vote when they are 18 years old. ;年轻人18岁时就有资格 投票.
[02:47.47]Do you qualify for the vote? ;你有投票资格吗?
[02:49.43]rating[\'reiti] ;n.等级,评定结果; 收视率,收听率
[02:50.41]The critic\'s rating of the film A Beautiful Mind is high. ;评论家们对电影《美丽 心灵》的评价很高.
[02:53.43]recipient [ri\'sipint] ;a.接受者,收听者
[02:54.59]The postman spent almost a whole day looking for the recipi -ent of the letter, ;邮递员几乎花了整整一天 时间寻找该信的收信人,
[02:58.15]but up till now he has not found him yet. ;但到现在还没有找到他.
[03:01.19]saturate[\'streit] ;vt.使浸透,湿透; 使充满,使饱和
[03:02.47]It is estimated that TV sets and fridges have been saturated in the China market. ;据估计中国市场上的电 视机和冰箱已经饱和.
[03:06.86]scent[sent] ;n.香味,气味;踪迹;香水 vt.嗅到,察觉
[03:07.84]Scents of lavender and rosemary can relieve tension. ;熏衣草和迷迭香的香味 可以减缓精神紧张.
[03:10.67]segregate[\'segrigeit] ;vt.使隔离,使分开
[03:11.75]Some societies still segregate men and women. ;有的社会仍然将男女 隔离.
[03:14.56]suite[swi:t] ;n.(旅馆的)套间; 一套家具
[03:15.51]The fomp3er American president Ronald Reagan ;美国前总统里根
[03:17.86]stayed in the president suite of the Guangzhou White Swan Hotel for 2 nights ;曾在广州白天鹅宾馆的 总统套间里住过两个晚 上
[03:21.64]when he visited China. ;访问中国期间.
[03:23.17]terrain[t\'rein] ;n.地形,地势
[03:24.09]Nearly 90% of the area of Guizhou Province is mountain terrain. ;贵州省近90%的地区是山 行地形.
[03:27.77]undemp3ine [婠knd\'main] ;vt.暗中破坏,削弱; 侵蚀…的基础
[03:29.01]Smoking and overdrinking undemp3ines our health. ;抽烟和过度喝酒有损 健康.
[03:31.54]vegetation [vedi\'tei()n] ;n.植物,草木
[03:32.77]Much of the northweatern vegetation has been damaged by overgrazing ;西北地区大多数天然植被 已被过度放牧破坏.
[03:37.79]Lesson 38 ;第三十八课
[03:40.27]adolescent [d\'lesnt] ;n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的
[03:41.59]It is reported that over 40% of the adolescents are smokers in China. ;据报道,中国有40%的 青少年吸烟.
[03:45.70]Parents should pay special attention to the psychological development ;父母要特别注意其 心理成长
[03:48.79]of their children when they are in adolescent period. ;在孩子青春期时.
[03:51.77]aerial[\'ril] ;n.天线 a.飞机的,航空的,由飞机 进行的;空中的,架空的
[03:53.06]An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River. ;一条架空索道横跨于 黄河之上.
[03:56.13]bias[\'bais] ;n.偏见,偏袒,偏心 vt.使有偏见
[03:57.16]His experiences bias him against businessman. ;他的经历使他对商人 抱有偏见.
[04:00.27]bizarre[bi\'za:] ;a.奇形怪状的,怪诞的
[04:01.26]The frost made bizarre patterns on the windowpane. ;霜冻在玻璃窗上形成了 奇形怪状的图案.
[04:04.03]certainty[\'s:tnti] ;n.必然的事, 确定的事实; 确实,确信
[04:05.19]I can say with certainty that he is right. ;我可以肯定地说他是 对的.
[04:07.59]chord[k:d] ;n.和弦,和音;弦,心弦
[04:08.56]The little boy touched the right chord and I gave him ten dollars. ;小男孩触动了我的心弦, 于是给了他10美元.
[04:11.69]clamp[klmp] ;vt.(用夹具等)夹紧, 夹住,固定 n.夹头,夹具,夹钳
[04:12.56]The Columbian police are going to clamp down on criminal activity in this area. ;哥伦比亚警方打算严厉打 击这个地区的犯罪活动.
[04:16.45]definitive[di\'finitiv] ;a.最可靠的,权威性的; 决定性的
[04:17.79]Professor Li Siguang made a definitive speech on the fomp3ation of rocks ;李四光教授对岩石的 形成作了权威的发言
[04:21.56]at the seminar held in Paris. ;在巴黎举办的研讨会上
[04:23.79]depict[di\'pikt] ;vt.描绘,描述
[04:24.95]Hemingway depicts the horrors of war in his works. ;海明威在他的作品中描述 了战争的恐怖.
[04:28.05]eject[i\'dekt] ;vt.驱逐,逐出;喷射, 排出,弹出
[04:29.34]Vesevius ejected a lot of lava and ashes when it erupted last year. ;维苏威火山去年喷发时, 喷射出大量的熔岩和火 山灰.
[04:33.77]elapse[i\'lps] ;vi.(时间)消逝,过去
[04:34.97]Two years have elapsed since I entered the university. ;我进大学读书到现在, 亿过去两年了.
[04:38.08]elite[ei\'li:t,i\'li:t] ;n.(总称)上层人士,掌权 人物,实力集团;(总称) 出类拔萃的人(或集团)
[04:39.15]The Oxford University and Cambridge Uninersity have ;牛津大学和剑桥大学
[04:41.88]educated the political and scientific elited for the British society. ;为英国社会培养了政治和 科学方面的精英.
[04:46.61]feast[fi:st] ;n.盛宴,筵席;节日 vi.(~on)尽情地吃, 宴饮
[04:47.97]On April 11, ;4月11日,
[04:49.04]the fomp3er NBA star Rodman invited over 1500 people to his birthday feast. ;前NBA球星罗 得曼邀请了1500多人参 加他的生日盛宴.
[04:54.34]feat[fi:t] ;n.伟绩,伟业,技艺
[04:55.22]Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is a marvelous engineering feat. ;南京长江大桥是了不起 的工程伟绩.
[04:59.24]genetic[di\'netik] ;a.遗传学的 n.[pl.]遗传学
[05:00.27]More and moere doctors believe that cancer is a genetic disease. ;越来越多的医生认为癌症 是遗传病.
[05:03.46]hierarchy[\'haira:ki] ;n.等级制度;统治集团, 领导层
[05:04.69]The Supreme Court is the head of a hierarchy of federal courts. ;最高法院是联邦法院等级 系统中的最高机构.
[05:08.39]imitation [奿mi\'tein] ;n.模仿;仿制,仿制品; 赝品
[05:09.63]An artist who can only give imitation of others\' styles will not achieve acclaim. ;一个只会模仿他人风格的 艺术家是不会获得人们称 赞的.
