淘金式大学英语四六级词汇听力mp3下载附文本 Unit1B

英语听力 2019-07-18 09:51:08 50

[00:00.00]Lesson 8 ;
[00:02.37]accord[\'k:d] ;n.一致,符合;谅解,协议 vi.相符合,相和谐(with) vt.授予,赠与;给予
[00:03.86]Israel and Palestine have not yet been in accord ;以色列与巴基斯坦至今仍 未能达成一致
[00:06.94]on the problem of Jerusalem\'s ascription. ;就耶路撒冷的归属问题.
[00:09.93]anticipate [n\'tisipeit] ;vt.预期,期望,预料;    先于行动,提前使用
[00:11.47]It is believed in China that a man who always anticipates his income ;中国人认为,总是预支工 资,寅吃卯粮的人,
[00:15.08]can never become rich. ;永远不能成为富人.
[00:16.93]Haier often anticipat- es its competitors by getting its products onto the market first. ;“海尔”经常赶在竞争对 手之前,先把产品推向市 场.
[00:23.17]bore[b:] ;vt.使厌烦,使厌倦;    钻(孔),挖(洞) n.令人讨厌的人(或事)
[00:24.40]I\'m bored,let\'s go to the cinema. ;我闷了,咱们去看电影吧.
[00:27.09]Don\'t be such a bore! ;别这么讨厌.
[00:29.15]combine [km\'bain,\'kmbain] ;v.结合,联合,化合 n.联合企业(或团体);   联合收割机
[00:30.73]In Indonesia,the two principal political parties have combined to fomp3 a government. ;在印尼,两个主要政党已 经联合起来组成政府.
[00:35.57]The choreography,which combines artistry and athletics,is extremely innovative. ;兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺 术是极具创新意义的.
[00:41.82]conclusion [kn\'klu:n] ;n.结论,推论;结尾;   缔结,议定
[00:43.49]Some found the conclusion of the film Titanic very disappointing. ;有些人觉得电影《泰坦尼 克号》的结尾是令人失望 的.
[00:47.36]Historians have arrived at the conclusion ;历史学家认为,
[00:49.97]that the Tibetan nationality fomp3ed during the 7th century ;藏族形成于公元7世纪,
[00:53.61]when the Tubo kingdom unified many tribes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. ;当时吐蕃王国将青藏高原 上的许多部落统一起来.
[00:58.55]contest[\'kntest] ;n.竞赛,比赛;争夺,竞赛 vt.争夺,与…竞争;    对…提出质疑;辩驳
[01:00.05]If the election is one-sided,it is really no contest. ;如果选举呈一边倒的局 面,那么实际上毫无竞争 可言.
[01:03.92]crowed[kraud] ;n.人群,群众;一群,一批 vi.聚集,群集;挤,涌 vt.挤满,塞满;挤,推
[01:05.26]Bai Juyi wrote all his poems for the crowed rather than for specialists. ;白居易的全部诗作都是为 一般大众所写,而不是写 给专家们.
[01:10.29]Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy travels to and from work ;生活在城里的日本人长期 以来都要每天长时间乘车 上下班,
[01:14.93]and crowed living conditions. ;而居住条件又非常拥挤.
[01:17.02]delete[di\'li:t] ;vt.删除;擦掉,    勾消,除去
[01:18.25]The editor deleted the last paragraph from the article. ;编辑删除了文章的最后 一段.
[01:21.60]For most people,the first love can\'t be deleted from memory easily. ;对于大多数人来说,初恋 总是不能轻易地从记忆中 抹去.
[01:26.13]disorder[dis\':d] ;n.混乱,凌乱;骚乱,动乱;  (身心,机能的)失调;病
[01:27.62]Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in disorder. ;大家一下子全部喊叫起 来,会议秩序大乱而被迫 中断.
[01:32.02]Mental disorder is very common in people now. ;心理失调对当代人来说是 很普通的病症.
[01:35.32]drain [drein] ;vt.排走,排去...的水;    渐渐耗尽 vi.慢慢流掉,减少
[01:36.06]drain [drein] ;n.耗竭,消耗;排水沟,   排水管
[01:36.55]The rainwater drained slowly because the drain was blocked. ;雨水排得很慢,因为排水 沟给堵住了.
[01:40.02]enforce[in\'f:s] ;vt.实施,生效,执行;    强迫,迫使
[01:41.43]Most airlines enforce a total ban in using portable electronic devices, ;绝大多数航空公司都禁用 手提电子设备,
[01:45.87]which will affect the safety of the flight. ;因为那会影响飞机安全.
[01:48.42]Don\'t stand in the way when the police enforce the law. ;别妨碍警察执法.
[01:52.12]exhibit[ig\'zibit] ;vt.展出,展览,陈列;    显示,显出 n.展览品,陈列品
[01:53.48]Many children are especially interested in dinosaur exhibits. ;许多孩子对博物馆展出的 恐龙特别感兴趣.
[01:58.01]Social scientists want to explain why we possess certain characteristics ;社会学家想解释为什么我 们具有某些特性,
[02:02.36]and exhibit certain behaviors. ;呈现某种特定行为.
[02:04.92]fomp3at[\'f:mt] ;n.设计,安排;格式,   样式,版式 vt.使格式化
[02:06.28]Many literary classics are now reissued in a new fomp3at. ;许多文学名著现在以新的 版式再版.
[02:10.15]You\'d better fomp3at the disc before you use it. ;使用磁盘之前最好先格式 化.
[02:13.14]grade[greid] ;n.等级,级别;成绩,分数;   (学校的)年级
[02:13.89]grade[greid] ;vt.将...分等;    对...进行评分
[02:14.41]Grading people only by their clothing is stupid. ;单凭衣着给人分等级是 愚蠢的.
[02:17.62]imagine [i\'mdin] ;vt.想象,设想;    料想,猜想
[02:18.86]You can\'t imagine how the refuges live in Somali. ;你不可能想象得出索马里 的难民是如何生活的.
[02:21.63]Without electricity, it would be hard to imagine ;很难想象现代社会如果没 有电
[02:24.18]what the modern world would look like. ;会是什么模样.
[02:26.38]interpret[in\'t:prit] ;vi.口译,翻译 vt.解释,说明,诠释
[02:27.78]To interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult. ;同声翻译是极困难的.
[02:31.04]Literature helps to interpret life. ;文学有助于阐释人生.
[02:33.59]minor[\'main] ;a.较小的,较少的;次要的 n.副修科目;未成年人 vi.(~in)(大学中)副修
[02:34.82]Mei Lanfang was just given a minor part in a new play for his first time on stage. ;梅兰芳第一次登上舞台只 分到一出新戏中的一个较 次要的角色.
[02:40.23]Many university stude- nts will minor in some practical courses ;许多大学生都会副修一些 实用性的课程,
[02:43.73]in order to get a good job. ;目的是为了能找份好工作
[02:45.51]offensive[\'fensiv] ;a.冒犯的,无礼的,使人不   快的;进攻的,攻击性的 n.进攻,攻势
[02:46.87]Don\'t glare at wild animals\' eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture. ;别盯着野生动物的眼睛 看,那会被视作攻击性的 姿态.
[02:51.53]The company has launched a strong marketing offensive ;公司已经发动争取市场 的强大攻势
[02:54.26]to try to increase sales. ;以期增加销售量.
