老友记第七季mp3和剧本下载704:The One With Rachel’s Assistant

英语听力 2019-08-15 12:11:09 146



The One With Rachel’s Assistant

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe\'s, everyone is there and they are finishing watching the first episode of Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. Joey is of course Mac.]

Mac: (on TV) Well, if we learned one thing today C.H.E.E.S.E. is that cheerleaders and high explosives don’t mix. (Cut to Joey laughing while Rachel, Chandler, and Monica aren’t amused.)

C.H.E.E.S.E: You can say that again Mac.

Mac: Well, I couldn’t have done it without you buddy. You’re a genius.

C.H.E.E.S.E: Oh yeah? Well then how come I can’t get my VCR to stop blinking 12:00?

(They both break into a huge laugh and do that stop motion thing they had at the end of ChiPs.)

Joey: (laughing and turning off the TV) So, what did you guys think?

(They all make happy faces as they are unable to express their feelings verbally. Finally, the phone rings and the race to answer it is won by Monica.)

Monica: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Hold on please. Joey, it’s your mom. (Hands him the phone.)

Chandler: It’s your mommy. It’s your mommy.

Ross: Ohhhh…

Rachel: That’s nice.

Joey: (on phone) Mom, so what did you think? (He walks away allowing the gang a chance to figure out what they’re gonna say.)

Rachel: Well that was umm…Okay.

Ross: It wasn’t the best.

Chandler: That was one of the worse things ever. And not just on TV.

Monica: Wh-what are we gonna tell him?

Ross: Well, the lighting was okay.

Rachel: Ohh no you don’t! You got lighting last time, lighting is mine!

Monica: And I have costumes.

Ross: Oh great! That means I’m stuck with, "So, we were watching you in there (Points to the TV) and you were sittin’ right here! Whoa!"

(Phoebe gets up.)

Rachel: What are you gonna do Pheebs?

Phoebe: I don’t know. I don’t know. I can’t lie to him again. Oh no I—no! I’m just gonna press my breasts up against him.

Chandler: And say nothing?

Phoebe: Uh-huh, yeah that’s right.

Joey: (hangs up the phone) Wow! Well, my folks really liked it! So what-what did you guys think? (Phoebe smiles, walks up to him, and presses her breasts against him.) It wasn’t that good.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe and Monica are reading on the couch.]

Monica: Phoebe, do you think that your favorite animal says much about you?

Phoebe: What? You mean behind my back?

Rachel: (entering, excitedly) Oh! Hi you guys, oh my God! You’ll never gonna believe happened to me today! I am sitting in my office and…

Joey: (entering from bathrooms excitedly) You guys! You guys! You’re not gonna believe what my agent just told me!

Rachel: Joey! Kinda in the middle of a story here!

Joey: Ooh, sorry. Sorry. You finish, go.

Rachel: Okay, so anyway I’m sittin’ in my office and guess who walks in.

Joey: I’m gonna be on two TV shows!

Monica and Phoebe: Oh, that’s great!!

Rachel: Joey!

Joey: Oh, you weren’t finished?

Rachel: Yeah! Guess who walks into my office is the end of my story. (To Monica and Phoebe) It was Ralph Lauren! (Monica and Phoebe gasp) Ralph Lauren walked into my office!

Joey: Uh Rach, if you’re gonna start another story, at least let me finish mine.

Rachel: It’s the same story.

Joey: (groans in disgust) Wow, it’s really long.

Rachel: (ignoring him) Anyway, Ralph just came in to tell me that he’s so happy with my work that he wants me to be the new m

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