新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 课文 te-08b_new

英语听力 2019-08-14 12:11:06 98
[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中! Why Are Women Afraid of Wrinkles
[00:-1.00]When I casually mentioned to a colleague
[00:-2.00]that I was looking into skin cream that claimed
[00:-3.00]to beat back the destruction that comes with age,
[00:-4.00] her worries poured out. A month ago, she told me,
[00:-5.00]she had suddenly noticed wrinkles all over her face.
[00:-6.00]Fingering her beautiful but finely-lined features, she explained that,
[00:-7.00]although she knew that her discovery had more
[00:-8.00]to do with the shock resulting from the sudden end of a six-year relationship than early ageing,
[00:-9.00]she just had to do something about it.
[00:10.00]Giving her the painful facts concerning her chance to renew herself,
[00:11.00]I told her I thought the claims of such miracle cures were ridiculous.
[00:12.00]Despite my remarks, however,
[00:13.00]she begged to know where she could get the treatments I had mentioned.
[00:14.00]When it comes to beauty who wants to know the truth?
[00:15.00]Our ability to believe what we want to has, in the past,
[00:16.00]made life easy for the beauty industry.
[00:17.00]Fuelled by the immense value attached to youth,
[00:18.00]it has made millions out of vacant promises of renewing faces and bodies.
[00:19.00]To give skin care scientific authority,
[00:20.00]beauty counters have now stolen a thin covering of respectability
[00:21.00]from the hospital clinic.
[00:22.00]Sales staff in white coats "diagnose" skin types on "computers"
[00:23.00]and blind customers with the science of damaged molecules and DNA repair.
[00:24.00]Providing the "drugs" for this game,
[00:25.00]the industry has created new skin therapies which, they say,
[00:26.00]don\'t just sit on the surface but actually interact with the cells.
[00:27.00]Is this really just a harmless game, though?
[00:28.00]The increasingly exaggerated claims made by manufacturers
[00:29.00]about their products\' ability to get rid of wrinkles have worried doctors.
[00:30.00]The advertisements declare that active ingredients stimulate cells deep
[00:31.00]in the skin\'s layers to divide,
[00:32.00]so replacing old cells and effectively renewing the skin.
[00:33.00]If these claims are true, could the effects be harmful?
[00:34.00]If normal cells can be stimulated to divide,
[00:35.00]then abnormal ones could also be prompted to multiply,
[00:36.00]so causing or accelerating skin cancer.
[00:37.00]A new arrival on the anti-wrinkle front claims
[00:38.00]to be a more natural way to avoid those terrible lines.
[00:39.00]As a pill rather than a cream, Imedeen works from the inside out,
[00:40.00]providing the skin with nutritional and chemical support
[00:41.00]to encourage the body\'s own self-repairing process.
[00:42.00]First developed in Scandinavia, it contains extracts of fish,
[00:43.00]marine plants, and shrimp shells,
[00:44.00]which provide a formula including proteins, minerals, and vitamins.
[00:45.00]According to a published study,
[00:46.00]visible improvements appear in the skin texture after two
[00:47.00]or three months of treatment.
[00:48.00]The skin is softer, smoother, wrinkles decrease but are not eliminated,
[00:49.00]and marks and fine brown lines disappear.
[00:50.00]One woman admits she was doubtful until she tried Imedeen herself.
[00:51.00]Women, she believes, should take responsibility
[00:52.00]for the natural balance of their body chemistry.
[00:53.00]Careful care of the body chemistry, she says,
[00:54.00]not only improves looks but also enhances energy processes
[00:55.00]and even expands awareness and mental function.
[00:56.00]Imedeen fits this concept by providing for the skin\'s needs.
[00:57.00]But can shrimp shells really do the trick with wrinkles?
[00:58.00]Offering a more scientific interpretation,
[00:59.00]Brian Newman, a British surgeon who has studied Imedeen,
[-1:00.00]explains that the compound has a specific action as food is digested,
[-1:-1.00]preventing the destruction of essential proteins in the diet
[-1:-2.00]and allowing them to be absorbed in a state more easily utilized by the skin.

[-1:-3.00]On the other hand, a different doctor who specializes in the study of the skin
[-1:-4.00]is unimpressed by the data and questions the methods used in the study.
[-1:-5.00]In addition, the medical journal in which the study
[-1:-6.00]of Imedeen is published is a "pay" journal —
[-1:-7.00]one in which any studies can be published for a fee.
[-1:-8.00]According to the doctor, any attempt to play
[-1:-9.00]by the medical world\'s rules of research has been a failure.
[-1:10.00]Such controversy is familiar ground to Brian Newman,
[-1:11.00]who used a type of oil from flowers for years before it was generally accepted.
[-1:12.00]In no way discouraged, he insists the most important point
[-1:13.00]to establish is that Imedeen actually works.
[-1:14.00]Ultimately, however,
[-1:15.00]the real issue is why we are so afraid of wrinkles in the first place.
[-1:16.00]Sadly, youth and beauty have become the currency of our society,
[-1:17.00] buying popularity and opportunity.
[-1:18.00]The value of age and experience is denied,
[-1:19.00]and women in particular feel the threat that the visible changes of ageing bring.
[-1:20.00]According to one psychological expert,
[-1:21.00]when men gain a little gray hair, their appeal often increases because,
[-1:22.00]for them, age implies power, success, wealth, and position.
[-1:23.00]But as a woman\'s power is still strongly perceived
[-1:24.00]to be tied up with the ability to bear children,
[-1:25.00]ageing demonstrates to the world her decline,
[-1:26.00]her uselessness for her primary function.
[-1:27.00]Wrinkles are symbolic of the decline of her ability to reproduce.
[-1:28.00]Until we appreciate the true value of age,
[-1:29.00]it is difficult to do anything but panic when the signs of it emerge.
[-1:30.00]While the media continues to show men of all ages alongside young,
[-1:31.00]smooth-skinned women as a vision of success,
[-1:32.00]women will go on investing in pots of worthless rubbish.
[-1:33.00]Let\'s see more mature, wrinkled women in attractive,
[-1:34.00]successful, happy roles and let\'s see men fighting to be with them.
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