新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第三册 te-unit10-a

英语听力 2019-08-14 06:11:23 93
[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon
[00:03.02]1  At 2 PM on December 5, 1945,
[00:07.96]five Navy aircraft took off in perfect flying weather
[00:12.42]from a naval air installation in southeastern Florida,
[00:16.78]on a routine training mission over the Atlantic Ocean.
[00:21.13]Less than two hours later,
[00:23.87]the flight commander radioed that he was "completely lost".
[00:29.20]Then there was silence.
[00:32.33]A rescue plane was sent to search for the missing aircraft,
[00:37.15]and it, too, disappeared without trace.
[00:41.15]Despite one of history\'s most extensive search efforts,
[00:46.22]involving more than 300 planes and dozens of ships,
[00:51.08]the Navy found nothing,not even an oil stain floating on the water.
[00:56.84]This is just one of the many frightening stories told of"the Bermuda Triangle",
[01:03.43]a mysterious area of the Atlantic Ocean
[01:06.71]roughly stretching southwest from Bermuda to the Florida coast
[01:12.07]and down to Puerto Rico.
[01:14.52]Among sailors, it is known as "the Graveyard of the Atlantic"
[01:20.75]because of the strange weather found there.
[01:24.10]During the past 30 years,
[01:27.80]the triangle has claimed the lives of some 1,000 sailors and pilots.
[01:35.18]When he entered this stretch of the Atlantic,
[01:38.93]Christopher Columbus noted curious glowing streaks of "White water".
[01:45.01]These mysterious patches of light are still visible today
[01:50.52]and so bright
[01:52.46]that they have been seen from U.S. spacecraft in orbit around the earth.
[01:59.02]3  The triangle has aroused considerable public interest
[02:04.06]through three best-selling books,
[02:06.97]a television show and a special exhibition.
[02:11.47]None of these investigations has produced convincing answers
[02:16.87]to the mystery of the triangle,
[02:19.75]but there is no shortage of interesting theories.
[02:24.11]some scientists and popular authors go so far as to suggest
[02:30.66]that the triangle is a place where beings from outer space
[02:36.02]hunt human specimens for their "zoos".
[02:39.95]4  Whatever the truth may be,
[02:43.62]planes and ships regularly disappear in the triangle.
[02:48.26]On July 3, 1947,
[02:51.79]a U.S. Army airplane disappeared 100 miles off Bermuda
[02:56.83]without broadcasting any word of difficulty.
[03:01.01]An immediate search over 100,000 square miles of sea
[03:07.78]failed to turn up a single piece of the missing plane.
[03:12.06]On January 30, 1948,
[03:16.42]a British airliner vanished over the triangle with 31 passengers and crew aboard.
[03:23.90]A year later, the missing airline\'s sister plane disappeared.
[03:30.67]Seventy-two search planes, plus dozens of ships,
[03:35.42]failed to turn up any sign of the missing aircraft.
[03:39.78]5  One of the largest ships claimed by the mysterious triangle
[03:46.33]was a 500-foot coal ship that disappeared on March 4, 1918.
[03:53.60]Investigations revealed no evidence of bad weather,
[03:58.61]no messages for help,
[04:00.73]no wreckage and no sign of the 309 men aboard.
[04:07.28]Stranger yet are the numerous "ghost" ships that have been found
[04:13.30]floating crewless within the triangle.
[04:16.90]On one weird occasion in 1881,
[04:21.07]the cargo steamer Ellen Austin discovered a small sailing ship,
[04:26.72]sails waving uselessly in the wind.
[04:29.86]A look through the captain\'s telescope showed no one on deck.
[04:35.51]The boat had a full cargo of timber,
[04:39.58]but there was no sign of human life.
[04:42.71]The captain of the Ellen Austin installed a new crew to sail it,
[04:49.26]but two days later, during a rough storm,
[04:53.90]the two ships temporarily lost sight of each other.
[04:59.34]When the captain again boarded the boat,
[05:02.58]he found his crew had disappeared.
[05:06.36]After a second crew was assigned,
[05:10.36]the ship was again lost in a fog bank. This time,
[05:16.40]no trace of the boat — or the crew — was ever found.
[05:22.38]6  Officially, the U.S. Navy does not recognize the triangle as a danger zone

[05:29.40]and is convinced that "the majority of disappearances [in the triangle]
[05:34.76]can be attributed to the unique features of the area\'s environment."
[05:40.52]These include the swift Gulf Stream current,
[05:45.64]the unexplored submerged valleys of the Atlantic
[05:49.99]and the often violent weather within the mystery zone.
[05:54.17]Then too, the triangle is one of only two places on earth
[06:00.43]where a compass needle points to true north rather than magnetic north,
[06:06.91]causing problems in navigation.
[06:09.47]"There are mysterious and strange things going on out there,"
[06:15.16]admits Richard Winer,author of The Devil\'s Triangle,
[06:19.44]a book that has sold 500,000 copies since its publication three months ago.
[06:19.51]"But I believe that all the answers lie in human error,
[06:24.91]mechanical problems, strange atmospheric events,
[06:28.98]or unusual magnetic phenomenon."
[06:32.26]7  On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report,
[06:38.74]"no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings."
[06:44.60]Because of these uncertainties,
[06:47.63]private investigators have sought more fantastic explanations.
[06:53.32]One author argues that beings from outer space
[06:58.46]have established a highly advanced civilization
[07:01.96]in the unexplored depths of the Atlantic inside the triangle.
[07:07.54]There, he believes, most of the missing vessels
[07:12.25]— and their crews — may still be on display for study
[07:16.90]by these higher intelligences.
[07:20.03]"It sounds weird," the author admits,
[07:23.92]"until you realize that it\'s the only explanation that covers all the facts."
[07:30.68]8 These and other theories are all examined in Charles Berlitz\'s current volume
[07:37.67]The Bermuda Triangle.
[07:40.01]A man with an interest in Atlantis, the legendary lost island,
[07:45.70]Berlitz expands upon the theory that a giant solar crystal,
[07:51.49]which once was the power generator for Atlantis,
[07:54.98]lies on the ocean floor.
[07:57.54]From into to time, according to his theory,
[08:02.72]passing ships and planes set off the crystal,
[08:06.68]which confuses their instruments and sucks them into the ocean.
[08:12.26]9  To test such theories,
[08:15.43]an institute is planning to take 300 psychics
[08:19.90]and scientists on a cruise into triangle.
[08:24.54]The researchers hope to make contact with whatever
[08:29.00]"higher intelligence" may lie under the sea.
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