[05:14.22]impair[im\'p] ;vt.损害,损伤,削弱
[05:15.34]Over 200,000 babies are born in the U.S. each year ;每年美国出生的婴儿超过 20万人
[05:18.06]with defomp3ed bodies and impaired minds because of defective genes. ;由于基因有缺陷,有畸形 躯体和心灵损伤.
[05:21.96]impetus[\'impits] ;n.推动,促进,刺激; 推动力
[05:23.17]The refomp3 and open policy is the primary impetus behind China\'s economic recovery. ;改革开放政策是促进中国 经济恢复的主要推动力.
[05:28.37]layman[\'leimn] ;n.门外汉,外行
[05:29.59]Doctors sometimes confuse laymen with their jargon. ;医生有的用专门术语把外 行人弄得稀里糊涂,
[05:32.36]maneuver [m\'nu:v] ;n.谨慎而熟练的动作,策 略;[pl.]演习 vt.使设法变动位置,操纵 vi.设法变动位置,用策略
[05:33.47]I maneuvered myself out of an embarrassing position. ;我小施策略,使自己 摆脱困境.
[05:36.63]manuscript [\'mnjuskript] ;n.手稿,原稿,底稿; 手写本
[05:37.86]Now in China,most writers,especially the young ones, ;现在中国大多数的作家, 尤其是年轻作家
[05:40.97]can use computers to write their manuscripts. ;都能用电脑来写搞了.
[05:44.04]necessitate [ni\'sesiteit] ;vt.使成为必要,需要
[05:45.36]The increase in population necessitates a greater food supply. ;人口的增加需要更多的 事物供应.
[05:48.91]offset[\'fset] ;vt.补偿,抵消
[05:49.95]He has to offset his small salary by living economically. ;他以节俭的生活来抵消 其低微的收入.
[05:53.34]perfection [p\'fekn] ;n.完美,完善
[05:54.34]The engineers in Honda Automobile Factory ;本田汽车厂的工程师们
[05:56.50]are working toward the perfection of a new design. ;正在努力改进一项新的 设计使之完美.
[05:59.02]periodic [piri\'dik] ;a.周期的,定期的, 时而发生的
[06:00.18]There is such an orchestra in the Caucasus. ;高加索确实有这样一个 乐团.
[06:02.46]All of the members are more than 100 years old. ;乐团的所有成员都在百 岁以上,
[06:04.94]They rehearse regularly and give periodic concerts. ;他们定期排练,定期开 音乐会.
[06:08.30]pemp3issible [p\'misibl] ;a.可允许的,许可的
[06:09.38]The prison governor said ;监狱长说
[06:10.77]what the prisoner requested was unfortunately not pemp3issible. ;囚犯的请求不大可能得 到批准.
[06:14.18]recycle[ri:\'saikl] ;vt.回收利用(废物等)
[06:15.42]In Los Angeles alone, millions of pounds of paper are discarded or burned daily ;仅仅在洛杉矶,每天都有 数百万磅的纸张被扔下或 烧掉,
[06:19.94]rather than saved for recycling. ;而不是留着再次利用.
[06:21.92]serial[\'siril] ;n.连续剧,连载故事 a.连续的,顺序排列的
[06:23.57]Jing Yong\'s Kongfu novels have appeared as serial novels in newspapers. ;金庸的武侠小说以连载小 说的形式出现在报纸上.
[06:30.12]Lesson 39 ;第三十九课
[06:33.52]affiliate[\'filieit] ;vt.使隶属于 n.附属机构,分公司
[06:34.50]The Radcliffe College is affiliated with Harvard University. ;Radcliffe 学院附属于 哈佛大学.
[06:37.58]The Harvard faculty provides all instructions, ;哈佛教师任所有课程,
[06:40.02]and Radcliffe graduates receive Harvard degrees. ;毕业生获哈佛授予的 学位.
[06:43.20]aggravate[\'grveit] ;vt.加重,使恶化; 激怒,使恼火
[06:44.56]The recent Israeli bombing to Palestine Headquarters ;最近以色列对巴基斯坦 总部的轰炸
[06:47.36]aggravated the tension in the Middle East. ;加剧了中东的紧张局势.
[06:49.50]aggregate[\'grigeit] ;n.总数,总计 a.总计的,合计的 vt.总计达,积累
[06:50.90]Unit sales for December amounted in the aggregate to 100,000. ;12月份的单位销售量总 数达到10万.
[06:54.79]blaze[bleiz] ;vi.着火;放光彩;爆发 n.火焰,烈火;灿烂
[06:55.91]If we put some paper on the fire,it will soon burst into a blaze. ;如果把纸放在火上,就会 马上发出火焰.
[06:59.93]clarity[\'kliti] ;n.清楚,明确
[07:01.00]I\'m greatly impressed by the clarity of the sea water in Hainan. ;海南清澈的海水给我留下 了深刻的印象.
[07:04.36]clearance[\'klirns] ;n.净空;清除;清算
[07:05.48]Generally speaking ;一般来说,
[07:07.05]in a modern apartment the clearance of the living room is becoming larger. ;现代公寓的客厅变得越 来越大.
[07:10.81]At the turn of seasons ;在季节交替的时候,
[07:12.43]there is usually a clearance sale of some goods in almost every store. ;各商店通常都对某些商 品清仓大减价.
[07:16.04]designate[\'dezigneit] ;vi.指派,委任;标出
[07:17.20]A special committee was designated by the UN ;联合国指派了一个特别委 员会
[07:19.80]to mediate the conflict between Palestine and Israel. ;去调停巴基斯坦和以 色列的冲突.
[07:22.45]diagnose [奷aig\'nuz] [\'daignuz] ;vt.诊断,判断
[07:23.65]Doctors have to rely on a CT (computerized tomography )machine ;医生只有依赖CT(计算机 化X线体层照相技术),
[07:25.85]to diagnose tumors inside the head. ;来确诊头部肿瘤.
[07:27.87]Through effective tests,students\' reading difficulties can be diagnosed. ;通过有效的测试,学生 阅读上的困难可被查找 出来.
[07:31.86]embody[im\'bdi] ;vt.体现;包含,包括
[07:32.97]The new marriage law of country embodies some changed legal provisions. ;我国新的婚姻法有些条 文做了改动.
[07:37.24]The article embodied all his opinions on the incident. ;
[07:40.72]embed[im\'bed] ;vt.把钳入,扎牢
[07:41.84]Hegemonism has been embedded in the mind of some American politicians. ;霸权主义思想已深深印入 某些美国政客的脑海.
[07:46.09]federation [奻edrein] ;n.联合会;联邦
[07:47.50]The United States is a federation of fifty individual states. ;美国是由50个州组成的 联邦.