[02:56.15]perfect[\'p:fikt] ;a.完美的;完全的,十足   的;(动词)完成时 vt.使完美,改善
[02:57.36]This wonderful view in Hawaii is perfect for daydreaming. ;夏威夷绝佳的风景很能给 人以无尽遐想.
[03:00.79]The piano was perfected in the early eighteen century ;钢琴的完善和制成是在 18世纪早期
[03:03.69]by a harpsichord maker in Italy. ;由意大利一位伟大的键琴 制作者.
[03:06.59]pilot [\'pailt] ;n.飞行员;引航员,舵手 vt.驾驶(飞机等);    为…领航;实验,试用
[03:07.65]pilot [\'pailt] ;a.实验性的,试点的
[03:08.18]An airline pilot must be alert at all times. ;飞行员必须时刻保持 警惕.
[03:11.43]The captain piloted the ship through the canal. ;船长引领船只通过运河.
[03:14.60]previous[\'pri:vis] ;a.先,前,以前的;  (~to)在之前
[03:16.01]Enough materials should be collected previous to writing. ;写作之前要收集足够的 材料.
[03:19.79]prosperous [\'prsprs] ;a.繁荣的,兴旺的
[03:21.28]After the end of the Second World War, ;“二战”后
[03:23.48]America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians ;战后的美国和美国人的 兴旺成为欧洲和亚洲人 梦寐以求的目标,
[03:28.85]whose economies the war had destroyed. ;因为战争毁掉了他们的 经济.
[03:31.84]refresh[ri\'fre] ;v.(使)振作精神,   (使)恢复活力
[03:33.42]A cold drink refreshed me after my long walk. ;走了很长一段路之后,一 杯冷饮使我恢复了精神.
[03:36.41]Enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become refreshed. ;应该留足够的时间睡觉, 因为那有助于精力恢复.
[03:41.34]risk [risk] ;n.危险,风险;引起危险   的事物(或人)
[03:42.04]risk [risk] ;vt.冒...的危险,   使遭受危险
[03:42.39]Anyone who smokes is risking his health. ;谁抽烟谁就是在危害自己 的健康.
[03:45.56]The economy will fall further,putting more jobs at risk. ;经济将进一步滑坡,使更 多人遭受失业的危险.
[03:49.52]The usual risks of the desert: rattlesnakes,heat,and lack of water. ;沙漠中常见的危险有: 响尾蛇,酷热及缺水.
[03:54.62]sense[sens] ;n.官能,感觉,判断力,  见识,...感,意义,理性 vt.感到,理解,认识
[03:56.03]A sense of humor is a great asset for a person. ;幽默感是一个人的宝贵 财产.
[03:59.02]Don\'t waste time with the nonsense.Please try to make sense. ;别浪费时间尽说废话, 讲点有意义的东西.
[04:02.53]I can sense the tension before the exam. ;我可以感觉到考试前紧张 的气氛.
[04:05.79]sheet [i:t] ;n.被单;薄板;(一)片   (一)张,(一)块
[04:07.11]Remember to take the bed sheets in if it rains. ;要是下雨的话,记得收 被单,
[04:10.36]Write down your answers on the answer sheet. ;把答案写在答题卡纸上.
[04:13.35]string [stri] ;n.线,弦,细绳;一串,一行 vt.用线串;   (用线)悬挂,系住
[04:14.59]I have broken a string in my tennis racket. ;我把网球拍上的一根绷绳 给弄断了.
[04:17.22]The violin is loosely strung. ;这把小提琴装的松了.
[04:19.69]theme [i:m] ;n.(谈话,写作等的)   题目,主题
[04:21.09]Boys are the usual themes in girls\' chats. ;男孩是女孩闲聊的永恒 主题.
[04:24.26]It is a common theme in many fiction stories ;这是许多科幻小说的 共同主题
[04:27.07]that the world may one day be taken over by insects. ;这个世界有一天被昆虫接 管,
[04:30.24]vital[\'vaitl] ;a.生命攸关的,极为重要  的;有生命的,充满生机  的
[04:31.56]Irrigation was vital to agriculture. ;灌溉对农业至关重要.
[04:35.87]Lesson 9 ;
[04:38.95]accordance [\'k:dns] ;n.一致,和谐,符合
[04:40.36]The Amp3y and Navy of South Korea were refomp3ed ;韩国的陆军和海军进行了 改革
[04:43.32]in accordance with Western models after the Second World War. ;二战之后,以与西方接轨.
[04:46.95]appropriate [\'prupriit] ;a.适当的,恰当的 vt.私占,侵吞,挪用;拨出   (款项等)供专用
[04:48.45]The Chinese government appropriated a large sum of money ;政府拨出一大笔钱
[04:51.26]to settle the transmigrants from the Three Gorges. ;安置三峡移民.
[04:54.78]Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear. ;上学时的衣着应该简单 而朴实.
[04:58.39]blame[bleim] ;vt.指责,责怪;..归咎于 n.(过错,事故等的)   责任;指责,责备
[04:59.71]Don\'t always blame your own failure on others.Sometimes you yourself are to blame. ;不要总把失败归咎于他 人.有时该怪你自己.
[05:04.90]challenge[\'tlind] ;n.艰巨的任务;怀疑,   质问;挑战,邀请比赛
[05:05.78]challenge[\'tlind] ;vt.反对,公然反抗;  向...挑战;对...怀疑,  对...质疑
[05:06.48]Michael Chan is the only one among all the Chinese-origin tennis players ;张德培是惟一的华裔网球 选手
[05:10.88]who can challenge the world champion. ;能向世界冠军挑战.
[05:13.16]Acquiring a foreign language in three months\' time ;
[05:16.07]is really a challenge to anyone. ;在3个月内学会一门外语, 对任何人来说不是简单 事儿.
[05:18.27]commission [k\'min] ;n.委员会;佣金,回扣;   授权,委托 vt.委托,委任
[05:19.59]Today,insurance salesmen ;现在,保险推销员
[05:21.61]can get considerable commission on their successful sales. ;可从成功销售中获得可观 的佣金.
[05:24.95]You can commission Bank of China to pay your income taxes-- that\'s very convenient ;你可以授权中国银行代缴 所得税,那很方便.
[05:30.14]condemn [kn\'dem] ;vt.谴责;判...刑;    宣告...有罪
[05:31.37]Any nation that interferes in the internal affairs of another nation ;任何一个干涉他国内政的 国家
[05:34.89]should be universally condemned. ;都应该受到普遍谴责.
[05:37.00]convenience [kn\'vi:nins] ;n.方便,合宜;便利设施,   方便的用具
[05:38.58]Five-star hotels are full of conveniences of every sort. ;五星级酒店设备齐全.
[05:42.28]While computers offer convenience to consumers, ;电脑不仅给消费者带来方 便,
[05:45.62]they have many advantages for sellers too. ;同时也给销售者带来 诸多好处.
[05:48.43]cruise[kru:z] ;vi.航游,巡航:(出租车,    船等)缓慢巡行 n.航游,游弋
[05:49.67]Quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema. ;不少计程车在电影院附近 转悠着等着拉客.
[05:53.18]Many girls have no idea what a cruise missile is. ;许多女孩都不知道巡航导 弹是何物.
[05:56.88]direct [di\'rekt,dai\'rekt] ;a.直接的;坦率的;正好的 ad.直接地,径直地
[05:57.76]direct [di\'rekt,dai\'rekt] ;vt.针对;指导;    给...指路;指示;    指挥;导演
[05:58.20]United Airlines has direct flights from Hong Kong to India. ;联合航空公司有从香港直 飞印度的航班.
