新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第一册 unit2a_new

英语听力 2019-08-13 12:11:04 79

[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!A Busy Weekday Morning
[00:-1.00]The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth.
[00:-2.00]Like a shot, the music woke Sandy.
[00:-3.00]She looked at the clock; it was 6:15 A.M.
[00:-4.00]Sandy sang along with the words
[00:-5.00]as she lay listening to her favorite radio station.
[00:-6.00]"Sandy," shouted her father. "Sandy, turn that music off!"
[00:-7.00]Steve Finch burst into her room.
[00:-8.00]"Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff?
[00:-9.00]It\'s the same thing over and over.
[00:10.00]I\'m not sure it is really music though it does have rhythm.
[00:11.00]Hmmm. No, it isn\'t really music.
[00:12.00]It\'s weird. It is definitely horrible stuff."
[00:13.00]"I like that music, Dad; it\'s my favorite group — Green Waves.
[00:14.00]Listen for a minute; I\'m sure you\'ll like it.
[00:15.00]It has a really powerful message.
[00:16.00]Didn\'t you ever listen to music like this when you were a youngster?"
[00:17.00]Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder.
[00:18.00]"No, no, don\'t do that. I can\'t stand it.
[00:19.00]The music I listened to had a message, too,
[00:20.00]but the words were clear
[00:21.00]and the musicians didn\'t use such offensive language.
[00:22.00]Turn that radio down so your mother and I can\'t hear it.
[00:23.00]I\'m sure that music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.
[00:24.00]Now, would you please hurry up and turn it off?
[00:25.00]Get ready for school or you\'ll be late!"
[00:26.00]Sandy walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
[00:27.00]At first, the water felt cold.
[00:28.00]It helped her wake up. Then, as the water got hotter,
[00:29.00]she thought, "This shower feels great and in here I can be alone and sing
[00:30.00]No one disturbs me in here."
[00:31.00]She grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair.
[00:32.00]If she stayed in the shower too long,
[00:33.00]her mom or dad usually banged on the door to rush her
[00:34.00]so she grabbed a towel and dried off.
[00:35.00]After her shower, Sandy brushed her hair,
[00:36.00]put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans
[00:37.00]and wrapped her sweater around her shoulders.
[00:38.00]Then she put on her makeup, grabbed her books and went to the kitchen.
[00:39.00]She looked at the clock again; it was late.
[00:40.00]As usual, she didn\'t know what to have for breakfast,
[00:41.00]so she grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast
[00:42.00]while standing by the sink.
[00:43.00]Just then, her mother, Jane, entered the kitchen.
[00:44.00]"Sandy, why don\'t you sit down and eat your breakfast?
[00:45.00]It isn\'t healthy to eat standing up."
[00:46.00]"I know. Mom, but I\'m already late for school.
[00:47.00]I don\'t have time to sit down and eat."
[00:48.00]"Did you finish your homework, dear?"   "Yes."
[00:49.00]"Do you have your instrument?"
[00:51.00]"And your lunch?"   "Yah ."
[00:52.00]"Did you brush your teeth?"
[00:53.00]"Mom, I haven\'t finished eating breakfast yet.
[00:54.00]I\'ll brush my teeth when I\'m done."
[00:55.00]"You should brush your teeth when you wake up
[00:56.00]and then brush them again after breakfast.
[00:57.00]Sandy, why are you wearing that old T-shirt? It\'s disgusting.
[00:58.00]I know you have some nice blouses in your closet."
[00:59.00]"Mom, please stop."  "Stop what, dear?"
[-1:00.00]"Stop bugging me."
[-1:-1.00]Sandy, are you wearing eye-liner?"
[-1:-2.00]"Yes, Mom, I\'ve been wearing eye-liner for months.
[-1:-3.00]Isn\'t it pretty? It\'s called French Lilac Blue. I just love it."
[-1:-4.00]Sandy pretended not to notice that her mother was a little annoyed.
[-1:-5.00]"Sandy Finch, you\'re too young to wear that much makeup.
[-1:-6.00]Please go upstairs and wash it off."
[-1:-7.00]"Mom, I\'m fifteen. I\'m old enough to wear makeup.
[-1:-8.00]Believe me, all the girls at school wear makeup.
[-1:-9.00]Some have tattoos and pierced ears, and noses and tongues,too.
[-1:10.00]Mom, I don\'t have time to talk about this now — I\'m late.
[-1:11.00]I\'ve got to go. See you later."

[-1:12.00]Sandy kissed her mother quickly on the cheek,
[-1:13.00]picked up her books, and bolted out of the house.
[-1:14.00]As she ran to catch the school bus,
[-1:15.00]Sandy thought of her older brother Bill who was away at college
[-1:16.00]He phoned her often so they could talk and share their problems,
[-1:17.00]but she hadn\'t heard from him for a while.
[-1:18.00]She missed him. Since Bill had gone to college,
[-1:19.00]her mother bugged Sandy much more than before,
[-1:20.00]and she was arguing with her mother a lot more than usual, too

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