新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 词汇 4wl06

英语听力 2019-08-14 06:11:40 73
[00:-0.50]n.贿赂(尤指钱) vt.向……行贿,买通
[00:-1.00]bribery              ethics
[00:-1.50]n.行贿, 受贿         n.道德准则,伦理标准
[00:-2.00]on the increase      a way of life        pay up               stand by
[00:-2.50]在增长中             生活方式             付款,还钱           遵守,履行
[00:-3.00]in practice                               accuse of            in private
[00:-3.50]实际上,事实上,在实践中                    指控,指责           私下地,秘密地
[00:-4.00]a fact of life       consist of           in support of        under investigation
[00:-4.50]现实,残酷的事实     由……组成           支持,拥护           正在调查中
[00:-5.00]throw out            close a deal         speed up             hit upon /on
[00:-5.50]抛弃,扔掉,驱除       完成交易,生意成交  (使……)加快速度    碰巧想出,忽然想出
[00:-6.00]distinguish between  amount to            behave oneself
[00:-6.50]区分,辨别,分清     实际上,意味着       检点(自己的)行为,(使自己)循规蹈矩
[00:-7.00]be caught in         on the take         square …with
[00:-7.50]陷入,遭到           受贿                 符合,相符
[00:-8.00]Switzerland          Chrysler Corporation
[00:-8.50]瑞士(欧洲中部国家)   克莱斯勒汽车公司
[00:-9.00]U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission   Chile
[00:-9.50]美国证券交易委员会                        智利(南美洲西南部国家)
[00:10.00]Iran                 Caribbean
[00:10.50]伊朗(西南亚国家)   加勒比海(诸岛)的,加勒比人(的)
[00:11.00]International Chamber of Commerce
[00:12.00]lethal               disable
[00:12.50]a.致命的,致死的     vt.使丧失能力,使伤残
[00:13.00]crop up                                   act out              nothing more (…) than
[00:13.50](问题等)突然发生,突然出现              表演                 只不过,仅仅是

[00:14.00]up to scratch                             be on the wrong end of
[00:14.50]达到标准,合格,处于良好状态              承担(……)的不利后果
[00:15.00]law and order                             throw up
[00:15.50]法律和秩序                                产生,使……突出,匆匆建造
[00:16.00]on duty              on sick leave        in favor             derive from
[00:16.50]值班,当班           休病假               赞同,支持           来自,源于,从……中得到
[00:17.00]wash away            lose count of                             come up to
[00:17.50]冲掉,冲走           数不清,不清楚……的确切数目               走近,靠近
[00:18.00]carry out            take up
[00:18.50]开展,执行           占据(时间、空间等)
[00:19.50]诺森布里亚郡(地名, 位于英格兰的东北部)
[00:20.00]John Stevens
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