[06:01.98]Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media in Japan ;在日本,近来大众媒体的 几乎所有批评
[06:05.67]is directed at the ever-increasing rate of unemployment. ;都是针对越来越高的失业 率.
[06:09.10]doubtful[\'dautful] ;a.难以预测的,未定的;   怀疑的,可疑的
[06:10.34]Any theory that has not been tested is a doubtful one. ;任何未经检验的理论都是 不足信的.
[06:13.59]engage [in\'geid] ;vt.吸引,占用;(电话)占 线;使从事;聘用;使订婚 vi.(~in)参加,从事于
[06:14.91]Studying engages most of my time. ;学习占用了我大部分时间
[06:17.37]Beautiful clothes can easily engage girls\' attention. ;漂亮的衣服总能轻易地吸 引女孩的注意.
[06:20.54]Do you want to be engaged in politics or business? ;你想从政还是从商?
[06:23.35]Being engaged to someone from a rich and powerful family is many actresses\' dream. ;嫁入豪门是很多女明星的 梦想.
[06:28.81]faith[fei] ;n.信任,信赖,信心;   信仰,信条
[06:29.95]Keeping faith with friends is a good character. ;对朋友守信用是一种好 品格.
[06:33.12]force[f:s] ;n.[pl.]部队,军队,兵力   暴力,武力;力,力量,   力气;影响力,效力
[06:33.82]force[f:s] ;vt.强迫,迫使;    用力推动,用力打开
[06:34.26]New emerging forces are invincible. ;新生力量是不可战胜的.
[06:36.99]It\'s not proper to force your idea upon others. ;把自己的想法强加于人是 不当的.
[06:40.59]habit[\'hbit] ;n.习惯,习性
[06:41.91]Hitler once declared that eating meat was a bad habit ;希特勒曾公开说,吃肉是 一种坏习惯,
[06:44.99]that had led to the decay of past civilizations. ;导致了过往文明的衰落.
[06:48.25]implement[\'implimnt] ;vt.使生效,履行,实施  n.工具,器具,用具
[06:49.56]The imperial civil examination system was implemented in China ;中国实行科举制度
[06:53.35]from the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. ;从隋朝延续到清朝.
[06:55.81]Rakes,ploughs,hoes and spades are simple famp3ing implements. ;耙、犁、锄、铲是简单 的农具.
[07:00.21]inherit[in\'herit] ;vt.继承
[07:01.53]Princess Diana was a woman of great beauty, ;戴安娜王妃是个大美人,
[07:03.81]and her sons Henry and William inherit some of her looks. ;儿子亨利和威廉继承了她 的美貌.
[07:07.24]The new Japanese administration inherited ;日本新政府继承了
[07:09.79]the ecnomic problems of the last four years. ;前4年的经济问题.
[07:12.78]investigate [in\'vestigeit] ;v.调查,调查研究
[07:14.46]Sherlock Holmes investigated many cases ;福尔摩斯调查过多宗案件
[07:17.01]by following the footprints left at the scene of the crime. ;通过犯罪现场留下的脚印
[07:20.09]legislation [,ledis\'lein] ;n.法律,法规;立法,   法律的制定(或通过)
[07:21.67]The right of legislation belongs to the Congress in the U.S.A. ;美国的立法权属于国会.
[07:25.89]mislead[mis\'li:d] ;vt.给 错误印象,   使误解;把…带错路;   把…带坏,使误入歧途
[07:27.39]Don\'t let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him. ;不要让他那种友好的态度 使你误信他.
[07:30.73]Juveniles lacking social experience are likely to be misled by strangers\' appearance. ;缺少社会经验的青少年容 易为陌生人的外表所迷惑.
[07:35.83]operation [,p\'rein] ;n.操作,运转,经营;手术;  (军事)行动;活动;运算
[07:37.33]The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn. ;学会熟练地操作电脑并不 是容易的.
[07:40.58]The enlarged markets in China ;中国市场的扩大
[07:42.68]require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers\' demands. ;要求经营规模的扩大 以满足顾客需求.
[07:46.56]pension[\'penn] ;vt.发给 养老金(或退    职金,抚恤金的) n.养老金,抚恤金
[07:47.88]Some Russian veterans complained that their tiny nautical pensions ;有些俄罗斯退伍兵抱怨 说,他们的那点海军养老 金
[07:51.49]is hardly enough to pay for one cockroach. ;连养活一只蟑螂都不够.
[07:54.48]In the days of infla- tion people on retire- ment pensions find it difficult to live. ;在通货膨胀的日子里,靠 退休金生活的人发现很难 过活.
[07:59.40]potential [p\'tenl] ;a.潜在的,可能的; 潜力,潜能
[08:00.81]While nuclear weapons present grave potential dangers, ;虽然核武器存在严重的潜 在危险,
[08:04.28]the crisis of overpopulation is still the main problem we are facing today. ;但我们今天面临的主要问 题仍是人口过剩的危机.
[08:09.34]protect[pr\'tekt] ;vt.??保卫
[08:11.01]Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the Great Wall to be built along the northern border to ;秦始皇命令在北部边界沿 线构筑了长城,
[08:15.50]protect the country against attack. ;以保卫国家免受攻击.
[08:17.87]If nothing is done to protect the environment, ;如果我们今天不采取什么 措施保护环境,?
[08:20.34]millions of species that are alive today will become extinct. ;那么成百万的物种将会 灭绝.
[08:23.50]recognize[\'rekgnaiz] ;vt.认出,识别;   承认,确认,认可;   赏识,表彰,报偿
[08:24.65]Most developing countries are faced with the necessity ;大多数的发展国家都必须
[08:27.64]to recognize that having more people implies a lower standard of living. ;认识到,拥有越多的人 口就意味着生活水平越 低下.
[08:31.95]When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, ;当任何非人体器官被移植 到一个人身上,
[08:35.73]the body immediately recognizes it as foreign. ;他的身体马上会认出它是 异质的.
[08:40.48]reproduce [,ri:pr\'dju:s] ;v.复制,再现;   繁殖,生殖
[08:43.12]The movie Jurassic Park and the book on which it was based, ;电影《侏罗纪公园》以及 它所依据的那本书
[08:46.55]suggest the possibility of reproducing dinosaurs in test tubes ;让人们觉得,在试管里繁 殖恐龙是可能的
[08:50.15]through genetic engineering. ;通过基因工程.
[08:52.09]Photos can be reproduced without negatives now. ;现在相片没有底片也可以 复制.
[08:55.69]rotate[ru\'teit] ;v.(使)旋转,(使)转动;   (使)轮流
[08:57.54]The earth rotates around the sun ;地球围绕太阳转,
[08:59.56]and at the same time the earth rotates once a day. ;与此同时地球每天自转 一次.
[09:02.38]With victory in hand, ;因为胜券在握,
[09:04.14]the coach rotates his players frequently near the end of the game. ;教练在比赛即将结束时频 繁的轮换球员.
[09:07.83]slap[slp] ;vt.掴,掌击,拍,   啪的一声,(用力)放 a.掴,掌击,拍
[09:08.98]The girl slapped the boy (=give the boy a slap) in the face ;女孩给了男孩一记耳光
[09:10.56]because he kissed her without pemp3ission. ;因为男孩未经同意吻了她
[09:13.11]stroke[struk] ;n.中风;一次努力;击,敲  报时的钟声;笔画;抚摸 vt.抚摸
[09:14.43]With one stroke of his ax, ;用斧子一砍,
[09:16.19]little George Washington had cut the cherry tree down. ;小乔治.华盛顿就砍倒了 这棵樱桃树.