[07:50.90]finite[\'fainait] ;a.有限的,限定的
[07:51.68]We must save energy because the natural resources of the earth are finite. ;我们必须节约能源,因 为地球的自然资源是有 限的.
[07:55.86]hitherto [\'hi\'tu:] ;ad.到目前为止;迄今
[07:57.70]The missing Chinese pilot,Wang Wei,has not been found hitherto. ;到目前为止失踪的中国 飞行员王伟还没有找到.
[08:01.87]implicit[im\'plisit] ;a.含蓄的;无疑问的; 固有的
[08:03.20]The leader has implicit trust in his secretary. ;领导对自己的秘书绝对 信任.
[08:06.01]inaugurate [i\'n:gjureit] ;vt.开始; 为…举行就职典礼
[08:07.17]American presidents are always inaugurated on January 20th. ;美国总统总是在元月20日 宣誓就职的.
[08:10.81]incidence[\'insidns] ;n.发生率
[08:12.06]It is reported that the incidence of illiteracy of China is noticeably decreasing. ;据报道,中国文盲率正在 显著下降.
[08:16.54]marginal[\'ma:dinl] ;a.微小的,不重要的; 记在页边的
[08:17.78]Students should develop a habit of making marginal notes while reading. ;学生应养成阅读时在书的 页边上做笔记的习惯.
[08:21.34]nonetheless [n\'les] ;ad.尽管如此,依然
[08:22.57]The main stream of the world\'s situation is peace; ;尽管世界形势的 主流是和平,
[08:25.43]nonetheless local conflicts never stop. ;但是地区冲突从来 就没有停止过.
[08:28.29]plausible [\'pl:zibl] ;a.似乎合理的; 似乎可能的
[08:29.40]The American intervention in the Balkan affairs seems plausible, ;美国对巴尔干事务的干涉 貌似有理,
[08:32.84]but it is a typical American hegemonic behavior. ;其实是典型的美国式霸 权主义行径.
[08:36.00]poke[puk] ;vt.捅,戳;伸出 vi.伸出,突出; n.戳,捅
[08:36.74]Passengers are not allowed to poke their heads out of the windows ;乘客不要将头伸出窗外.
[08:39.59]when the bus is moving. ;公共汽车开动时,
[08:41.04]pore[p:] ;n.毛孔,细孔 vi.仔细阅读,审视
[08:42.04]When signing a contract you should pore over every clause in case you are fooled ;签合同前应仔细审读合同 的每一条款,以防万一上 当受骗.
[08:46.18]referee[妑ef\'ri:] ;n.裁判员;仲裁员 v.当裁判
[08:47.25]In a football match ;足球比赛中,
[08:48.38]one referee and two linesmen shall be appointed to officiate in each game. ;每场比赛任命一名裁判 员、两名巡边员执行裁 判任务.
[08:52.43]shaft[a:ft] ;n.柄,杆;轴;(光)束
[08:53.22]The shaft of an arrow is made of alloy material. ;箭杆是用合金材料制 作的.
[08:56.29]shepherd[\'epd] ;n.牧羊人 vt.带领,引领
[08:57.40]The passengers were shepherded across the tamp3ac to the airliner ;旅客们被引导走过跑道上 飞机.
[09:01.04]shuttle[\'tl] ;n.织机的梭子;航天飞机 vi.穿梭般来回; vt.短程穿梭运动
[09:02.07]With a modern transportation network between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, ;广州与深圳间建有现代化 交通网络,
[09:05.26]trains and buses and lorries shuttle passengers and goods across the two cities. ;火车、大巴和卡车穿梭于 两市运送乘客和货物.
[09:09.57]thereafter [婠nr\'a:ft] ;ad.之后,以后
[09:10.77]In dialing a local call,the first three minutes will cost you 0.5 yuan; ;打市内电话头三分钟 0.5元,
[09:15.03]thereafter,each minute will cost 0.1 yuan. ;以后每分钟为0.1元.
[09:18.85]thrill[ril] ;n.兴奋,激动 v.(使)非常高兴或激动
[09:19.96]It\'s really a pity ;真是令人遗憾,
[09:22.25]that the Chinese football team has never thrilled the fans these years. ;中国足球队近年来从未让 球迷兴奋过.
[09:24.64]update[p\'deit] ;vt.更新,使现代化 n.最新信息
[09:25.55]We have to update the English textbooks, because they are too obsolete to students. ;我们必须更新英语教材, 因为它们太过时了,不能 满足学生的要求.
[09:29.73]velocity[vi\'lsiti] ;n.速度,速率
[09:30.86]A bullet goes from the gun with a velocity of 3000 feet a second. ;子弹以每秒3000英尺的 速度从枪里射出.
[09:34.79]wedge[wed] ;n.楔子,三角木 vt.用楔子抵住,挤进;? 楔入
[09:35.90]The people wedged me into the corner when the movie was over. ;电影结束时人们把我挤到 角落里.
[09:40.50]Lesson 40 ;第四十课
[09:42.65]alleviate[\'li:vieit] ;vt.减轻,缓和
[09:44.02]Chinese medical researchers have successfully developed a new medicine ;中国医学研究人员已成功 地研制出一种新药,
[09:47.59]to alleviate the cancer patients\' suffering. ;来缓解癌症病人痛苦.
[09:49.95]bonus[\'buns] ;n.奖金,红利
[09:50.90]To some degree bonus is an effective way to motivate the workers. ;在某种程度上来说,奖金 是调动工作积极性的一种 有效方法.
[09:54.54]coherent [ku\'hirnt] ;a.条理清楚的,连贯的; 一致的
[09:55.58]We should try to be as coherent as possible whenever we speak or write in English. ;无论何时我们用英语说 话或写作时,都应该尽可 能地做到条理清楚.
[09:59.68]collaboration [klb\'rein] ;n.合作,协作;勾结
[10:00.92]Football is a collective game. ;足球是集体项目.
[10:02.66]Members of a team have to work in close collaboration in order to win a match. ;要赢得比赛,队员就必须 紧密配合.
[10:06.38]comet[\'kmit] ;n.彗星
[10:07.30]Newly discovered comets ;新发现的彗星
[10:08.75]are now named after the famous figures proposed by the discoverers. ;是以其发现者的所推荐的 名人的名字来命名的.
[10:12.18]differentiate [奷if\'renieit] ;vi.区分 vt.区别,使不同
[10:13.67]Men are differntiated from animals ;人与动物的区别
[10:15.65]in than men can communicate with each other by language. ;在于人能够用语言进行 交际.
[10:18.35]dilute[dai\'lju:t] ;vt.稀释,冲淡 a.稀释的,冲淡的
[10:19.35]Water can dilute all kinds of chemical liquids. ;水可以稀释各种液体 化合物.
[10:21.90]The nurse diluted the drug with saline water ;护士用生理盐水加以 稀释.
