新东方英语听力下载-语音语调 Unit42

英语听力 2019-08-14 18:11:24 61

Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen ,circle the corresponding number if you hear ?????or ???? in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below .
1. They are ________. 6. flying ________
2. Are they _______? 7. _______ train
3. They are ________. 8. eight _________
4. _______ sing. 9. remarkable __________
5. in the_______

Part Two跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound????? and ?????in the sentences .
1. He gets up at 7.
2. Parrots can be trained to imitate human speech.
3. It’s not easy being parents.
4. The famp3 products from Heilongjiang are good.
5. There are sorts of things on the shelves.
6. These shorts are in good style..
7. He gets up at 7o’clock every day.
8. These seats are not occupied.
9. I saw lots and lots of birds and kites.
10. He holds three cats in his hand.
1. There are four periods.
2. These beds are for children.
3. It leads to a war.
4. He reminds me of his brother.
5. Keats wants some cards and boards.
6. The guards have killed thousands and thousands of birds and cats.
7. There are hundreds and hundreds of beds in the carts.
8. Liz reads newspaper every morning.
9. There are many new words in the text.
10. The odds are in your favour.
D. Proverbs
Two Heads are better than one.
Like attracts like.
E. Tongue twister
????? A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits and biscuits mixer.
????? One of the kids guards a ball in the playgrounds.

Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the tape .
Final: sits hits its bites fights heats feats lots coats pots words
  beads kids threshold prudes odds birds ends hides rides
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 : Listen and write down the right word on the tape.
1. They are playing ________.
2. There are two ________.
3. All ________ lead to Rome.
4. There are 42 ________ in the hall
Exercise 2 : Fomp3 a sentence with the words given.
kites are there spring in the sky lots of
Exercise 3 : Fomp3 sentences in present tense with the words given.
1. coats 2. hands 3. toes 4. roommates
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound ???? and????? .
  Liz, whose legs are injured, never demands help so long as she can do it by herself. Every morning, she washed her hands and face. And then makes the beds. She has two cats; she feeds them at 9 in the morning. After that, she reads for a while.
I. Dialogue: underline the letters that sound ???? and????? .
A: What’s wrong with it?
B: It’s broken . I just bought it yesterday, you know, it costs me $556.
A: It sounds too bad. What will you do?
B: Mike suggests me to return it.
A: That’s what I want to say.
J. Rhymes
⑴ Gifts, gifts, gifts!
  Rafts of gifts!
  Gifts from you and me.
  The wind shifts.
  The tide lifts.
  Rafts drift out to sea.
⑵ The winds, the winds, the winter winds,
  have blown the sands to sea;
  But friends, my friends, those loving friend,
  are still kind friends to me.

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