[09:19.36]The first stroke is half the battle. ;[谚]良好的开端是成功 的一半.
[09:22.08]He stroked her hair affectionately. ;他深情地抚摸着她的 头发.
[09:24.81]tradition[tr\'din] ;n.传统,惯例
[09:26.21]Making and having dum- plings on Chinese New Year\'s Eve is a tradi- tion in Northern China ;在农历大年夜做饺子,吃 饺子是中国北方的传统.
[09:31.23]wire[\'wai] ;n.金属丝,电线;电报,   电信 vt.给...安装电线电汇,    给...电报
[09:31.93]wire[\'wai] ;vi.打电报
[09:32.37]The house is not wired for electricity yet. ;这所房子还没有铺设好 电线.
[09:36.07]Lesson 10 ;
[09:38.97]achieve[\'ti:v] ;vt.完成,实现,达到 vi.成功
[09:40.11]The US. achieved its predominance after World War Two ;美国在第二次世界大战后 获得了显著的优势,
[09:43.63]because the war had destroyed the economies of most potential competitors. ;因为大战破坏了它绝大多 数竞争对手的经济.
[09:48.64]After the long and persistent efforts, China has achieved a low birth rate. ;经过长期不懈的努力,中 国人口已实现了低出生率
[09:54.45]allowance[\'launs] ;n.津贴,补贴,零用钱
[09:56.03]IBM offers quite a high traveling allowance to its employees. ;美国国际商用机器公司给 员工比较高的出差津贴.
[10:00.25]commitment [k\'mitmnt] ;n.承诺,许诺,保证;   信奉,献身;承担的义务
[10:01.84]Many people don\'t want to get married because they are afraid of commitments. ;许多人不愿结婚是因为他 们害怕承担责任.
[10:05.53]We\'re looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job. ;我们在寻求对此工作真正 能尽职尽责的人.
[10:09.49]condense[kn\'dens] ;v.(使)冷凝,(使)凝结;   浓缩,压缩,简缩
[10:10.90]When the glass bottle containing water and water vapor ;当装有水和水蒸气的玻璃 瓶
[10:13.80]is placed in a mixture of dry ice and alcohol, ;放进干冰和酒精的混合 物中的时候,
[10:16.61]the sudden cold will make the water vapor condense into ice crystals. ;猝冷就会使得水蒸气凝结 成冰晶体.
[10:21.10]A long stroy may be condensed into a few sentences. ;一个长篇故事可缩写成几 句话.
[10:25.67]contemporary [kn\'temprri] ;a.当代的,同时代的; n.同时代的人
[10:27.61]Most contemporary physicists have the notion that man can never discover ;绝大多数的当代物理学者 都认为,人类永远无法


[10:32.09]what such mysterious force as eclctricity, magnetism,and gravita- tion "really" are. ;弄清像电力,磁力和重力 之类的神秘力量究竟是什 么东西.
[10:38.16]cope[kup] ;vi.(~with)(成功地)   应付,(妥善地)处理
[10:39.31]In 1973-1974,the United States made great efforts to cope with ;在1973年至1974年期间, 美国费了很大力应付
[10:44.15]the serious problems created by the energy crisis. ;能源危机造成的各种严重 问题.
[10:47.49]decay[di\'kei] ;vi.腐烂,腐朽;衰败,    衰退,衰落
[10:48.81]Each civilization is born,culminates,and decays. ;各种文明都要历经诞生、 鼎盛和衰落.
[10:52.68]Dentists advise their patient to brush and floss regularly ;牙医建议他们的病人定期 刷牙并用洁牙线剔牙,
[10:56.02]to prevent their teeth from decay. ;以防止蛀牙.
[10:58.22]depress[di\'pres] ;vt.使沮丧,使消沉;   使不景气,削弱,按下,   压下
[10:59.45]I was depressed because someone had stolen my wallet on the bus. ;我很沮丧,因为在公共汽 车上我的钱包被人偷了.
[11:02.97]drag[drg] ;vt.拖,拉;迫使,硬拉 n.累赘,障碍;   一吸,一抽,一饮
[11:03.76]drag[drg] ;vi.拖着脚步走,    在地上拖着行进;    慢吞吞地行进,拖延
[11:04.38]The time dragged as we waited. ;我们等待着,时间慢慢地 捱过去了.
[11:06.94]Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system ;目前还没有人清楚金融制 度的不稳定会在多长时间 以及多大程度上
[11:11.52]will drag down the economy. ;使经济下滑.
[11:13.43]economy[i\'knmi] ;n.经济,经济制度,   经济情况;省俭,节约,   充分利用
[11:14.85]The CEO made a blueprint based on the current economy for the company. ;执行总裁为公司规划了 蓝图,这一蓝图是建立在 当前经济情况的基础上的
[11:18.94]We should learn to practice economy in making out the household budget. ;你应当在制定家庭预算是 学会精打细算.
[11:23.27]enhance [in\'hns,in\'ha:ns] ;vt.提高,增加,加强
[11:24.81]Passing the College English Test Band-6 ;通过了大学六级考试
[11:27.48]should enhance your chances of getting a better post. ;会增加你获得更多职位的 机会.
[11:30.45]To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, ;为了在激烈的国际贸易竞 争中生存下来,
[11:34.03]our company must enhance the qualities and varieties of our products ;我们公司必须提高产品质 量,增加产品品种
[11:37.75]to meet the world market demand. ;以满足国际市场的需求.
[11:39.91]exclude[ik\'sklu:d] ;vt.把...排斥在外;    不包括
[11:41.21]Some places of entertainment exclude people under 18. ;一些娱乐场所禁止18岁以 下的人进入.
[11:44.86]The court excludes the improperly obtained evidence. ;法院不接受非正常渠道取 得的证据.
[11:48.76]fill[fil] ;vt.装满,充满,布满;    以…充注,填塞;满足 vi.被充满n.充分,足够
[11:49.81]Please fill in/out/up this fomp3,giving your name,age,and address. ;请在这份表格上填上你的 姓名、年龄和地址.
[11:54.02]Although the room was filled with laughter,I still felt very lonely ;虽然房间里充满了笑声, 但是我还是觉得很孤单.
[11:57.91]No more tea,thank you.I\'ve had my fill. ;谢谢你,不要再添茶了, 我已经喝足了.
[12:01.07]glow[glu] ;n.光亮,光辉;脸红;激情 vt.灼热,发光;(脸)红;    (感情等)洋溢
[12:02.06]The glow of the setting sun is splendid; ;夕阳无限好,
[12:03.92]it is a pity that dust is fast approaching. ;只是近黄昏.
[12:06.70]The maple leaves of the Xingshan Mountain glowed red in the sunlight. ;香山红叶在阳光中闪耀着 红光.
[12:11.09]historic[his\'trik] ;a.历史上著名的,具有重   大历史意义的;历史的   历史上的
[12:12.58]The Gettysburg Address,a historic address delivered by Abraham Lincoln, ;亚伯拉罕.林肯发表的历 史上著名的《葛底斯堡演 说》
[12:16.66]concisely expressed many of the ideals and principles of democracy. ;简明的阐述了民主的 理想和原则.
[12:21.05]July 13,2001 has become a historic day for China- ;2001年7月13日成为中国 历史上具有重大意义的日 子-
[12:25.88]Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid. ;中国申办2008年奥运 会获得成功.
