新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第一册 unit2b_new

英语听力 2019-08-13 12:11:08 96

[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!Section B Parent Talk
[00:-1.00]After Sandy had left for school,
[00:-2.00]Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet to drink her coffee
[00:-3.00]She sipped slowly and tried to read the newspaper.
[00:-4.00]Soon her husband joined her.
[00:-5.00]"Would you like some coffee, Steve?" asked Jane.
[00:-6.00]"No thanks, honey . My stomach feels upset
[00:-7.00]— like it\'s full of knots .
[00:-8.00]It\'s probably that awful music that wakes me up every morning
[00:-9.00]I don\'t think I\'m old-fashioned but hearing those tuneless
[00:10.00]offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil .
[00:11.00]There is no message to them either.
[00:12.00]I can\'t believe Sandy really likes that stuff."
[00:13.00]"You know,honey,different music appeals to different generations,"
[00:14.00]reasoned Jane.
[00:15.00]"Remember some of the music we listened to?"
[00:16.00]Steve smiled. "You\'re right.
[00:17.00]Maybe eating breakfast will help me
[00:18.00]get rid of some of the knots in my stomach ."
[00:19.00]"I\'ll get you some juice," she offered, starting to get up.
[00:20.00]"That\'s okay," said Steve. "I\'ll get it. You\'re reading."
[00:21.00]"I\'m not really reading. I\'m distracted .
[00:22.00]I\'ve been thinking about Sandy too."
[00:23.00]Steve prepared his breakfast and then sat down with his wife
[00:24.00]She gave him a section of the newspaper
[00:25.00]and they both tried to read for a few moments.
[00:26.00]Then Jane broke the silence.
[00:27.00]"Did you notice how much makeup our fifteen-year-old daughter
[00:28.00]was wearing this morning?
[00:29.00]When I asked about it,
[00:30.00]she told me she\'s been wearing eyeliner for months.
[00:31.00]I can\'t believe I never noticed.
[00:32.00]I suppose we should feel lucky
[00:33.00]because makeup is our biggest problem with her.
[00:34.00]I\'ve seen other teenagers walking around town with tattoos
[00:35.00]and piercings all over their bodies
[00:36.00]— in their eyebrows , their noses, everywhere.
[00:37.00]I suppose they\'re expressing their identity
[00:38.00]but it\'s so very different from what we did."
[00:39.00]"Is it so different?" asked Steve.
[00:40.00]"I remember defying my parents when I grew my hair long.
[00:41.00]Remember? It was so long it was down below my shoulders."
[00:42.00]"And you almost got expelled from school," added Jane.
[00:43.00]"That\'s true but my hair could be cut.
[00:44.00]These tattoos are permanent . Tattoos seem radical to me."
[00:45.00]"Actually, tattoos can be removed," said Jane.
[00:46.00]"It\'s painful and expensive but they can be removed
[00:47.00]Every generation seems to need to identify itself."
[00:48.00]"What worries me," said Steve,
[00:49.00]"is that music has a very negative message.
[00:50.00]It could have a negative influence on Sandy.
[00:51.00]I don\'t know what\'s happening to our little girl.
[00:52.00]She\'s changing and I\'m concerned about her.
[00:53.00]Makeup, terrible music — who knows what will be next?
[00:54.00]We need to have a talk with her.
[00:55.00]The news is full of stories about teenagers in trouble
[00:56.00]whose parents hardly know anything about their problems."
[00:57.00]"Oh, I don\'t think her music is so terrible. I like it." said Jane
[00:58.00]"You like it? "
[00:59.00]"You know I like loud, weird music.
[-1:00.00]Anyway , you\'re right.
[-1:-1.00]We need to have a talk with Sandy," agreed Jane.
[-1:-2.00]Jane glanced at the clock.
[-1:-3.00]"Oh dear, I\'m late!" she moaned .
[-1:-4.00]"I have to run or I\'ll be late for my first appointment ."
[-1:-5.00]She kissed her husband quickly, picked up her briefcase ,
[-1:-6.00]and started for the door.
[-1:-7.00]"Bye, honey," called Jane.
[-1:-8.00]"Bye, dear," answered Steve.
[-1:-9.00]As Jane Finch drove to work, she thought about her children
[-1:10.00]Sandy and Bill
[-1:11.00]"Sandy is beginning to mature ," she thought.
[-1:12.00]"Soon she\'ll be dating and going out
[-1:13.00]but I don\'t want her wasting her time talking on the phone and watching TV
[-1:14.00]I want her to do well in school and to continue her music.

[-1:15.00]How can I tell her these things?
[-1:16.00]I don\'t want her to get angry with me.
[-1:17.00]If I\'m too strict, she\'ll rebel .
[-1:18.00]I often worry she may rebel and go too far .
[-1:19.00]So many young girls rebel, drop out of school
[-1:20.00]and get into all kinds of trouble.
[-1:21.00]Sometimes they even run away from home.
[-1:22.00]I wouldn\'t want that to happen to Sandy."
[-1:23.00]Jane knew what she wanted to say,
[-1:24.00]what she had to say to Sandy.
[-1:25.00]She was so glad that she and Sandy could still talk things over .
[-1:26.00]She knew she had to have patience
[-1:27.00]and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open.
[-1:28.00]She wanted to be there as an anchor for her
[-1:29.00]but at the same time she would give her her freedom to find her own identity

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