老友记第八季mp3和剧本下载817:The One With The Tea Leaves

英语听力 2019-08-15 18:10:30 143



The One With The Tea Leaves

[Scene: The Hallway, Rachel walks up the stairs and knocks on Joey’s door.]

Rachel: Joey? Are you in there?

[Cut to inside Monica and Chandler’s, Monica, Chandler and Joey are eating breakfast.]

Joey: (hearing Rachel and jumping up with his plate) Oh God! That’s Rachel!

Monica: Joey, you have to talk to her!

Joey: No-no, I can’t! I can’t! Not after the other night, it’s just it’s…too weird, okay? Don’t tell her I’m here! (Turns to run to the bathroom and his bagel falls off the plate onto the floor.) Don’t eat that! (Runs to the bathroom as Rachel enters.)

Rachel: Hey!

Chandler: Hey!

Monica: Hey Rachel!

Rachel: Is Joey here?

Chandler: I don’t see him. (To Monica) Do you see him?

Monica: I don’t see him. Hey! Maybe he’s in the sugar bowl! (Opens the sugar bowl) Joey? Nope! (Closes the sugar bowl and they both laugh.)

Rachel: Well, at least you make each other laugh.

Monica: What’s up?

Rachel: Well, I haven’t seen him since that night that he told me how he y’know… I don’t know, I think he’s avoiding me. Why is that bagel on the floor?

Monica: We were playing a game.

Rachel: Ew, was Chandler naked? Sort of like a, like a ring toss kind of situation?

Monica: Sure.

Chandler: What?! No! No!

Rachel: All right. Well listen, if you see Joey will you just tell him uh…tell him I miss him. (Exits and Joey enters.)

Monica: (To Joey) Okay, did you hear that?

Joey: Yeah, a naked bagel game? (Picks up his dropped bagel.) (To Chandler) Dude, I don’t know. That’s a pretty small hole.

Monica: Honey, you gotta talk to her.

Joey: I can’t! Y’know? You guys don’t know what it’s like to put yourself out there like that and just get shot down.

Chandler: (incredulous) I don’t know what that’s like?! Up until I was 25 I thought the only response to, "I love you," was, "Oh crap!"

Monica: Hello? No rejection? I got shot down at fat camp! Boy, kids are mean when they’re hungry.

Joey: All right so, so what do I do?

Monica: This is Rachel. I mean, what are you gonna do, never going to talk to her again? I mean I know it’s weird, it’s awkward, but you gotta at least try.

Joey: Yeah. Okay. (Goes to take a bite out of the previously mentioned bagel.) Whoa! (Stops.) I almost forgot this was on your…

Chandler: (interrupting him) We didn’t play it!!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is holding a book as she, Rachel, and Monica drink some tea as Chandler looks on.]

Phoebe: Okay, so when you’re done with your tea I’ll look at your leaves and tell you your fortune.

Chandler: I didn’t know you read tea leaves.

Phoebe: Oh yeah, I’ve done it for years. I actually stopped because I was so accurate. Y’know, and-and y’know, one of the great joys of life is it’s-it’s wondrous uNPRedictability. Y’know? And also tea tends to give me the trots.

Monica: Okay, I’m done. Read mine.

Phoebe: Okay. (Looks at the leaves.) Ooh, I see a ladder. (Checks the book) Which can mean either a promotion or a violent death.

Monica: (stunned) I-I’m the head chef. I-I can’t get promoted.

Phoebe: Uh-hmm. Uh-hmm, who’s next?

Rachel: Okay, I’m done. Do mine.

Phoebe: Okay. (Reads the leaves) Umm, oh! Okay, I see a circle.

Rachel: Ah.

Phoebe: Oh! (Checking the book) Which can either mean you’re having a baby or you’re gonna make a scientific

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