新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第一册 unit06c_new

英语听力 2019-08-13 12:10:51 91

[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!My Moving Experience
[00:-1.00]Moving is bad—in the sense of carrying furniture,
[00:-2.00]equipment and hundreds of boxes out of one place and into another.
[00:-3.00]This is why you hardly ever meet nomads(游牧人) anymore,
[00:-4.00]even though "nomad" is a great job name.
[00:-5.00]Suppose you\'re at a party,someone asks what you do,and you announce \'nomad\'.
[00:-6.00]Immediately you\'re talking about camels(骆驼).
[00:-7.00]And you can leave anytime.
[00:-8.00]"Excuse me," you say,"but I must go now and seek water."
[00:-9.00]I prefer to stay put.
[00:10.00]Sometimes,like weekends,it takes huge control just to get out of a chair.
[00:11.00]Regardless,last Thursday we moved into a new house.
[00:12.00]Since I work at home, this also required moving my office;
[00:13.00]the buyers of our old house
[00:14.00]wouldn\'t like seeing me every day in one of their bedrooms.
[00:15.00]My wife and I moved because as the kids kept getting bigger and bigger,
[00:16.00]the house kept getting smaller and smaller.
[00:17.00]It seemed the kids were eating the house.
[00:18.00]Moving seemed the wise thing to do
[00:19.00]even though,in the end,we decided to take the kids with us.
[00:20.00]In my 20s,moving was done by friends,
[00:21.00]but everyone secretly hated it.
[00:22.00]After six or seven hours of lifting chairs and chests,
[00:23.00]we\'d take out our resentment on the furniture.
[00:24.00]Once we dropped a new refrigerator down a flight of stairs.
[00:25.00]Now I\'m 47,so we hired movers.
[00:26.00]The idea of "movers" makes me nervous.
[00:27.00]A group of strong,muscular men come into your house,
[00:28.00]carry out all your possessions,and drive off in a truck.
[00:29.00]This can\'t be good.
[00:30.00]I chose"Low Cost Movers",checking to make sure they had a permit and were insured.
[00:31.00]The customer service person,Julie,was helpful with this.
[00:32.00]"I\'m not going to say we never have accidents
[00:33.00]or even that we rarely have accidents.
[00:34.00]What I am going to say is if you have a computer,
[00:35.00]now would be a good time to back up your files(档案)."
[00:36.00]The week before moving,
[00:37.00]Julie called twice to confirm(确定)our 8 a.m. appointment.
[00:38.00]I\'m of two minds about confirming.
[00:39.00]The people doing the confirming always appear very professional,
[00:40.00]while seeming to say you\'re not.
[00:41.00]Obviously Julie knew she was dealing with someone with low mental power.
[00:42.00]I didn\'t mind.
[00:43.00]8 a.m.the day of the move,the moving company calls to say they\'ll be an hour late.
[00:44.00]What a relief(松口气).
[00:45.00]I\'m feeling totally lacking in organization(杂乱无序),
[00:46.00]mainly because I am totally lacking in organization.
[00:47.00]It\'s my natural state.
[00:48.00]Having to have organization(有序),for me,is much too confusing.
[00:49.00]Moving has taught me I need a better filing system(系统).
[00:50.00]I plan to have a better filing system in the new office.
[00:51.00]The old system was more of a piling system,
[00:52.00]meaning piling everything on my desk-a very good way of organization.
[00:53.00]11 a.m.The moving company still hasn\'t arrived.I call Julie.
[00:54.00]She promises to have the president of the company,Max,
[00:55.00]personally call me in 10 minutes.
[00:56.00]I\'m impressed."President" is a great job name,
[00:57.00]although,let\'s face it, not as great as "nomad."
[00:58.00]I have no idea how big this moving company is.
[00:59.00]Maybe it\'s just a Mom and Pop operation.
[-1:00.00]Maybe it\'s just Julie.
[-1:-1.00]Maybe Julie is the customer service department,the movers and now the president
[-1:-2.00]It could be a long day.
[-1:-3.00]11:10 a.m. The phone rings.
[-1:-4.00]"This is Max, president of Low Cost Moving."
[-1:-5.00]I check out the voice.It\'s not Julie.
[-1:-6.00]Max tells me he\'s upset with the delay.
[-1:-7.00]He\'s enraged at his own moving company.
[-1:-8.00]"I\'m knocking $10 off the hourly rate," he says.
[-1:-9.00]I sympathize with the moving company:

[-1:10.00]"Look,"I say,"these things happen.Trucks break.Refrigerators fall down stairs.
[-1:11.00]Workers develop several personalities."
[-1:12.00]3 p.m.Movers still haven\'t arrived.
[-1:13.00]I call Max,who\'s more enraged than before.
[-1:14.00]"This is unheard-of," he says.
[-1:15.00]"I\'m taking another $10 off the hourly charge."
[-1:16.00]If this keeps up,I\'ll be moving for free and going nowhere.
[-1:17.00]6 p.m.The movers finally arrive.
[-1:18.00]I call Max.He\'s fit to be tied.
[-1:19.00]I point out they\'re only 10 hours late.
[-1:20.00]Max is not humored.
[-1:21.00]End of story: The move is finally over.
[-1:22.00]Everything\'s in boxes.
[-1:23.00]My office is completely without organization.I feel at home.

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