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英语听力 2019-07-18 09:43:49 96

[00:00.00]Lesson 2   Good Manners
[00:05.88]  We say that a person has good manners if he or she is polite,
[00:12.04]kind and helpful to others.
[00:16.01]Everyone likes a person with good manners.
[00:20.17]But no one kikes a person with bad or careless manners.
[00:25.42]"Yes," you say,"but what are good manners?
[00:30.69]How do I know what to do and what not to do?"
[00:35.13]  Here are some examples of these things.
[00:39.21]They tell you what a person with good manners does or does not do.
[00:45.09]  He never laughs at people when they are in trouble.
[00:49.45]Instead,he tries to help them.
[00:53.81]He is always kind,never cruel,either to people or to animals.
[01:00.97]When people are waiting for a bus,or in a post office,he takes his turn.
[01:07.74]He does not push to the front.
[01:11.29]On the bus,he gives his seat to an old person or a lady.
[01:17.24]If he ,by accident,knocks someone,or gets in their way,
[01:23.59]he says "Excuse me" or "I\'m sorry".
[01:28.56]   He says "Please" when he asks somebody to help.
[01:33.73]He says "Thank you" when he receives something.
[01:38.48]He stands up when he speaks to a lady or an older person.
[01:43.94]And he does not sit down until the other person does.
[01:48.90]He does not talk or laugh loudly in public.
[01:53.55]  However,different countries have different manners.
[01:58.23]When you enter a house in some Asian countries,
[02:02.98]it is good manners to take off your shoes.
[02:07.24]In European countries,even though shoes sometimes become very dirty,
[02:14.01]this is not done.
[02:17.06]In Japan,the guest and host bow to each other.
[02:22.52]But in some other countries they only nod or shake hands.
[02:27.98]A guest in a Chinese house never finishes a drink.
[02:33.26]He leaves a little to show that he has had enough.
[02:37.62]In England,a guest always finishes a drink to show that he has enjoyed it.
[02:43.97]  But no matter how different the manners are,
[02:48.44]people all over the world agree that good manners really mean to be kind and helpful to others,
[02:56.20]especially those older or weaker than ourselves.
[03:00.92]If you remember this ,you will not go very far wrong.

[03:06.28]Words to watch
[03:25.45]manners              person               polite               helpful
[03:29.48]n.态度,举止,礼貌     n.人                 a.有礼貌的;斯文的    a.有帮助的,有益的
[03:33.50]careless             example              laugh                trouble
[03:37.23]a.粗心,草率          n.例,实例;范例,榜样  v.,n.笑              v.,n.使苦恼,麻烦,困境
[03:40.97]cruel                animal               wait                 bus
[03:45.15]a.残酷的,残忍的      n.动物,野兽,牲畜     v.等待;侍候          n.公共汽车
[03:49.33]post                 office               post office          turn
[03:53.65]n.,v.邮政;邮寄,投寄  n.办公室,办事处      邮局                 v.,n.翻,旋转,扭;顺次 
[03:57.98]push                 front                seat                 lady
[04:02.21]v.推,推进            n.,a.前部,前面       n.席位,座位          n.夫人,小姐,女士
[04:06.44]accident             knock                excuse               receive
[04:10.67]n.事故;意外的事      n.,v.敲,敲打;碰撞    v.原谅,借口          v.收到,接到;接待,接受
[04:14.90]stand                sit                  public               country
[04:19.17]v.站立;坐落,位于     v.(使)坐,(使)就坐    a.,n.公共的;公众     b,国家;农村,乡间
[04:23.44]enter                shoe                 dirty                guest
[04:27.72]v.走进,进入          n.鞋                 a.脏的               n.客人,宾客,旅客
[04:31.99]host                 bow                  nod                  shake
[04:36.22]n.主人               v.鞠躬               n.,v.点头,点头招呼   v.摇,摇动
[04:40.45]hand                 house                finish               drink
[04:44.79]n.,v手,指针;交出,传递n.房子,住宅          v.;n.完毕,结束,完成  v.饮,喝,饮酒
[04:49.12]leave                enjoy                matter               agree
[04:52.99]v.离开,动身;留下,剩下v.欣赏,喜爱          n.,v.物质;事情;要紧事v.同意;一致;适合
[04:56.86]really               mean                 especially
[04:59.95]ad.确实,实在,真正地  v.意指,意味着        ad.特别,尤其,格外
[05:03.05]weak                 far                  wrong
[05:16.21]a.虚弱;薄弱          a.,ad.远,遥远,久远 a.,ad.错误的;错,不对

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