[10:24.88]entail[in\'teil] ;vt.使承担,需要
[10:26.01]The construction of the Three Gorges Project entails large migration. ;三峡工程建设需要大批 移民.
[10:30.06]Writing a history book entails a lot of work. ;写一本历史书需要下很大 功夫.
[10:32.75]entity[\'entiti] ;n.实体,实际存在物
[10:33.91]The southern Cantonese culture is a separate cultural entity. ;岭南文化是一单独的文化 实体.
[10:37.11]flare[fl] ;vi.(火焰)闪耀;突出 n.闪光信号,照明弹
[10:38.18]A signal flare is usually shot when troops make a sudden attack at night. ;部队夜间发动突然袭击使 通常发射信号弹.
[10:42.08]gracious[\'greis] ;a.亲切的,和蔼的; 优美的,雅致的 int.(表示惊讶)天哪
[10:43.15]Queen Elizabeth II almost always appears in the public with a gracious smile. ;伊丽莎白二世女王在公共 场合出现时总是面带和蔼 的笑容.
[10:47.41]hose[huz] ;n.水龙头,软管 vt.用软管淋浇(或冲洗)
[10:48.25]For the sake of safety,all tall buildings must be equipped with hoses. ;为了安全起见,高层建筑 必须安装消防水龙头.
[10:52.34]inclusive[in\'klu:siv] ;a.包括一切的;所有数目 包括在内的
[10:53.59]The Chinese Football Team consists of 30 people, ;中国足球队共有30人 组成,
[10:56.20]inclusive of the doctors and the interpreter. ;包括队医和翻译在内.
[10:58.59]incur[in\'k:] ;vt.招致,遭受,引起
[10:59.91]The American bombing to the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia ;美国对中国驻南斯拉夫大 使馆的轰炸
[11:03.19]incurred strong condemnation from many countries. ;遭到许多国家的强烈 谴责.
[11:06.88]lever[\'levr] ;n.杆,杠杆;途径,手段 vt. 撬动,撬起
[11:08.32]Democrats used popular opinion as a lever to get the Act through the Congress. ;民主党人用舆论压力作为 杠杆促使该法案在国会获 得通过.
[11:12.59]medieval [妋edi\'i:vl] ;a.中世纪的, 中古(时代)的
[11:13.75]Jeffery Chaucer was a medieval British poet, ;乔叟是中世纪英国诗人,
[11:16.81]considered by the British people as "the father of poetry". ;被英国人视为“诗歌之 父”.
[11:19.70]nomp3[n:m] ;n.标准,规范;准则
[11:20.79]The U.S. usually uses dual nomp3s to judge the human rights in other countries. ;美国总是用双重标准来 评价别国的人权.
[11:25.13]optimum[\'ptimm] ;a.最合适的,最优的, 最佳的 n.最适条件,最适度
[11:26.34]Scientists are now trying to find out whether ;科学家正在努力探测外层 空间是否
[11:28.45]there is optimum environment for life in the outer space. ;有适合生命生长的环境.
[11:31.22]portray[p:\'trei] ;vt.描写,描绘;扮演
[11:32.22]Vicky Zhao portrayed a very ugly person in the film Shaolin Football. ;赵薇在电影《少林足球》 中扮演一个奇丑无比的 人.
[11:35.70]posture[\'pst] ;vi.装模作样 n.姿势,姿态; 看法,态度
[11:36.81]An arrogant person usually assumes a posture of superiority ;傲慢的人通常摆出一副高 人一等的样子.
[11:39.84]remnant[\'remnnt] ;n.残留部分
[11:40.66]We must get rid of the remnants of the feudal thought. ;我们必须消除封建思想 的残余.
[11:43.31]simulate[\'simjuleit] ;vt.模仿,模拟;假冒
[11:44.34]Simulated English tests may not always accurately ;英语模拟考试不一定总能 准确地
[11:46.84]reflect one\'s true proficiency and skills ;反映一个人的真实水平 和技能.
[11:49.24]situated [\'situeitid] ;a.位于…的,坐落在…的
[11:50.31]Wuhan City is situated in the center of China ;武汉市位于中国的中部.
[11:52.75]slack[slk] ;a.懈怠的;萧条的, 不活跃的 n.松弛部分;宽松的
[11:53.91]Those who are slack in their work will never have a chance to be successful. ;干活马虎的人永远都不会 成功.
[11:57.40]Don\'t slack off in your studies. ;不要荒废学业.
[11:59.38]slot[slt] ;n.狭缝;空位 vt.把…放入狭长开口中
[12:00.37]If you want to draw money from the ATM, ;如果想从自动取款机里取 钱,
[12:02.20]just insert the magnets card into the slot and enter your pin number. ;只要将磁卡插入,输 入你的密码即可.
[12:05.80]tile[tail] ;n.瓦,瓷砖 vt.铺瓦,贴瓷砖
[12:06.75]A roof tile is made of baked clay. ;屋顶的瓦是用黏土烧制 而成的.
[12:08.94]We use titles to cover roofs and sometimes floors and walls. ;我们用瓦片盖房顶,有时 也用瓷砖铺地面和墙面.
[12:12.26]toxic[\'tksik] ;a.有毒的,因中毒引起的
[12:13.30]This medicine is toxic if taken in large quantities. ;这种药若服用过量是 有毒的.
[12:16.11]vent[vent] ;n.通风口;(衣服低部的) 开叉; vt.排放;表达,发泄 (情感等)
[12:16.94]The news that the U.S. will cut down its financial aid to Korea has taken vent. ;美国将消减对韩国的经济 援助的消息给泄露了.
[12:21.32]whereby[w\'bai] ;ad.靠那个,借以
[12:22.45]We need this system whereby a new plan may arise. ;我们需要这种可能借以产 生新计划的制度.
[12:26.67]Lesson 41 ;第四十一课
[12:28.86]analogy[\'nldi] ;n.类比,比拟,类推
[12:30.11]In physiology class ;在生理学课上
[12:31.63]the teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and the pump. ;老师打了个比方,将人的 心脏比作水泵.
[12:34.65]There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels. ;水流流动的方式与光的 传播方式有相似之处.
[12:39.13]analytic [婠[n\'litik] ;a.分析的,分析法的
[12:40.41]Chinese is an analytic language which ;汉语是分析型语言,
[12:42.40]depends on the invari- able roots and word order to indicate its grammatical relations. ;其语法关系取决于不变的 词根和词序.
[12:47.95]bruise[bru:z] ;n.青肿;伤痕 vt.打青,挫折
[12:48.70]It is strange that girls are much easier to bruise their skin than boys. ;很奇怪,女孩子的皮肤 总是比男孩们更容易被 碰青肿.
[12:52.13]Soft fruit bruises easily. ;细嫩的水果容易碰损.
