新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第一册 unit1c_new

英语听力 2019-08-13 12:11:02 76

[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!Teaching Children at Home
[00:-1.00]Record numbers of children are being taken out of school
[00:-2.00]and taught by their parents at home.
[00:-3.00]Up to 100 children a month are leaving the classroom
[00:-4.00]because parents are not satisfied with schools.
[00:-5.00]Around 15,000 families now teach their children at home,
[00:-6.00]a rise of 50 per cent from last year, according to the latest figures.
[00:-7.00]This present rise in home schooling is blamed on the nature of examinations,
[00:-8.00]not getting children into the school of choice,
[00:-9.00]and dissatisfaction with teaching methods.
[00:10.00]Some parents prefer keeping children home
[00:11.00]because of attacks by other students and a lack of discipline in schools.
[00:12.00]Researchers say, however,
[00:13.00]many families prefer teaching at home
[00:14.00]because they feel the idea of public schooling is not modern.
[00:15.00]They believe schools will be things of the past in 20 years as media technology,
[00:16.00]like the Internet, teaches children.
[00:17.00]Under the law, parents must teach their children,
[00:18.00]whether at school or at home.
[00:19.00]Community officials are charged with protecting their schooling.
[00:20.00]Professor Meighan of Nottingham University
[00:21.00]says parents were fed up with the requirements of existing schools.
[00:22.00]For him, schools are an out-of-date concept
[00:23.00]from the days of the town crier
[00:24.00]when it was difficult to get information
[00:25.00]and a central person was needed to communicate knowledge.
[00:26.00]He also thinks parents are recognizing education is moving on
[00:27.00]and don\'t want their children to be held back by out-of-date methods.
[00:28.00]Meighan suggests children will be taught at home using the Internet,
[00:29.00]computers, and video
[00:30.00]He thinks future schools will be small groups of children,
[00:31.00]sharing equipment in their homes.
[00:32.00]The teachers may become advisers who sort through the information.
[00:33.00]Future schooling was questioned by Sir Christopher Ball
[00:34.00]of the Royal(皇家的) Society of Arts.
[00:35.00]He thinks learning in the future will include an international curriculum
[00:36.00]and international standards.
[00:37.00]He sees some present models of schooling
[00:38.00]community schools and home schooling, for example
[00:39.00]becoming more central and other models,
[00:40.00]not yet existing, may develop.
[00:41.00]How Personal Choice Brings O-Level Success at 13
[00:42.00]Leslie Barson is already running the type of school
[00:43.00]that researchers think will teach children in the future.
[00:44.00]Based partly at a community centre and partly in family homes,
[00:45.00]the Otherwise Club includes some 35 families around north London.
[00:46.00]Professional teachers are brought in to help with special subjects,
[00:47.00]but mostly parents and children work together on units like studying the Greeks
[00:48.00]or the American Civil War, reading about events,
[00:49.00]making costumes(戏装), and learning how people used to live.
[00:50.00]Parents choosing home schooling say the freedom of home learning
[00:51.00]allows some children to sit one or two GCEs by the age of 13.
[00:52.00]Ms. Barson\'s own children, Luis, age 12, and 7-year-old Lilly,
[00:53.00]have never attended school.
[00:54.00]She pays around 2,000 pounds a year for private teachers to help in special areas.
[00:55.00]She set up the Otherwise Club six years ago with just a few students.
[00:56.00]She thinks the purpose of teaching children is to develop their self-worth.
[00:57.00]Her son agrees.
[00:58.00]Luis, now teaching himself math, said,
[00:59.00]"I like the freedom to learn things that interest me,
[-1:00.00]especially music.
[-1:-1.00]I don\'t feel I am missing out on anything by not being at school
[-1:-2.00]because I am a member of various clubs
[-1:-3.00]and have friends who attend normal school.
[-1:-4.00]The \'Danger\' of Separating Students
[-1:-5.00]Home schooling could change children\'s relations with their peers

[-1:-6.00]and older people because of long periods spent with their parents.
[-1:-7.00]Most professors agree future learning will be more centred around the home,
[-1:-8.00]and fear children could become isolated and shy.
[-1:-9.00]Professor Michael Barber of London University said
[-1:10.00]pupils could spend half their time at school,
[-1:11.00]half at home as a way to solve this problem.
[-1:12.00]He believes very strongly that children need the experience of school
[-1:13.00]to ensure the quality of being taught the basics and being examined.
[-1:14.00]He thinks children must spend time with peers to learn the rules of work
[-1:15.00]in a democratic(民主的) society and to learn how to deal with relations
[-1:16.00]with more people than just their parents.
[-1:17.00]Margaret Rudland, head teacher in Hammersmith,
[-1:18.00]also thinks children must experience actual peer relations.

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