[12:29.84]incident[\'insidnt] ;n.发生的事,事件、事变
[12:31.20]The Lugouqiao incident took place on July 7, 1937. ;芦沟桥事变发生在1937 年7月7日.
[12:36.03]limitation [,limi\'tein] ;n.限制,限度   [常pl.]局限
[12:37.26]I know my limitation, so I won\'t do the things beyond my ability. ;我知道自己能力有限, 所以我不会做能力范围之 外的事.
[12:41.35]massive[\'msiv] ;a.大的,大而重的,   大块的;大量的,   大规模的
[12:42.40]The massive Allied invasion of Nomp3andy ;对诺曼底的大规模入侵
[12:44.75]is an action of enomp3ous importance in the history of World War Two. ;在二战史上具有重大意 义.
[12:48.90]Doctors discourage massive doses of painkillers. ;医生不赞成大量服用止 痛片.
[12:52.86]modify[\'mdifai] ;vt.更改,修改,修饰;    缓和,减轻
[12:54.34]Although it has been greatly modified,the game known in the US. as football ;虽然做了很大的改变,但 所谓的美式足球
[12:58.30]can be traced directly to the English game of rugby. ;仍可以直接追溯到英国的 橄榄球比赛.
[13:01.46]opponent[\'punnt] ;n.敌手,对手;反对者
[13:02.88]Lenin spoke so convincingly that even his opponents were won over by his arguments. ;列宁的演讲很有说服力, 甚至连他的对手也被他的 论述争取过来.
[13:07.70]penetrate[\'penitreit] ;v.透入,渗入,进入;   刺入,刺穿;洞察,了解
[13:08.82]Don\'t bother to penetrate girls\' minds as they are always changing. ;别费心机去洞察女孩的心 思,因为她们总在变.
[13:12.78]precious[\'pres] ;a.珍贵的,贵重的
[13:13.95]I believe that good health is the most precious thing for people. ;我认为健康对人来说是最 珍贵的财富.
[13:17.54]priority[prai\'riti] ;n.优先,优先权,重点;   优先考虑的事
[13:18.72]To build Guangzhou into an international metropolis, ;为了将广州建成国际化大 都市,
[13:21.69]the highest priority has been given to the problem of heavy traffic ;已经优先考虑交通拥挤的 问题
[13:25.03]by the municipal government. ;市政府
[13:27.13]The top priority for school is to have a higher proportion of students ;学校的首要目标是让更多 的学生
[13:30.72]entering advanced schools. ;进入更高级的学校念书.
[13:32.70]receipt[ri\'si:t] ;n.发票,收据   [pl.]收入,进款;   受到,接到
[13:34.00]You had better get a receipt for your expenses. ;你最好对开销索取收据.
[13:36.84]The pop singer got huge cash receipt from his concert. ;那个流行歌星从演唱会中 获得了巨额的现金收入.
[13:41.05]reservation [,rez\'vein] ;n.(住处,座位等的)预定   保留,犹豫;(美国印第   安部落的)居留地
[13:42.78]We have our reservation about his ability to do the job. ;我们对于他做该项工作的 能力持保留态度.
[13:46.06]If you want to have dinner on Valentine\'s Day in a Western style restaurant, ;情人节这天,你如果想在 西式餐厅用晚餐
[13:49.71]you\'d better make reservation earlier. ;最好早些预定.
[13:52.44]reward[ri\'w:d] ;n.报答,奖赏;报酬,酬金 vt.报答,酬谢,奖励
[13:53.67]Although Olympic winners receive no prize money, ;尽管奥运会的获胜者们并 不获得奖金,
[13:56.09]they are,in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities ;但事实上他们的政府会给 他们优厚的奖赏,
[13:59.06]in the fomp3 of money fame and power. ;其形式包括钱、名望和 权力.
[14:01.78]sequence[\'si:kwns] ;n.连续,接续,一连串;   次序,顺序
[14:03.51]A computer will always follow the same sequence when solving a problem ;计算机在解决它时总是遵 循同样的次序
[14:07.16]no matter how complicated that problem may be. ;不管问题多么复杂
[14:09.76]The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. ;第一次奥运会于公元前 776年举行,
[14:13.64]The exact sequence of events was uncertain, ;比赛的准确次序不详,
[14:16.07]but events included men\'s gymnastics, boxing,wrestling, horse racing ;只知道包括男子体操、拳 击、摔跤、赛马
[14:20.56]and field events. ;和田径项目.
[14:22.26]slip[slip] ;vi.画倒,滑落;溜走;    下降,跌落 vt.悄悄放进  n.疏漏,差错
[14:23.49]Be careful not to slip on the ice. ;小心别在冰上滑倒.
[14:25.66]The years slipped by. ;岁月在不知不觉中消失.
[14:27.58]Tom slipped the candy into his mouth in class ;在课堂上,汤姆悄悄地把 糖块放进嘴里,但
[14:30.28]but that still couldn\'t avoid the teacher\'s eyes. ;那还是逃不过老师的 眼睛.
[14:33.08]suck[sk] ;v.吸,吮,吸取
[14:34.32]Plants suck up moisture from the soil. ;植物从土壤中吸取水分.
[14:36.86]vivid[\'vivid] ;a.生动的,鲜明的,   鲜艳的;逼真的
[14:37.91]I gave my friends a vivid description of my journey with pictures. ;我用照片生动地向朋友们 描绘了我的旅程.
[14:42.02]Lesson 11 ;
[14:43.91]acute[\'kju:t] ;a.严重的,激烈的;  敏锐的;(疾病)急性的;  尖的,锐的
[14:45.38]One of the most acute problems in the Yellow River Valley ;黄河流域最紧要的问题 之一
[14:48.68]is an inadequate water supply. ;是缺水.
[14:51.01]The acute renal failurs,or the sudden loss or cessation of kidney function ;急性肾功能失灵,或者叫 做肾功能丧失,
[14:55.68]is a common clinical syndrome that can often be life-threatening. ;是一种常见的临床综合病 症,可能危及生命.
[14:59.91]appliance[\'plains] ;n.器具,器械,装置
[15:01.58]Household electric appliances made in China are becoming more popular. ;中国国产家用电器越来越 受欢迎.
[15:06.08]companion [km\'pnin] ;n.同伴,伴侣,志趣相投   的人
[15:07.53]George Bush\'s brother is not much of a companion for him. ;乔治.布什的兄弟与他情 趣不甚相投.
[15:10.97]confine[kn\'fain] ;vt.限制,使局限;    使不外出,禁闭 n.[pl.]界限,范围
[15:12.36]With cars,many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time ;有了小车,许多人可以享 受闲暇时光
[15:15.92]by making a trip to the countryside or seaside on weekends ;周末时可以到乡下或者海 边尽情享受
[15:19.43]instead of being confined to their immediate neighborhoods. ;而不必局限于在家附近 活动.
[15:22.65]The cure of liver cancer is still outside the confines of human knowledge. ;肝癌的治愈方法仍超出了 人类知识范畴.
[15:27.05]consist[kn\'sist] ;vi.(~of)组成,构成;    (~in)在于,存在于
[15:28.49]The beauty of the artist\'s style consists of its simplicity. ;这位艺术家的风格上的美 在于它的简朴.
[15:32.05]The American Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. ;美国国会有参议院和众议 院组成.