[12:54.40]commute[k\'mju:t] ;vi.乘车往返于两地 vt.减(刑);折合 n.上下班交通
[12:55.27]If you buy an apartment in the suburbs, ;如果在郊区买房子的话,
[12:57.06]you\'ll have to commute by bus between your home and your office in the downtown. ;就要乘公共汽车上下班.
[13:00.82]competence [\'kmpitns] ;n.能力,胜任,称职
[13:01.82]Not everyone has the competence to learn a foreign language well. ;不是每个人都能学好一门 外语的.
[13:04.84]compartment [km\'pa:tmnt] ;n.(火车)卧铺车厢内 的隔间;分隔的空间, 火车车厢
[13:05.92]Smoking is forbidden in the air-conditioned compartments. ;空调车厢内严禁吸烟.
[13:09.02]cynical[\'sinikl] ;a.愤世疾俗的, (对人体或动机) 怀疑的
[13:10.06]With a cynical outlook the young people today are easy to go to extremes. ;抱有愤世疾俗的心态, 当今的年轻人容易走 极端.
[13:13.90]directory [di\'rektri] ;n.人名地址录, 电话号码簿, 工商行名录
[13:14.81]You can find the telephone number and adress of any company in the directory. ;在电话薄上可以找到任何 公司的电话号码和地址.
[13:18.87]envisage[in\'vizid] ;vt.想象,设想;正视, 面对(事实等)
[13:20.12]Nobody can envisage the consequences of a nuclear war. ;没有人能想象得出来核 战争带来的后果.
[13:23.11]erosion[i\'run] ;n.腐蚀,磨损; 消弱,减少
[13:24.53]The sea has the important earth-shaping power, ;海洋有造地的力量,
[13:27.04]producing erosion through the action of waves and tides. ;通过波浪和潮汐的 的运动而产生侵蚀.
[13:30.23]foam[fum] ;n.泡沫;泡沫材料, vi.起泡沫,吐白沫
[13:31.09]The waves break into foams against the rocks. ;波浪在岩石上撞成了泡沫
[13:33.70]Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air-bubbles. ;泡沫橡胶是充满了 小气泡的软橡胶.
[13:36.81]graphic[\'grfik] ;a.文字的,图表的; 生动的,形象的
[13:38.22]In Hemingway\'s novels there are graphic descriptions of battles. ;在海明威的小说中有 生动的战争场面的描写.
[13:41.97]hover[\'hv] ;vi.(鸟等)翱翔,盘旋; 徘徊,逗留在附近
[13:43.00]Some birds hover when they look for animals to kill on the ground. ;有些鸟在寻杀地上的 动物时,他们(在空中) 盘旋.
[13:46.20]indicative [in\'diktiv] ;n.陈述语气 a.表示的,象征的; 陈述的
[13:47.29]Resumption of the talks ;重新开始谈判
[13:48.68]is indicative of an improving relationship between South Korea and North Korea. ;预示着南北朝鲜的 关系正在改善.
[13:52.66]Is a high forehead indicative of great mental power? ;前额高表示智慧高吗?
[13:55.58]inertia [i\'n:] ;n.不活动,惰性;惯性
[13:56.65]Because of the inertia the train cannot stop instantly. ;由于惯性, 火车不能说停就停.
[13:59.79]inflict[in\'flikt] ;vt.把强加于, 使遭受,使承担
[14:00.66]The U.S. always inflicts its concept of human nature on other nations. ;美国总是把自己的 人权观念强加于别国.
[14:04.38]likelihood [\'laiklihud] ;n.可能,可能性
[14:05.61]Probability is the mathematical study of the likelihood of an event\'s occurrence. ;概率是对一个事件发生 的可能性的数学研究.
[14:09.75]migrant[\'maigrnt] ;n.移居者,移民; 候鸟,迁移动物
[14:10.72]Swallows,white cranes and red-crowned cranes are migrants. ;燕子、白鹤和丹顶鹤 都是候鸟.
[14:14.31]Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work. ;流动工人为了寻找工作 从一个城市移居到另一 个城市.
[14:17.62]notation [nu\'tein] ;n.记号,标记法
[14:18.76]Binary notation is used in the computer language. ;计算机语言使用二进制.
[14:21.95]orthodox [\':dks] ; a.传统的,正统的, 正宗的
[14:23.29]The young generation today don\'t like orthodox teaching. ;当今的年轻一代 不喜欢正统的说教.
[14:26.31]predecessor [\'pri:dises] ; n.前任,前辈; (被取代的)原有事物, 前身
[14:27.37]My present car is much better than its predecessor. ;我现在的汽车比 原来的那辆好得多.
[14:30.51]The new building is much more spacious than its predecessor. ;这一新建筑比 原先的更宽敞.
[14:34.15]premature [妏ri:m\'tu] [妏rem\'tu], ;a.比预期(或正常) 时间早的;仓促的, 不成熟的
[14:35.75]I had been a little too premature in coming to this conclusion. ;做出这样的结论, 我有点太草率.
[14:39.02]renaissance [ri\'neisns] ;n.文艺复兴, 文艺复兴时期.
[14:40.40]Renaissance is the period of revival in history, ;文艺复兴时期是历史上 的一个复兴时期,
[14:42.88]roughly the 14th through the 16th century, ;从大约14世纪到16世纪,
[14:45.45]marking the transition from medieval to modern times. ;它标志着从中世纪到 现代时期的过渡.
[14:48.56]repertoire [\'reptwa:] ; n.(剧团、演员等的) 全部节目;指令系统
[14:49.70]That tune is not in my repertoire. ;我演出的节目中 没有这个曲子.
[14:51.83]solidarity [妔li\'driti] ;n.团结一致
[14:53.18]The perennial conflict between national egoism and internation -al solidarity ;“国家利己主义和国际 联合之间的长期冲突
[14:57.56]becomes more and more visible?" ;变得越来越明显吗?” (艾萨克.多伊彻)
[14:59.77]solitary [\'slitri] ; a.单独的,独自的; 单个的,惟一的; 孤独的
[15:00.89]This is a solidary instance. ;这是独一无二的实例.
[15:02.84]The arch-criminal was kept in solidary confinement. ;那名首犯被单独监禁.
[15:05.80]soluble[\'sljubl] ; a.可溶的;可解决的
[15:06.84]Salt is soluble in water very easily. ;盐在水中很容易溶解.
[15:09.36]suspension [s\'spenn] ;n.暂停,中止; 悬挂;悬置机构
[15:10.63]The U.S. declared suspension of financial payment to the U.N. ;美国宣布暂停向 联合国付款.
[15:14.65]synthesis[\'sinisis] ;n.综合;合成
[15:15.75]Humans need some sunlight ;人需要阳光
[15:17.04]for the synthesis of vitamin D which takes place in the skin. ;才能在皮肤里 合成维生素D.
