新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 课文 te-09a_new

英语听力 2019-08-14 12:11:12 86
[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中! Make Euro Disney More European
[00:-1.00]Does Mickey Mouse have a beard? No.
[00:-2.00]Does this mean that French men seeking work with the Disney organization
[00:-3.00]must shave off their moustaches too? It depends.
[00:-4.00]A labor inspector took the Disney organization to court this week,
[00:-5.00]contending that the company\'s dress and appearance code —
[00:-6.00]which bans moustaches, beards, excess weight,
[00:-7.00]short skirts and fancy stockings —
[00:-8.00]offends individual liberty and violates French labor law.
[00:-9.00]The case is an illustration of some of the delicate cultural issues the company
[00:10.00]faces as it gets ready to open its theme park 20 miles (32 kilometers)
[00:11.00]east of Paris in five months\' time.
[00:12.00]The Disney management,
[00:13.00]which is assembling what it calls a "cast" of 12,000 to run the theme park,
[00:14.00]argues that all employees, from bottle washers to the president,
[00:15.00]are similar to actors who have to obey rules about appearance.
[00:16.00]Anyway, a company spokesman says,
[00:17.00]no one has yet put his moustache before a job.
[00:18.00]As one new "cast member" put it: "You must believe in what you are doing,
[00:19.00]or you would have a terrible time here."
[00:20.00]But what do people think of Euro Disney?
[00:21.00]People everywhere are wondering whether Europeans
[00:22.00]would like the American recreation.
[00:23.00]For all its concern about foreign cultural invasion
[00:24.00]and its defense against the pollution of the French language by English words,
[00:25.00] France\'s Socialist government has been untroubled
[00:26.00]about putting such a huge American symbol on the doorstep of the capital
[00:27.00]and has been more concerned about its social effect.
[00:28.00]It made an extraordinary series of tax
[00:29.00]and financial concessions to attract the theme park here
[00:30.00]rather than let it go to sunny Spain.
[00:31.00]The theme park itself will be only part of a giant complex of housing,
[00:32.00] office,and resort developments stretching far into the next century,
[00:33.00]including movie and television production facilities.
[00:34.00]As part of its deal with the Disney organization,
[00:35.00]the government is laying on and paying for new highways,
[00:36.00]an extension of Paris\'s regional express railway
[00:37.00]and even a direct connection for the high speed TGV railway to the Channel Tunnel.
[00:38.00]The TGV station is being built in front of the main entrance of Euro Disneyland,
[00:39.00]and is scheduled to come into service in 1994.
[00:40.00]If Euro Disneyland succeeds —
[00:41.00]where theme parks already in France have so far failed —
[00:42.00]a second and even a third park is likely to be built by the end of the century.
[00:43.00]Financial experts say that Euro Disneyland,
[00:44.00]the first phase of which is costing an estimated $3.6 billion,
[00:45.00]is essential to Disney\'s overall fortunes,
[00:46.00]which have been hit by competition and declining attendance in the United States.
[00:47.00]French intellectuals have not found many kind things to say about the project.
[00:48.00]The kids, however, will probably never notice.
[00:49.00]Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Peter Pan, and Pinocchio
[00:50.00]all come from European fairy tales or stories
[00:51.00]and are as familiar to children here as they are in the United States.
[00:52.00]To a French child Mickey is French. To an Italian kid he is Italian.
[00:53.00]The Disney management is stressing this tradition in an apparent response
[00:54.00]to suggestions that it is culturally insensitive.
[00:55.00]Although the concept of the theme park is closely based
[00:56.00]on the original Magic Kingdom in California and Walt Disney World in Florida,
[00:57.00]"Euro Disneyland will be unique in a manner appropriate to its European home,"
[00:58.00] the company says.
[00:59.00]"The legends and fairy tales which come from Europe
[-1:00.00]figure prominently in the creative development of the theme park."

[-1:-1.00]Officials point out, for example, that Sleeping Beauty\'s castle,
[-1:-2.00]the central feature of the theme park, is based not on Hollywood,
[-1:-3.00]as some might think, but on the illustrations in a medieval European book.
[-1:-4.00]Also, a 360-degree movie, based on the adventures of Jules Verne,
[-1:-5.00]features well-known European actors.
[-1:-6.00]Asked to describe other aspects of the effort to make the park more European,
[-1:-7.00]a spokesman mentioned that direction signs in the theme park
[-1:-8.00]will be in French as well as English,
[-1:-9.00]and that some performers will chat in French,Spanish and English.
[-1:10.00]"The challenge is telling things people already know —
[-1:11.00]and at the same time making it different," the spokesman said.
[-1:12.00]On the other hand, this effort is not being taken too far.
[-1:13.00]Another Disney spokesman said earlier
[-1:14.00]that the aim of the theme park is to provide a basically American experience
[-1:15.00]for those who seek it. In this way, he said,
[-1:16.00]people who might otherwise have contemplated a vacation in the United States
[-1:17.00]will be happy to stay on this side of the Atlantic.
[-1:18.00]The Disney organization does seem to focus a bit too much on hair.
[-1:19.00]"Main Street, USA", the heart of Euro Disneyland, it promises,
[-1:20.00] will feature an old time "Harmony Barber Shop"
[-1:21.00]to deal with "messy hair and hairy chins" — and perhaps even offending mustaches.
[-1:22.00]One difference from California or Florida:
[-1:23.00]Parts of Main Street and waiting areas to get into the attractions
[-1:24.00]will be covered over as a concession to Paris\'s rainy weather.
[-1:25.00]Euro Disneyland\'s short distance to Paris is a definite attraction.
[-1:26.00]Anyone tiring of American or fake European culture
[-1:27.00]can reach the Louvre art museum by express railway in less than an hour —
[-1:28.00]from Minnie Mouse to Mona Lisa in a flash.
[-1:29.00]Communications figured largely in the Disney organization\'s decision
[-1:30.00]to site its fourth theme park near Paris.
[-1:31.00]The site is within a two-hour flight of 320 million Europeans.
[-1:32.00]The opening of Eastern Europe is another prize for the company,
[-1:33.00]which thinks that millions of people will put Disneyland
[-1:34.00]at the top of a list of places to visit on their first trip to Western Europe.
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