老友记第七季mp3和剧本下载713:The One Where Rosita Dies

英语听力 2019-08-15 12:10:54 221



The One Where Rosita Dies

[Scene: Joey and Rachel\'s, Rachel is trying to move Joey’s chair and not having much luck at it as Joey enters.]

Joey: Hey.

Rachel: Hey.

Joey: What are you doing?

Rachel: Well, y’know I was thinking of moving the couch over here.

Joey: (laughs) Why would you want to do that?

Rachel: So that there will be a decent place for me to sit.

Joey: Rach, there is a decent place to…

Rachel: And your lap does not count! Okay? Come on help me move this.

Joey: No. No. No.

Rachel: No?

Joey: No. Rosita does not move.

Rachel: I’m sorry, Rosita? As in…

Joey: As in Rosita does not move.

Rachel: Joey, it’s just a chair! What’s the big deal?

Joey: The big deal is that it is the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen and it’s at the perfect angle so you don’t get any glare coming of off Stevie.

Rachel: Stevie the TV?

Joey: (glaring at her) Is there a problem?

Rachel: No! (Joey sets his beer and bag of chips down and heads into his room.) Oh what does he know! Come on Rosita, us chichas got to stick together! (She tries pulling on the back of the chair, until the hinge breaks and the back falls off.) You bitch!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Ross are on the couch talking. Phoebe is getting coffee.]

Ross: Hey, y’know what’s weird? After you guys get married, when you introduce me to people you’re gonna have to say, "This is my brother-in-law Ross." Not, "My friend Ross," "brother-in-law Ross." That’s weird isn’t it?

Chandler: Couldn’t I just say, "This is Ross?"

Ross: (disappointed) Sure, do whatever you want.

(Phoebe sits down between Chandler and Ross.)

Monica: (entering, carrying a newspaper) Hey Ross! So, I was checking out the uh, real estate section…

Ross: Yeah?

Monica: Look at this. (Hands him the newspaper.)

Ross: Oh, it looks like mom and dad’s house. Oh, it even has a tree with a broken limb out front and the uh, the window in the attic is…Oh my God!!

Phoebe: What? What happened to the window in the attic?!

Monica: I can’t believe mom and dad are selling the house!

Ross: I can’t believe they-they didn’t even tell us!

Phoebe: I can’t believe I still don’t know what happened to the window in the attic!

(Ross calls his parents on his cell phone.)

Ross: (on phone) Uh, hello dad! Monica and I just saw the house in the paper! (Listens) Yes we’re surprised! (Listens) Who did you leave a message with?

Chandler: (knocking on the window while outside) Sorry! (Runs off.)

[Scene: Joey and Rachel\'s, Joey is examining the injury to Rosita while Rachel is apologizing to him.]

Rachel: Joey, Joey I am so sorry.

Joey: I told you not to move it! Rach, how would you feel if say, I wanted to move you mom, and you said don’t, and I did it anyway and her head fell off?

Rachel: Okay, come on—Joey, I’ll buy you a new one! All right? We’ll go down to the store right now and we’ll-we’ll get you a new chair.

Joey: (slowly turning and glaring at her) She’s not even cold yet!

Rachel: But don’t you think Rosita would’ve wanted you to move on? I mean y’know, she did always put…your comfort first.

Joey: That’s true.

(Rachel turns for the door and makes the "Wow!" face.)

Rachel: (grabbing her coat) Okay? You ready?

Joey: Yeah, I… (Shuts off the TV.) I don’t want Stevie to see her like this.

[Scene: Monica and Chandler\'s, Ross and Monica are still going on about the house.]

Ross: I can’t believe we have to say goodbye to the house we grew up in. Man, some-some stranger’s gonna be living in my room.

Monica: Well, after 15 years of mom and dad keeping it as a shrine to you, it’s time the velvet ropes came down.

Ross: They kept your room for a while.

Monica: Oh please! Dad turned my room into a gym 20 minutes after I moved out! I gotta say, a tanning bed and a stack of Victoria’s Secret catalogues, not a gym!

Ross: Come on, you know they love you.

Monica: As much as they love you?

Ross: I was their first born! They thought she was barren! It’s not my fault.

Phoebe: (entering) Hey.

Ross: Hey.

Monica: Hey!

Phoebe: Ugh, I hate this year!

Ross: What’s wrong with this year?

Phoebe: Well okay, it’s already February and I’ve only given two massages an

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