新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第一册 unit08a_new

英语听力 2019-08-13 06:11:28 93

[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!Birth of Bright Ideas
[00:-1.00]No satisfactory way exists to explain how to form a good idea.
[00:-2.00]You think about a problem until you\'re tired,
[00:-3.00]forget it,maybe sleep on it,and then flash!
[00:-4.00]When you aren\'t thinking about it,
[00:-5.00]suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods.
[00:-6.00]Of course,all ideas don\'t occur like that but so many do,
[00:-7.00]particularly the most important ones.
[00:-8.00]They burst into the mind,glowing with the heat of creation.
[00:-9.00]How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere.
[00:10.00]Let\'s assume they come from the "unconscious."
[00:11.00]This is reasonable,for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes
[00:12.00]which are unknown to the individual.
[00:13.00]Creative thought depends on what was unknown becoming known.
[00:14.00]All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea,
[00:15.00]but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities,
[00:16.00]many of whom experienced it in an intensified form
[00:17.00]and have written it down in their life stories and letters.
[00:18.00]One can draw examples from genius in any field,from religion,philosophy,
[00:19.00]and literature to art and music,even in mathematics,science,and technical invention,
[00:20.00]although these are often thought to depend only on logic and experiment.
[00:21.00]All truly creative activities depend in some degree on these signals from the unconscious,
[00:22.00]and the more highly insightful the person,
[00:23.00]the sharper and more dramatic the signals become.
[00:24.00]Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to";Rhinegold".
[00:25.00]Wagner had been occupied with the idea of the "Ring" for several years,
[00:26.00]and for many months had been struggling to begin composing.
[00:27.00]On September 4,1853, he reached Spezia sick,
[00:28.00]went to a hotel,could not sleep for noise without and fever within,
[00:29.00]took a long walk the next day,
[00:30.00]and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep.
[00:31.00]Then at last the miracle happened
[00:32.00]for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long.
[00:33.00]Falling into a sleeplike condition,
[00:34.00]he suddenly felt as though he were sinking in a mighty flood of water,
[00:35.00]and the rush and roar soon took musical shape within his brain.
[00:36.00]He recognized that the orchestral opening to the "Rhinegold",
[00:37.00]which he must have carried about within him
[00:38.00]yet had never been able to put it into form,
[00:39.00]had at last taken its shape within him.
[00:40.00]In this example,the conscious mind at the moment of creation
[00:41.00]knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found.
[00:42.00]As a contrast,we may consider a famous story:
[00:43.00]the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician,
[00:44.00]of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions.
[00:45.00]Here we see the conscious mind, in a person of highest ability,
[00:46.00]actually watching the unconscious at work.
[00:47.00]For weeks,he sat at his table every day
[00:48.00]and spent an hour or two trying a great number of combinations
[00:49.00]but he arrived at no result.
[00:50.00]One night he drank some black coffee,
[00:51.00]contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep.
[00:52.00]Many ideas kept surging in his head;
[00:53.00]he could almost feel them pushing against one another,
[00:54.00]until two of them combined to form a stable combination.
[00:55.00]When morning came,he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions.
[00:56.00]He had only to prove the results,which took only a few hours.
[00:57.00]Here,we see the conscious mind observing the new combinations being formed in the unconscious,
[00:58.00]while the Wagner story shows the sudden explosion of a new concept into consciousness.
[00:59.00]A third type of creative experience is exemplified by the dreams which came to Descartes

[-1:00.00]at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path.
[-1:-1.00]Descartes had unsuccessfully searched for certainty,
[-1:-2.00]first in the world of books,and then in the world of men.
[-1:-3.00]Then in a dream on November 10,1619,
[-1:-4.00]he made the significant discovery that he could only find certainty in his own thoughts,
[-1:-5.00]cogito ergo sum ("I think;therefore,I exist").
[-1:-6.00]This dream filled him with intense religious enthusiasm.
[-1:-7.00]Wagner\'s,Poincare\'s,and Descartes\' experiences
[-1:-8.00]are representative of countless others in every field of culture.
[-1:-9.00]The unconscious is certainly the source of instinctive activity.
[-1:10.00]But in creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms
[-1:11.00]from relatively disorganized elements.

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