[15:36.22]deceive[di\'si:v] ;vt./vi.欺骗,蒙蔽
[15:37.22]If you smoke and you still don\'t believe that ;如果你抽烟,并且仍然不 相信
[15:39.64]there\'s a definite link between smoking and lung cancer, ;抽烟和肺癌之间有必然 联系,
[15:42.47]then you are certainly deceiving yourself. ;那你肯定是在欺骗自己.
[15:44.73]Sincerity is the base of friendship.Good friends shouldn\'t deceive each other. ;真诚是友谊的基础.好朋 友之间不应互相欺骗.
[15:49.90]discard[di\'ska:d] ;vt.丢弃,抛弃
[15:51.46]Today,one out of five discarded plastic soda bottles is recycled in the United States. ;在今天的美国,5个被丢 弃的塑料汽水瓶中有一个 得到回收利用.
[15:56.74]Outdated theory should be discarded. ;过时的理论应当抛弃.
[15:59.75]drift[drift] ;vi.漂流,漂;漂泊,流荡  n.漂流物,漂流;   趋势,转移;大意,要旨
[16:01.30]Most of the world\'s volcanoes are found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates ;世界上绝大多数火山都位 于巨大漂流板块的交接 地带
[16:05.42]that make up the earth\'s surface. ;构成地球表面的.
[16:07.75]The Arctic is an ocean covered with drifting packed ice ;北极是一片海洋,为漂流 的冰块所覆盖,
[16:11.34]and hemmed in by the land masses of Europe, Asia,and North America. ;四周被欧洲,亚洲和北美 洲所包围.
[16:16.04]encourage[in\'krid] ;vt.鼓励,激励,怂恿;    赞助,促进,助长
[16:17.65]Nowadays the Chinese government has designed quite a lot of policies ;现在,中国政府已拟订了 许多政策
[16:21.44]to encourage private investment. ;为鼓励私人投资
[16:23.83]Some psychologists believe ;有些心理学家认为,
[16:25.27]that those who are encouraged to be independent in childhood ;那些在童年时期被鼓励 要独立的孩子
[16:28.28]are more likely than others to become motivated to achieve. ;与其他孩子比较起来可能 被激发做一番成就.
[16:31.50]exclaim[iks\'kleim] ;v.呼喊,呼叫;大声说
[16:32.61]When the result came out that Beijing won its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, ;当北京申奥胜出的结果出 现时,
[16:37.01]all the Chinese people exclaimed with excitement. ;所有的中国人都激动地 欢呼起来.
[16:40.34]finance[fai\'nns] ;n.财政,金融; [常pl.] 财源,资金,     财务状况
[16:41.51]finance[fai\'nns] ;vt.为…提供资金,    为……筹措资金
[16:42.07]The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects. ;政府利用它所征得的税收 为修建新路提供资金.
[16:46.46]Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers. ;国家卫生局的资金来自纳 税人的税款.
[16:50.24]Are new taxes needed to increase the nation\'s finances? ;需要征新税以增加国家的 税人吗?
[16:54.19]gross[grus] ;a.总的,毛的;  严重的,显著的;  粗俗的,粗野的;臃肿的 vt.获得总收入(或毛利)
[16:55.69]GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. ;GDP 是国内生产总值的 缩写.
[16:58.70]Her manners and language are too gross for a lady. ;她的举止和语言对于女士 来说太粗俗了.
[17:02.42]historical [hi\'strikl] ;a.历史(上)的,史学的
[17:04.37]The British constitu- tion is to a large extent a product of the historical events. ;英国宪法在很大程度上是 历史事件的产物.
[17:08.93]The sequence of historical plays by Shakespeare is still the masterpiece ;莎士比亚写的一系列历史 剧仍然是名著
[17:12.88]in today\'s literature. ;在当今文坛
[17:14.82]indispensable [,indi\'spensbl] ;a.(-to,-for)必不可   少的,必需的
[17:16.44]Air and water are indispensable to life. ;空气和水是生命所必需的 东西.
[17:18.88]It is well known ;众所周知,
[17:19.83]that knowledge is the indispensable condition for expansion of the mind. ;知识是发展智力的必备 条件.
[17:24.00]instinct[\'instikt] ;n.本能,直觉;生性,天性
[17:25.39]Struggling for survival is a human instinct. ;求生是人类的本能.
[17:28.28]interest[\'intrist] ;n.兴趣,关注,爱好;   利息,利率;[常pl.]   利益,好处,利害关系 vt.使感兴趣,引起…关注
[17:29.50]The interests of the individual ;个人利益
[17:30.95]must be subordinated to the interests of the collective. ;必须服从集体利益.
[17:34.12]monitor[\'mnit] ;n.(学校的)班长;监视器 监听器,(计算机)显示器 vt.监听,监视;监制
[17:35.45]Stock-market analysts monitor a great variety of financial indicators. ;股票市场分析家们监视各 种各样的金融指数.
[17:40.18]obey[(u)\'bei] ;v.服从,听从
[17:41.46]The school regulations should be obeyed at all costs. ;无论如何也要遵守学校的 规章制度.
[17:44.57]particular [p\'tikjul] ;a.特定的,特别的,特殊的   挑剔的,讲究,详尽的 n.[pl.]详情,细目
[17:45.80]I\'m not particular about my clothes.I don\'t mind what I wear. ;我不怎么讲究我的衣着, 不在乎穿什么.
[17:49.75]perfomp3[p\'f:m] ;v.做,履行,完成;   演出,表演
[17:51.08]After they have been elected, ;在当选之后
[17:52.75]many senators can not actually perfomp3 what they promised in the election. ;许多参议员实际上不能 履行他们在竞选时许下 诺言.
[17:56.64]Don\'t perfomp3 before me!I want to know the truth. ;别在我面前演戏了.我要 知道事情的真相.
[18:00.26]preliminary [pri\'liminri] ;a.预备的,初步的 n.[常pl.]初步做法,   起始行为
[18:01.70]For a possible major overhaul, ;因为可能要做大规模的 检查,
[18:03.48]the tutor expects a preliminary draft of each paper ;导师要求交一份论文初 步草稿
[18:06.15]two weeks before the final due date. ;在距最后期限前两星期前
[18:08.32]They were very excited because they had passed the preliminary interview with IBM. ;他们很兴奋,因为他们通 过了IBM公司的第一轮 面试.
[18:12.94]protest[\'prutest] [pru\'test,pr\'test] ;n.抗议,反对 v.抗议,反对
[18:14.55]Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced ;这决定一宣布,抗议之声 不绝于耳.
[18:18.05]Guests can protest about the bad service of the restaurant to the owner. ;顾客可以向老板投诉饭店 内的低劣服务.
[18:22.50]readily[\'redili] ;ad.乐意的,欣然地;    容易地;很快地,立即
[18:23.72]A successful businessman should able to readily accommodate ;一个成功的商人应该能很 快地适应
[18:26.89]to the changing economic conditions. ;变化的经济情况.
[18:29.45]relevant[\'relivnt] ;a.有关的,切题的
[18:30.73]It\'s said that a person\'s fate is relevant to his character. ;据说人的命运与性格 有关.
[18:34.01]About 3 million people die ;每年有300万人死于
[18:35.90]because of the relevant diseases derived from smoking every year. ;抽烟有关的疾病.
[18:39.41]resistance [ri\'zistns] ;n.反抗,抵制;抵抗力,   抵抗性;阻力,电阻
[18:41.24]Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas ;研究人员发现,感染病毒 的植物能够发出一种气体
[18:45.41]that activates disease resistance in neighboring plants. ;这种气体能在临近植物中 激发疾病抗体.
