新东方英语听力下载-语音语调 Unit38

英语听力 2019-08-14 18:11:17 66

Part One 听辨跟读练习
A. Listen to and repeat these four words. They begin with consonant sounds that are similar to consonants found in many other languages, but they may not be exactly the same .
  bow [b(u] dough Joe go
B. On this chart, all the English consonants are placed according to where the air is blocked or constricted in the mouth. Listen to and repeat all of the English consonants in words .
Lips Teeth Gum Ridge Hard Palate Soft Palate Stopped Air [p] pea
[b] by [t] tea
[d] day [(?] chew
[(?] joy [k] key
[g] go Fricative Air [f] fee
[v] vow [?] thigh
[?] they [s] say
[z] zoo [?] she
[?] Asia Resonant Air [m] my [n] no
[l] lie [r] ray [?] king Semivowels [w] we [?] you   One consonant cannot be located on the chart:[h] how.
C. Say these phrases. Most of them are alliterative (both words begin with the same consonant sound).
pen pal just John very valuable right road two toes
go get zig zag young king cheap cheese fall fast
Asian treasure one way can come say something then they
lie low by bus she shows my milk yes, you
dark day thin thighs know nothing how high
D. Read the paragraph aloud. Draw a circle around one example of each of the twenty four English consonants, including /?/,???,and?????.
  Don’t you wish you could go to a place without crime, where people would help each other and follow the Golden Rule? There is just one thing about that vision of utopia. There wouldn’t be anyone there.
Part Two 听辨练习
A. Listen. Then repeat the pairs of words .
1. too 2. pie 3. came 4. chain
  do buy game Jane
5. fan 6. thigh (leg) 7. Sue 8. shock
  van thy (your) zoo Jacques
Listen to one word of each pair. Circle the word you hear. Now listen to and
write the words you hear. Each sentence has two or three of the above words
1. _______ ________ to the party late.
2. I’ll _______her a gold _________.
3. Some ________ spilled on her _________.
4. _____ you and ______ want to go to the _______?
5. _______ got a ______ from the toaster.
6. The team ________ to the ________ in a _______. Some _________ did _______.
B. Vowels are longer before voiced consonants than before unvoiced ones. Listen to these pairs of words. Then listen to one word of each pair and circle the one you hear .
1. write 2. writer 3. match 4. matches
  ride rider Madge Madge’s
5. rich 6. riches 7. bus 8. busing
  ridge ridges buzz buzzing
C. Stop consonants in final position are often unrelased. Listen to all of these words. Then listen to one word of each pair and circle the one you hear .
1. back 2. rate 3. tap 4. hit 5. seat
  bag raid tab hid seed
D. Listen to the question. Then circle the correct answer, a or b.
1. cap/cab How much did he pay for his ______?
  a. About $6.00 b. About $15,000.
2. cot/cod Where did you buy the _______?
  a. At Marty’s Furniture Store. b. At the fish market on 16th Street.
3. tack/tag What are you going to do with the _________?
  a. I’m going to hang it on the tree.
  b. I’m going to fasten this schedule to the wall with it.
E. Use one of the words of each pair in asking a question. Then let your partner answers the question with a full sentence .
bet/bed life/live (adj) matter/madder Mable/maple
rope/robe race/raise back/bag precedent/president
F. Where do you hear the sound? Write B (for beginning of the word ) or E (for end of the word) .
E.g.: Beep, ????is at the end of the word.
1. [p] ___E___ 4. [g] _______ 7. [s] _______ 10. [??] _______
2. [b] _______ 5. [t] _______ 8. [z] _______
3. [k]_______ 6. [d] _______ 9. [f] _______
G. Fill in the blanks with words from the lists.
1. He _________ a hole and buried the dead _________.
  tuck tug duck dug
2. Billy. _______ 50 cents for the _______.
  pate paid bait bayed
3. The ________ driver wore a black ________.
  cap cab gap gab
H. Repeat the pairs of words. Then listen to the question and give a logical answer .
1. goat coat Is this your pretty white ________?
2. cap cab How much did the _________ cost you?
3. time dime Do you have the _________?
  4. writing riding I didn’t understand. Did you say you spent your time ______ ?
5. rope robe Where did you buy the red ______?
6. cheer jeer Why did the crowd _____ the basketball player?
7. joking choking Were you _______?
8. fan van Where’s a good place to buy a _______?

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