[15:20.29]trademark[\'treidma:k] ; n.商标,牌号; 特征,标记
[15:21.31]The shuffle and snicker become the comedian\'s trademark. ;搅和与窃笑成为那个 戏剧演员的标志.
[15:24.07]transcend[trn\'send] ;vt.超出,超越(经验、 理性、信念等)的范围
[15:25.17]Some people believe that no one can see the thing in itself, ;有人认为一个人永远 不可能认识事物本身 的本质,
[15:28.29]because the mind does not transcend phenomena. ;因为思想无法超越现象.
[15:30.89]She far transcends others in beauty and intelligence. ;她才貌出众.
[15:34.45]ventilate[\'ventileit] ;vt.使通风;把公开, 公开讨论.
[15:35.66]The lungs ventilate the blood. ;肺吸收新鲜空气 使血液净化.
[15:37.31]A sea breeze ventilated the rooms. ;一阵海风使房间的 空气更清新.
[15:41.08]Lesson 42 ;第四十二课
[15:43.50]anonymous [\'nnims] ;a.无名的,匿名的; 无特色的
[15:44.70]Who wrote the letter? I don\'t konw.It was an anonymous letter. ;这封信是谁写的? 我不知道. 这是一封匿名信.
[15:48.40]apparatus [婠[p\'reits] [婠[p\'rts] ;n.器械,器具,仪器
[15:49.54]An automobile is a complicated apparatus. ;汽车是台复杂的机器.
[15:52.54]buck[bk] ;n.(一)美元,奥元;雄鹿 vi.(马等)猛然弓背跃起
[15:53.65]The plane bucked a strong head wind. ;飞机顶着强烈的 逆风飞行.
[15:56.56]complication [妅mpli\'kein] ;n.并发症
[15:58.11]Complications set in, and the patient died. ;病人因出现并发症而死 亡.
[16:00.92]composite [km\'pzit, \'kmpzit] ;a.混合成的,综合成的 n.合成物,复合材料
[16:01.90]The police artist made a composite of the murderer. ;警察局的拼图师拼出了 一幅谋杀罪犯的图片.
[16:04.94]English is a composite of many languages. ;英语是多种语言 混合而成的.
[16:07.34]compute [km\'pju:t] ;v.计算,估算
[16:08.27]I compute my losses at 500 dollars. ;我估计我的损失有500 元.
[16:10.72]disastrous [di\'za:strs] ;a.灾难的,造成灾害的; 极坏的,很糟的
[16:11.78]The result of the flood in 1998 in China was disastrous. ;1998 年中国水灾的 后果是灾难性的.
[16:15.68]Carelessness in driving often results in disastrous accidents. ;开车时粗心大意常造成 严重事故.
[16:19.47]disclose [dis\'kluz] ;vt.揭露,泄露,透露
[16:20.60]Most movie stars are not willing to disclose their true age. ;大多数电影明星不愿透 露其真实年龄.
[16:23.73]ethnic[\'enik] ;a.种族的
[16:24.57]Ethnic discrimination still exists in the U.S. ;种族歧视在美国 仍然存在.
[16:28.29]evacuate [i\'vkjueit] ;vt.转移,撤离,疏散
[16:29.50]The village was evacuated because of the danger of a flood. ;由于洪水的威胁, 村里人都已撤走了.
[16:32.50]Fear will evacuate a man\'s minds of reason and courage. ;恐惧会使人失去理智 和勇气.
[16:35.77]evaporate [i\'vpreit] ;vi.蒸发;消失, 不复存在的 vt.使蒸发,使挥发
[16:36.81]The sun will evaporate the mist. ;太阳会蒸发雾气.
[16:38.59]The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun. ;操场上的积水在阳光 下蒸发了.
[16:41.86]foil[fil] ;n.金箔,金属薄片;陪衬 vt.挫折,使受挫折
[16:42.86]The police foiled the murderer\'s attempt to escape. ;警察使这个杀人犯逃跑 的企图成为泡影.
[16:45.90]The enemy\'s attack on the liberated area was foiled. ;敌人向解放区的 进攻被阻止了.
[16:48.99]grope[grup] ;vt.摸索 vi.暗中摸,摸索;探索
[16:49.59]We are groping after the mystery of the universe. ;我们在探索宇宙的奥妙.
[16:51.84]The Japanese spies grope about for commercial infomp3ation ;日本间谍到处搜集 商业情报.
[16:55.50]humidity [hju:\'miditi] ;n.湿度,潮湿,湿气
[16:56.63]Humidity caused me another fit of rheumatism. ;湿气使我的风湿病又 发作了.
[16:59.02]inhabit[in\'hbit] ;vt.居住于,栖息于
[17:00.00]The Sahara desert is a district sparsely inhabited. ;撒哈拉沙漠是个人烟稀 少的地区.
[17:03.42]It is easy for a man to embark on the road of degeneration and crime ;他是很容易走上堕落、 犯罪道路的
[17:07.17]when greed inhabits his mind. ;当贪婪的思想占据了 人的心灵时.
[17:09.09]inhibit [in\'hibit] ;vt.阻止,妨碍,抑制
[17:10.02]Penicillin can inhibit the spread of the bacteria and inflammation. ;青霉素可以抑制细菌 和炎症的扩散.
[17:13.44]innovation [奿n\'vein] ;n.革新,创新; 新方法,新奇的事物.
[17:14.47]The innovation of air travel during the twentieth century ;20世纪发明的空中飞行
[17:17.11]has made the world seem smaller. ;似乎使世界变小了.
[17:18.79]literacy [\'litrsi] ;n.读写能力,识字, 有文化
[17:19.72]The literacy campaign started from the 50s of the last century in China. ;中国扫盲运动始于上 世纪50年代.
[17:23.52]militant [\'militnt] ; a.激进的,好斗的 n.激进分子,斗士
[17:24.60]The militant Palestinian guerrillas often attack the Israeli soldiers. ;激进的巴勒斯坦游击队 经常袭击以色列士兵.
[17:28.68]minimal [\'miniml] ;a.最小的,最低限度的
[17:29.65]Fortunately,the stomp3 only did minimal damage to the crops. ;幸好,暴风雨对农作物 只造成很小的损失.
[17:33.13]notwithstanding [妌twi\'stndi] ;ad./conj.尽管, 不管,还是
[17:34.63]Many people told me not to try,but I went ahead notwithstanding. ;很多人都劝我不要尝试, 我还是决意去做了.
[17:38.65]I went swimming yesterday ;昨天我去游泳了,
[17:40.02]notwithstanding (that) my mother told me not to. ;虽然妈妈告诉我不要去.
[17:42.91]proceedings [pr\'si:diz] ;n.(会议的)议程,过程; 诉讼程序;公报
[17:44.22]The manager opened today\'s proceedings in several short sentences. ;经理用简短的几句话 开始了今天的会议.