[18:48.92]The environmentalists put up lots of resistance to fur- clothing companies. ;环保认识多次对皮衣公司 提出了抗议.
[18:53.70]rough[rf] ;a.粗糙的,粗暴的;喧闹   的;未加工的;汹涌的
[18:54.37]rough[rf] ;ad.简陋地;粗暴地 vt.(~out)草拟  (~up)用暴力对待,殴打
[18:54.87]The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town. ;英国的绅士们总是不肯接 近城市粗人居住的地区.
[18:59.26]Many people consider boxing a rough sport. ;许多人认为拳击是一项粗 野的运动.
[19:02.54]satisfy[\'stisfai] ;vt.满足,使...满意;   符合,达到(要求,   标准等)
[19:04.04]A recent survey suggests ;在最近的一次调查中人们 发现,
[19:05.58]that only 24.5% of the Japanese students are fully satisfied with school life, ;只有24.5%的日本学生完 全满意校园生活
[19:10.44]while in the U.S.there are 67.2%. ;而在美国却达67.2%.
[19:14.28]smash[sm] ;vt.粉碎,打烂;猛击;    使破灭,使失败
[19:15.17]smash[sm] ;vi.粉碎;猛撞,猛冲 n.破碎(声);猛击;   轰动的演出
[19:15.72]If you smash an egg on a stone,the egg will definitely smash. ;用鸡蛋去撞石头,鸡蛋肯 定会撞个粉碎.
[19:19.73]strengthen[\'stren] ;vt.加强,巩固,    勉励,激励
[19:21.23]The cooperation among countries should be strengthened ;国家与国家之间必须加强 合作
[19:24.04]to protect the environment. ;以保护环境.
[19:25.51]subsequent [\'sbsikwnt] ;a.随后的,后来的
[19:26.73]Most countries in Europe were in a mess during the ;大部分欧洲国家陷入了 窘境
[19:29.29]period subsequent to World War Two. ;二战后的一段时期中,
[19:32.96]Lesson 12 ;
[19:36.19]address[\'dres] ;n.地址,住址;演讲,   讲话;
[19:36.74]address[\'dres] ;vt.(在信封或包裹上)    写姓名地址;向…作    (正式)讲话;称呼
[19:37.36]Leaving email addresses to each other ;互留电子邮箱地址
[19:39.49]is a fashionable way of keeping in contact among young people nowadays. ;是现在年轻人时髦的 保持联络的方式.
[19:43.31]How should I address you? ;我应当怎样称呼您呢?
[19:45.36]assign[\'sain] ;vt.指派,选派;指定   (时间,地点等);分配;   布置(作业)
[19:46.64]The two governments assigned a day ;两国政府确定了
[19:48.44]for the next summit meeting between President Putin and President Bush. ;下一次普京与布什会晤 的日期.
[19:52.15]The competent secretary was assigned to take the minutes ;这个能干的秘书被选派为
[19:54.76]for the meeting of the board of directors. ;董事会议做记录.
[19:57.10]attribute[\'tribju:t] ;vt.把...归因于;把(过   错,责任,成功等)归于 n.属性,特性
[19:58.54]Many people\'s sucess can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck. ;很多人的成功都可以归于 勤奋加上一点儿运气.
[20:02.49]Stubbornness is considered the attribute of mules. ;顽固被认为是骡的特性.
[20:05.83]compel[km\'pel] ;vt.强迫,迫使
[20:07.22]Because he is unable to distinguish colors, ;因为无法分辨色彩,
[20:09.61]the color-blind boy is compelled to give up the ideal of becoming a fashion designer. ;那个色盲的男孩不得不 放弃成为服装设计师的 理想.
[20:14.28]complaint [km\'pleint] ;n.抱怨,诉苦;投诉,   控告;疾病
[20:15.67]He who makes constant complaints gets little compassion. ;[谚]经常诉苦,少人同情.
[20:18.95]Regarding your difficulty,we have submitted an email to our complaint center. ;关于你们所面临的困难, 我们已经给我们的投诉中 心发了电子邮件.
[20:23.85]confimp3[kn\'f:m] ;vt.证实,肯定;进一步    确定;确认;批准
[20:25.24]The successfully cloned sheep Dolly confimp3ed the feasibility of ;绵羊多利的克隆成功证实 了克隆技术的可行性.
[20:28.68]clone technology. ;克隆技术
[20:30.46]consideration [kn,sid\'rein] ;n.考虑,考虑的事;   体贴,关心
[20:32.19]Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee. ;在选择足球裁判时不应该 把年龄作为首要的考虑 因素.
[20:36.19]Although architecture has artistic qualities, ;尽管建筑具有艺术特性,
[20:39.03]it must also satisfy a number of important practical considerations. ;它也必须考虑许多实用 因素.
[20:43.14]constitute [\'knstitju:t] ;vt.组成,构成,形成;    设立,建立,任命
[20:44.70]The employees is the Japanese company asked their boss ;这家日本公司的员工问他 们的老板,
[20:47.56]if refusal to work on rest days constitutes a violation of contract. ;拒绝加班是否构成违反 合约.
[20:52.38]Women,who constitute 52 per cent of Italy\'s population, ;妇女占意大利人口的52%
[20:56.43]today represent only 35 percent of Italy\'s total workforce. ;却只占劳动队伍的35%.
[21:00.55]convey[kn\'vei] ;vt.表达,传达,传递;    运送,输送

[21:01.94]Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed. ;空气是声波传导的媒介.
[21:05.28]What infomp3ation the codes in the great Pyramid convey is still unknown. ;大金字塔中的密码到底传 递了什么信息仍然不为 人知.
[21:10.28]crush[kr] ;vt.压碎,蔫碎;弄皱;    压垮
[21:11.67]Wine is made by crushing grapes. ;葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成 的.
[21:14.01]Time would crush all pains. ;时间会粉碎所有的痛苦.
[21:16.68]decent [\'di:snt] ;a.象样的,体面的;宽厚   的,大方的;正派的,合   乎礼仪的,得体的
[21:18.35]Ragged jeans are not very decent to wear to a ball. ;穿着破旧的牛仔裤在舞会 上显得不太得体.
[21:21.33]Most university graduates consider white-collared positi- on as decent jobs. ;绝大多数大学毕业生 都认为白领职位是体面 的工作.
[21:26.35]deliberate [di\'librit] [di\'libreit] ;a.故意的,含蓄的;   慎重的,深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑,思考
[21:27.69]I won\'t forgive you because of your deliberate lies. ;我不会原谅你,因为你存 心说谎.
[21:30.69]Xie Jun checkmated the rival after the final deliberate consideration. ;经过最后的深思熟虑, 谢军将死于对手.
[21:35.70]The Supreme Court of the U.S.A. ;美国最高法院研究
[21:38.12]deliberate whether the ballots of Florida should be re-counted. ;是否重新统计佛罗里达 州的选票.
[21:41.59]dominate[\'dmineit] ;vi.处于支配地位,拥有    优势
[21:42.48]dominate[\'dmineit] ;vt.在...中占首要地位;   支配,统治,控制;耸立   于,俯视
[21:43.04]Although racial discrimination is not allowed, ;虽然种族歧视是不允许 的,
[21:45.54]Europe and America are still a white-dominated society. ;但欧洲和美国仍是白 人统治的社会.
