新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 课文 te-10a_new

英语听力 2019-08-14 12:11:24 99
[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!How to Cultivate "EQ"
[00:-1.00]What is the most valuable contribution employees make to their companies,
[00:-2.00]knowledge or judgment? I say judgment. Knowledge, no matter how broad,
[00:-3.00]is useless until it is applied.
[00:-4.00]And application takes judgment, which involves something of a sixth sense —
[00:-5.00]a high performance of the mind.
[00:-6.00]This raises interesting questions about the best training
[00:-7.00]for today\'s business people.
[00:-8.00]As Daniel Goleman suggests in his new book,
[00:-9.00]Emotional Intelligence, the latest scientific findings
[00:10.00]seem to indicate that intelligent but inflexible people don\'t have the right stuff
[00:11.00]in an age when the adaptive ability is the key to survival.
[00:12.00]In a recent cover story,
[00:13.00]Time magazine sorted through the current thinking on intelligence and reported,
[00:14.00]"New brain research suggests that emotions, not IQ,
[00:15.00]may be the true measure of human intelligence."
[00:16.00]The basic significance of the emotional intelligence that Time called "EQ"
[00:17.00]was suggested by management expert Karen Boylston:
[00:18.00]"Customers are telling businesses,
[00:19.00]\'I don\'t care if every member of your staff graduated from Harvard.
[00:20.00]I will take my business and go where I am understood and treated with respect.\'"
[00:21.00]If the evolutionary pressures of the marketplace are making EQ,
[00:22.00]not IQ, the hot ticket for business success,
[00:23.00]it seems likely that individuals will want to know how to cultivate it.
[00:24.00]I have a modest proposal:
[00:25.00]Embrace a highly personal practice aimed at improving these four adaptive skills:
[00:26.00]Raising consciousness. I think of this as thinking differently on purpose.
[00:27.00]It\'s about noticing what you are feeling and thinking
[00:28.00]and escaping the conditioned confines of your past.
[00:29.00]Raise your consciousness
[00:30.00]by catching yourself in the act of thinking as often as possible.
[00:31.00]Routinely take note of your emotions
[00:32.00]and ask if you\'re facing facts or avoiding them.
[00:33.00]Using imagery.
[00:34.00]This is what you see Olympic ski racers doing before entering the starting gate.
[00:35.00] With their eyes closed and bodies swaying,
[00:36.00]they run the course in their minds first, which improves their performance.
[00:37.00]You can do the same by setting aside time each day
[00:38.00]to dream with passion about what you want to achieve.
[00:39.00]Considering and reconsidering events to choose the most creative response to them.
[00:40.00]When a Greek philosopher said 2,000 years ago that it isn\'t events that matter
[00:41.00]but our opinion of them, this is what he was talking about.
[00:42.00]Every time something important happens,
[00:43.00]assign as many interpretations to it as possible, even crazy ones.
[00:44.00]Then go with the interpretation most supportive of your dreams.
[00:45.00]Integrating the perspectives of others.
[00:46.00]Brain research shows that our view of the world is limited by our genes
[00:47.00]and the experiences we\'ve had.
[00:48.00]Learning to incorporate the useful perspectives of others is nothing less
[00:49.00]than a form of enlarging your senses.
[00:50.00]The next time someone interprets something differently from you — say,
[00:51.00]a controversial political event —
[00:52.00]pause to reflect on the role of life experience
[00:53.00]and consider it a gift of perception.
[00:54.00]The force of habit — literally the established wiring of your brain —
[00:55.00]will pull you away from practicing these skills.
[00:56.00]Keep at it, however, because they are based on what we\'re learning
[00:57.00]about the mechanisms of the mind.
[00:58.00]Within the first six months of life the human brain doubles in capacity;
[00:59.00]it doubles again by age four and then grows rapidly until we reach sexual maturity.
[-1:00.00]The body has about a hundred billion nerve cells,
[-1:-1.00]and every experience triggers a brain response that literally shapes our senses.

[-1:-2.00]The mind, we now know, is not confined to the brain
[-1:-3.00]but is distributed throughout the body\'s universe of cells.
[-1:-4.00]Yes, we do think with our hearts, brains, muscles, blood and bones.
[-1:-5.00]During a single crucial three-week period during our teenage years,
[-1:-6.00]chemical activity in the brain is cut in half.
[-1:-7.00]That done, we are "biologically wired"
[-1:-8.00]with what one of the nation\'s leading brain researchers calls our own "world view".
[-1:-9.00]He says it is impossible for any two people to see the world exactly alike.
[-1:10.00]So unique is the personal experience
[-1:11.00]that people would understand the world differently.
[-1:12.00]However, it is not only possible to change your world view, he says,
[-1:13.00]it\'s actually easier than overcoming a drug habit.
[-1:14.00]But you need a discipline for doing it. Hence, the method recommended here.
[-1:15.00]No, it\'s not a curriculum in the sense that an MBA is.
[-1:16.00]But the latest research seems to imply that without the software
[-1:17.00]of emotional maturity and self-knowledge,
[-1:18.00]the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less.
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