[17:47.65]reside [ri\'zaid] ;vi.居住,定居; 存在,在于
[17:48.81]The real power resides in the people. ;真正的权力属于人民.
[17:50.93]residential [妑ezi\'denl] ;a.住宅的;适合居住的
[17:51.95]The residential space in the metropolitan cities is becoming smaller and smaller, ;现在大都市里的住宅 空间比以前越来越小,
[17:56.09]but it is more and more expensive than ever before. ;而价格则越来越贵.
[17:58.93]sparkle [\'spa:kl] ;vi.发光,闪耀; 活跃,(才智等)焕发 n.发光,闪耀;活跃;活力, 生气
[18:00.30]Drops of water sparking in the sun. ;水滴在阳光下闪闪发光.
[18:02.50]Her diamonds sparking in the bright light. ;她的钻石在亮光下 闪闪发光.
[18:04.84]Her eyes sparkled with excitement. ;她的眼睛由于兴奋而 发亮.
[18:07.05]specialty [\'spelti] ;n.特产,名产,特色菜; 专业,专长
[18:08.60]His specialty is biology;mine is physiology. ;他的专业是生物学, 我的专业是生理学.
[18:11.68]Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) is a specialty in Xinjiang. ;哈蜜瓜是新疆的特产.
[18:15.06]spectrum [\'spektrm] ;n.谱,光谱,频谱; 范围,幅度
[18:16.15]Now computers are widely used in the whole spectrum of industry. ;现在计算机已在工业上 广泛应用.
[18:19.73]spiral [\'spairl] ;n.螺旋式的上升(或下降) vi.(物价等)不断急剧地 上升(下降)
[18:20.62]The smoke spiral(l)ed up. ;那股烟袅袅的上升.
[18:22.23]transient [\'trnsint] ;a.短暂的;临时的,暂住的
[18:23.19]Life is transient. ;人生如朝露(很短暂),
[18:24.48]whirl [w:l] ;vi.急转,旋转;发晕 n.急转,旋转;混乱, 接连不断的活动
[18:25.48]The wind whirled the leaves into the air. ;风不树叶刮到了空中.
[18:27.38]The earth whirls on its axis. ;地球绕轴自转.
[18:30.61]Lesson 43 ;第四十三课
[18:33.27]appraisal [\'preizl] ;n.估计,估量,评价
[18:34.36]The members of the IOC made an objective appraisal of Beijing. ;国际奥林匹克委员会成员 对北京做出了客观的评 价.
[18:38.68]arch [a:t] ;n.拱门,拱型(结构) v.(使)成拱型 a.调皮的,淘气的
[18:39.68]The cat arches its back when it sees the dog. ;猫看到狗, 就会把背拱起.
[18:42.34]A bright rainbow arched above after the rain. ;雨后彩虹在天上形成 弓状.
[18:45.34]arena [\'ri:n] ;n.竞技场,表演场所; 活动场所
[18:46.34]The world is as an arena of moral conflict. ;世界像一个道义冲突的 竞争场所.
[18:49.09]bureaucracy [bju\'rkrsi] ;n.官僚,官僚作风; 官僚机构
[18:50.43]We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to improve governmental work. ;为了提高政府部门的 工作效率,我们必须 与官僚作风作斗争.
[18:54.43]confer [kn\'f:] ;v.协商,交换意见 vt.授予(称号、学位等) 赠与,把…赠与,协议
[18:55.56]The engineers and technicians ;工程师和技术员们
[18:57.00]are still conferring on the unexpected accident of the fire damp explosion. ;还在讨论此次瓦斯爆炸 的以外事故. 音频下载[保存到本地收听]
[19:01.17]consecutive [kn\'sekjutiv] ; a.连续的;连贯的; 顺序的
[19:02.08]I am extremely busy every week on three consecutive days, ;我每星期连续三天 都非常忙,
[19:05.42]Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. ;是在星期一、星期二、 星期三.
[19:07.84]consensus [kn\'senss] ;n.一致同意, 多数人的意见,舆论
[19:09.59]The voters\' consensus was that the capital penalty should not be abolished. ;大多数选民的意见是 不应该废除死刑.
[19:14.25]What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting? ;下午会议上一致的 意见是什么?
[19:17.84]consequent [\'knsikwnt] ;a.作为结果的, 随之发生的
[19:19.00]His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work. ;他因病缺席很久, 耽误了很多课程.
[19:23.25]contend [kn\'tend] ;v.斗争,竞争,主张; 辩论;声称
[19:24.17]The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible. ;被警方声称证据是 不可接受的.
[19:27.57]discrepancy [di\'skrepnsi] ;n.差异,不一致; 矛盾,偏差,误差
[19:28.90]There was a discrepan- cy in the two reports of the loss of the earthquake in India. ;对于印度这次地震的损 失,两份报告不一致.
[19:33.36]discrete [di\'skri:t] ;a.分离的,分立的, 无联系的
[19:34.61]The picture consisted of a lot of discrete spots of color. ;这幅由许多零散的色 点组成.
[19:38.70]disrupt [dis\'rpt] ; vt.使中断,干扰
[19:39.61]An accident of the collision of a truck with a train ;一辆卡车与一列火车 相撞的事故
[19:42.70]has disrupted railroad services into and out of Paris. ;中断了进出巴黎市的 铁路交通.
[19:46.77]Protesters in Poland disrupted Clinton\'s speech. ;波兰的抗议者干扰了 克林顿的演说.
[19:50.18]exceptional [ik\'sepnl] ;a.例外的,特殊的, 优越的,杰出的
[19:51.43]Mozart showed exceptional musical talent when he was only 3 years old. ;莫扎特3岁就表现出 非凡的音乐才能.
[19:55.61]execution [奺ksi\'kju:n] ;n.执行;实行;执行遗嘱; 处决,处死
[19:56.86]Executions used to be held in public. ;死刑过去常常当众执行.
[19:59.52]forthcoming [f\'kmi] ;a.即将到来的;准备好的; 乐意帮助的;友善的
[20:00.51]When she was asked why she was absent for the party,no answer was forthcoming. ;当问到她为什么没来参加 晚会,她不作任何回答.
[20:05.09]We asked several villagers the way to the mine,and they are very forthcoming. ;我们向好几个村民询问 通往矿山的路,他们都 很乐意帮助.
[20:09.85]fracture [\'frkt] ;v.(使)破裂;(使)断裂 n.骨折,挫折
[20:11.02]A fracture in any part of the body can be very serious in elderly people. ;老年人身体的任何部位 发生骨折都有可能成为 严重疾患.
[20:14.93]hysterical [hi\'sterikl] ;a.歇斯底里的, 异常兴奋的
[20:16.26]On hearing the news that he was elected senator,he was in hysterical laughter. ;一听到他当选参议员 的消息,他一阵狂笑.