[21:48.93]duty[\'dju:ti] ;n.责任,义务;职责,   职务;税,关税
[21:49.99]I\'ll have to go,I\'m afraid--duty calls. ;看来我得走了-公务在身.
[21:52.88]elegant[\'elignt] ;a.优美的,文雅的,讲   究的;简练的,简洁的
[21:54.22]Princess Diana\'s elegant manners are always within people\'s memory. ;戴安娜王妃优雅的举止总 是留在人们的记忆中.
[21:58.11]enlarge[in\'la:d] ;v.扩大,扩展,扩充;   放大
[21:59.50]Many newly-weds like to enlarge their wedding photo and hang it on the wall. ;很多新婚夫妇喜欢把结婚 照放大了挂在墙上.
[22:03.39]In the course of English learning, ;在英语学习中,
[22:05.17]doing more reading can help to enlarge one\'s vocabulary. ;多阅读有助于扩大词汇 量.
[22:08.45]exceed[ik\'si:d] ;vt.超过,越出 vi.(数量,程度)超过    其他
[22:09.90]Exceeding the speed limit in the urban area would be fined. ;在市区内超速驾车会被 罚款.
[22:13.51]The perfomp3ance of the Chinese Youth Football Team exceeded our expectations. ;中国青年足球队的表现比 我们预料的好.
[22:18.13]explit[ik\'split] ;vt.开拓,开发,开采;剥削 n.[常pl.]功绩,功勋,    业绩,英勇的行为
[22:19.41]The Japanese employment system probably exploits women more extensively ;日本的就业制度使妇女在 更广泛的范围内受到剥削
[22:23.24]than is the case in any other industrialized country. ;与其他工业化国家相比.
[22:26.08]The social freshmen should exploit every opportunity to enrich their experiences. ;刚踏入社会的人必须利用 每一个机会积累经验.
[22:30.92]fire[\'fai] ;n.火;火灾,失火;射击,   火力;热情,激情
[22:31.75]fire[\'fai] ;vt.放(枪,炮等)射出(子  弹等);解雇,开除;激动 vi.开火,开枪
[22:32.20]The success in the Olympic bid has fired the Chinese people with great enthusiasm. ;申奥成功激起了中国人巨 大的热情.
[22:37.04]During the oral defen- se of your thesis,tut- ors and experts will fire questions at you. ;在论文答辩过程中,导师 和专家们会向你一连串的 发问.
[22:42.43]The soldier showed perfect discipline under fire. ;在炮火下,士兵们纪律 严明.
[22:45.82]fraction [\'frkn] ;n.小部分,片断;分数
[22:47.05]Many young people today begin to use their future money ;今天有许多年轻人开始花 起他们的未来钱
[22:49.70]instead of a fraction of their earnings. ;而不是只花自己 收入的一小部分.
[22:52.00]harness[\'ha:nis] ;n.[常sing.]马具,挽具 vt.治理,利用;给(马等)   上挽具
[22:53.00]The famp3er harnessed the horse to the cart. ;农夫把马套在马车上.
[22:55.67]Some scientists are working hard at how tide can be harnessed to produce electricity ;科学家正在努力研究怎样 利用潮汐发电.
[23:01.23]initial[i\'nil] ;a.开始的,最初的 n.[常pl.](姓名等的)   首字母
[23:02.78]We have to admit that man\'s research into space is still in the initial stage. ;我们不得不承认人类对宇 宙的研究仍然处于初始 阶段.
[23:07.07]If your family name is Chen, ;如果你姓陈,
[23:08.90]you had better not choose an English name beginning with the letter W ;你最好不要选一个以字母 W开头的英文名
[23:11.90](for example,Winnie), otherwise your initials will be:W.C! ;(例如Winnie),否则的 姓名首字母就是(厕所) 了!
[23:15.80]locate[lu\'keit] ;vt.探明,找出;把……设    置在,使坐落于
[23:17.30]Li Siguang located the oil field,which proves that China is not a lean-oil country. ;李四光探明了油田的位置 证明了中国不是贫油国.
[23:22.53]Most natural ports are located where the shoreline is irregular and the water is deep. ;绝大部分的天然港口都位 于海岸线不规则而又水深 的地方.
[23:27.70]objective [b\'dktiv] ;n.目标,目的 a.客观的,不带偏见的
[23:28.92]Now,my sole objective of memorizing English words well ;现在我牢记英语单词的唯 一目的
[23:32.59]is to get good marks in the College English Test Band 4. ;就是在大学英语的四级 考试中取得好成绩.
[23:35.93]If we could have objective judgement on people, ;如果我们能对人做客观的 评价,
[23:38.32]there would be less misunderstandings among people. ;彼此之间就会少些误会.
[23:41.04]pattern[\'ptn] ;n.型,模式,样式;   花样,图案 vt.仿制,使照…的样式
[23:42.27]It seems that the pattern of white and black squares is always the fashion. ;黑白格子的花纹图案好像 永远都不会过时.
[23:46.33]Paper patterns for dresses are now available for you ;裁衣服的纸型已有出售,
[23:49.44]to pattern dresses on different models. ;你可以按照不同的样式裁 制衣服.
[23:52.00]perfomp3er[p\'f:m] ;n.表演者,执行者,演奏者
[23:53.50]Most of the great violin perfomp3ers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries ;19世纪晚期和20世纪初 的绝大部分伟大的小提琴 演奏家
[23:57.95]were born and brought up in Russian and Eastern Europe,and they were all Jews. ;都生于长于俄国和东欧, 而且全是犹太人.
[24:02.51]preserve[[pri\'z:v] ;vt.维持;保存,    保藏;腌制
[24:03.96]It\'s not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. ;保护古迹并不那么容易,?
[24:07.18]It takes money and technique. ;需要资金和技术.
[24:09.24]You can preserve meat or fish in salt,but I prefer fresh meat to preserved meat. ;你可以用盐保存肉或鱼, 但我喜欢新鲜肉胜过腌制 的肉.
[24:14.52]profession [pr\'fen] ;n.职业,自由职业;  (the-)同业,同行
[24:15.91]Teaching is a respectable profession. ;教师是令人尊敬的职业.
[24:18.36]It is rather difficult to win acclaim from the professions. ;要赢得同行的好评是相当 困难的.
[24:21.81]push[pu] ;vt.推,按;推动,推进;  催逼,逼迫 vi.推,推进 n.推,推力;促进,推进
[24:23.03]One has to push the child or he/she will do no work at all. ;孩子要有人督促,否则 他什么也不干.
[24:23.03]resign[ri\'zain] ;vi.辞职 vt.辞去,放弃;    (-to)使顺从; n.辞去(职务)
[24:28.15]I resigned because of the low salary. ;因为工资太低,我辞 职了.
[24:30.65]Would you please resign yourself to waiting a bit longer? ;你能耐心多等一会儿吗?
[24:33.60]My boss is coming back soon. ;我的老板很快就会回来.
[24:36.43]Lesson 13 ;
[24:39.49]admit[d\'mit] ;vt.承认,供认;    准许...进入(加入)
[24:41.05]"A child is a good one as long as he admits and corrects his mistakes." ;“勇于承认并改正错误的 就是好孩子”
[24:45.72]This ticket admits one person only. ;此票只准一人入场.
[24:48.67]assistance[\'si 大学英语2单词 大学英语单词 大学英语 上大学英语 大学英语2 大学英语综合教程2词汇 大学英语综合教程4单词 大学英语b级词汇 大学英语教材


