新东方英语听力下载-语音语调 Unit49

英语听力 2019-08-14 12:11:27 79

Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear the ??? sound in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks.
1. go_______ 4. no _______ 7. feel _______
2. ride _______ 5. _______a try 8. in _______
3. _______ an hour 6. on _______ of 9. ______ food

Part Two跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound ??? in the sentences .
1. Who opened the door?
2. Her hair becomes gray.
3. Each one has his or her own habit.
4. Tom won a prize for good behavior at school.
5. How horrible! Hugh has hurt his hand with a heavy hammer.
6. The hunter hid himself behind a high hedge.
7. He hailed me with a hearty hullo and a handshake.
8. Here’s your hand.
9. There is a hat in his hand.
10. I’m honored to have a speech here.
D. Proverbs
Honor and profit lie not in one sack.
Habit cures habit.
E. Tongue twisters
How high His Highness holds his haughty head!
Hundreds of horses’ hard hoofs hit the hard high road.
Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the tape .
Initial: horse house hale hearty have whole hell heat half-and-half his
  help hand had hard hot hook heard home horn hurry
Medial: childhood secondhand inhuman inherit lighthouse grasshopper
  inhabit unhidden subhuman household behind behave behest
  beholden behead behavior behalf behoove beholden rehistoric
Final: (This sound doesn’t occur at the end of words in English)
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 : Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear .
1. He is (eating/heating) the soup. 3. The (air/hair) is nice and clean.
2. It was (I/high). 4. I (ate/hate) eggs for breakfast.
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. When did you go h______?
2. He’s ill and is in h______.
3. He looks frustrated, what h_____ to him?
4. A: She’ll be all right soon. B: I hope so.
Exercise 3 : Fomp3 a sentence with the words given below.
honey historian to the horse his give the gray haired
Exercise 4 : Fomp3 sentences with the words given.
1. whose 2. who 3. how long 4. how far
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound ????.
  The Harrisons spent a very happy holiday in the Highlands. One half of the family took the Mercedes Benz, and the other half hitchhiked. Mrs. Harrison had rented a very comfortable, furnished house. She had hired some servants from a hotel her husband had heard of from a business friend in Edinburgh. When the family had assembled, they hurried out to see how the local inhabitants behaved. Henry, who liked history, visited the historical sight.
I. Dialogue: underline the letters that sound ???? .
⑴ A: Hello, Ellen.
  B: Hello, Helen, have you heard the news? There’s been a horrible accident.
  A: Oh, no! What happened?
  B: Hilda Harris husband, Henry had an accident on his way home from work.
  A: How awful! Was he hurt?
  B: Yes. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
  A: How did it happen?
  B: His car was hit by an express train. It happened at the crossing just behind
  his house.
  A: How horrible!
  B: He’s having an operation in the hospital now. Poor Hilda! You can imagine
  how unhappy she is.
  A: I hope he’ll be all right.
  B: I hope so, too.
⑵ A: How happy Henry is! B: Yes, he’s always happy.
  A: How handsome Henry is! B: Henry is handsome, isn’t he!
  A: And how hardworking Henry is! B: Henry does work hard.
  A: And how honest Henry is! B: Oh? Is Henry honest?
G. Jingle and rhyme
⑴ His horse went dead and his donkey went lame,
And he lost six cows in a poker game;
Then a hurricane came on a summer day,
And blew down his house when he was away!
And an earthquake came when that was gone,
And swallowed the land that the house stood on!
⑵ He that would thrive, Must rise at five.
He that has thriven, May lie till seven.
And he that by the plough would thrive,
Himself must either hold or drive.

语音语调训练 语音语调的重要性 实用英语语音语调 什么是语音语调 说话语音语调 如何提高语音语调 语音语调规则 英语的语音语调规律 语音语调 英文