[20:20.85]insane [in\'sein] ;a.毫无见识的, 患精神病的;疯狂的
[20:21.84]You must be insane to drive your car so fast ;你把车开得那么快, 一定是疯了.
[20:24.76]instrumental [奿nstru\'mentl] ;a 有帮助的;有作用的; 仪器的,器械的, 乐器的
[20:25.76]Technical innovation is instrumental in improving the quality products. ;技术革新有助于提高 产品的质量.
[20:29.59]Encouragement is more instrumental for the development of children than blame. ;鼓励比责备对孩子的 成长更有帮助.
[20:33.91]insulate [\'inslet] ;vt.使绝热;使绝缘; 隔离;使孤立
[20:35.16]The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people. ;王室人员都毋须应付 平民所面临的许多困难.
[20:39.66]Many houses in the north are wamp3 in winter ;北方的许多房子在 冬天很暖和,
[20:41.92]because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost. ;因为它们都作了隔热 处理,使热量不致散失.
[20:44.75]locality [lu\'kliti] ;n.地区,地点,现场
[20:45.91]Localities,even individual villages developed their own languages. ;许多地区,甚至各村子 都有他们自己的语言.
[20:49.90]module [\'mdju:l] ;n.模块,组件; (宇宙飞船上独立的)舱
[20:50.83]It is very fast to use computation module to process files. ;利用计算模块来处理文挡 速度很快.
[20:54.90]numerical [nju:\'merikl] ;a.数字的,用数表示的, 数值的
[20:55.83]We do not have any numerical infomp3ation about casualties of the earthquake. ;我们还没有有关地震 伤亡人数方面的报告.
[20:59.58]prone [prun] ;a.易于…的; 倾向于…的;俯卧的
[21:00.58]Children of poor health are very prone to colds in winter. ;体弱的孩子在 冬天易患感冒.
[21:03.70]propagate [\'prpgeit] ;vi.繁殖;增殖 vt.繁殖,增殖; 传播,宣传
[21:04.69]Most plants propagate by seed. ;大部分植物用种子繁殖.
[21:06.69]Water easily propagates sound. ;水容易传导声音.
[21:08.94]resultant [ri\'zltnt] ;a.作为结果发生的, 合成的
[21:10.10]Her rudeness and resultant criticism from her parents made her ashamed. ;她没有没有礼貌结果 被父母批评,这使她 很羞愧.
[21:14.10]retention [ri\'tenn] ;n.保留,保持
[21:15.02]The retention of old technology has slowed the company\'s growth. ;延用旧技术阻碍了 该公司的发展.
[21:18.52]retrospect [\'retruspekt] ;n.回顾,回想; 怀旧,追忆
[21:19.69]The retrospect that the Chinese football team ;回想起中国男子足球
[21:21.84]has been repeatedly defeated in the important matches was depressing. ;在重大比赛中屡战屡败 真是令人沮丧.
[21:25.80]spouse [spauz] ;n.配偶(指夫或妻)
[21:26.80]You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse. ;你可以选择与配偶一起 或分开交纳所得税.
[21:30.37]sponge [spnd] ;n.海绵,海面体 vt.用湿布或海绵擦拭
[21:31.38]Young people should not sponge of their parents. ;年轻人应该不依赖父母.
[21:34.06]stabilize [\'steibilaiz] ;v.(使)稳定,使稳固
[21:35.06]The primary task of the police is to stabilize the social order. ;警察的首要任务是 稳定社会秩序.
[21:38.38]stereotype [\'steriutaip] ;n.陈腔滥调,老套 vt.套用老套, 使一成不变
[21:39.72]Regional stereotypes ;地区性旧习
[21:40.97]have been part of America since its founding Westerners are trendy, ;自从美国建国以来就 成为它的一部分.
[21:44.63]Midwesterners are dull Northeasterners are brainy,and Southerners are lazy. ;西部人时髦,中西部人 木讷,东北部人机智, 南方人懒惰.
[21:49.47]It\'s wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike. ;把人们看作都是一样的, 这是错误的.
[21:52.72]traverse [\'trvs] ;vt.横过,穿过,经过
[21:54.13]The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway traverses almost half of China. ;京广铁路几乎穿越 大半个中国.
[21:57.63]I have to intention to traverse that ground in my present lecture. ;在这次演讲中我不打算 详细讨论这一点.
[22:01.71]triple [\'tripl] ;a.三倍的,三部分的 vt.使成三倍
[22:03.13]The manager tripled his income. ;经理使他的收入增加两倍 (增至三倍).
[22:05.13]verbal [\'v:bl] ;a.口头的,语言的; 用词的;动词的
[22:05.96]Verbal communication is primary in our social interaction. ;口头交际是我们社交 中最主要的交际方式.
[22:10.46]Lesson 44 ;第四十四课
[22:13.00]artery [\'a:tri] ;n.动脉,要道
[22:14.07]The railway system is regarded as the artery of our country. ;铁路系统被视为 我国的大动脉.
[22:17.98]ascertain [婠[s\'tein] ;vt.弄清,查明;确定
[22:18.98]Biologists have ascertained that ;生物学家已经确定
[22:20.72]specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. ;有专门的细胞把化学能 转变成机械能.
[22:24.53]aspiration [婠[sp\'rein] ;n.热望,渴望;志向
[22:25.78]Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor. ;年幼的爱迪生就渴望 成为一名发明家.
[22:29.70]contention [kn\'tenn] ;n.(辩论的)论点, 争论,争辩
[22:31.20]Clumbus\'s contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct. ;事实证明哥伦布认为 地球是圆的这论点是 对的.
[22:34.77]The study of English requires effort and contention of mind. ;学习英语需要勤奋和 精神上的毅力.
[22:38.02]continuity [妅nti\'njuiti] ;n.连续性,连贯性
[22:39.27]There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary. ;词典里没有一个 连贯的主题.
[22:42.18]conversion [kn\'v:n] ;n.转变,变换,改变信仰, (宗)转意归主
[22:43.36]Infomp3ation conversions can now be done in computers. ;现在信息转换可在 电脑中进行.
[22:46.59]cooperative [ku\'prtiv] ;a.合作的;愿意合作的; 协力的 n.合作社;合作商店
[22:47.59]The rural credit cooprative is a financial organization ;农业信用合作社是 金融机构.
[22:51.18]corporate [\'k:prt] ;a.团体的;法人组织的, 共同的;全体的
[22:52.02]The Chinese-tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships. ;中国乒乓球队通过集体 的共同努力赢得了无数 次冠军.
[22:56.02]dock [dk] ;n.码头,船坞 vt.消减(薪金,供应,津 贴等),剥夺;& 大学英语2单词 大学英语单词 大学英语 上大学英语 大学英语2 大学英语综合教程2词汇 大学英语综合教程4单词 大学英语b级词汇 大学英语教材