新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第二册 unit05c_new

英语听力 2019-08-13 06:11:13 92

[00:00.00],就把hxen.com复制到QQ个人资料中!What Is in Larry\'s Mind?
[00:03.89]The day my son Larry started kindergarten(幼儿园)
[00:09.14]he gave up trousers with bibs (围嘴)
[00:13.50]and began wearing blue jeans with a belt.
[00:18.25]I watched him go off the first morning with the older girl next door,
[00:24.80]seeing clearly that a stage of my life was ended.
[00:30.28]My nursery-school(托儿所) child with the sweet voice
[00:35.75]was replaced with a confident character in long trousers,
[00:42.01]who forgot to stop at the corner and wave good-bye to me.
[00:47.99]He came home the same way,
[00:52.45]the front door flying open, his cap on the floor,
[00:58.43]and the voice, suddenly rough, shouting, "Isn\'t anybody here?"
[01:05.30]At lunch he spoke impolitely(不礼貌地) to his father,
[01:10.85]spilled his baby sister\'s milk,
[01:15.20]and remarked that his teacher said we were not to take the name of the Lord in vain
[01:22.87]"How was school today?" I asked,acting very casual.
[01:28.74]"All right," he said.
[01:31.87]"Did you learn anything?" his father asked.
[01:36.44]Larry regarded his father coldly."I didn\'t learn nothing,"he said.
[01:43.28]"Anything." I said. "Didn\'t learn anything."
[01:48.76]"The teacher spanked (打) a boy, though." Larry said,
[01:53.51]while eating his bread and butter.
[01:57.25]"For being fresh," he added, with his mouth full.
[02:02.22]"What did he do?" I asked. "Who was it?"
[02:07.48]Larry thought. "It was Charles," he said.
[02:13.34]"He was fresh.The teacher spanked him and made him stand in a corner.
[02:20.29]He was awfully (非常) fresh."
[02:23.96]"What did he do?" I asked again,
[02:28.03]but Larry slid off his chair, took a cookie(饼干),and left,
[02:33.68]while his father was still saying. "See here, young man."
[02:39.44]The third day — it was Wednesday of the first week
[02:45.82]— Charles banged a see-saw on to the head of a little girl and made her bleed,
[02:53.27]and the teacher made him stay inside all during morning break.
[02:59.71]Thursday Charles had to stand in a corner during story-time
[03:05.69]because he kept pounding his feet on the floor.
[03:11.05]Friday Charles could not use the blackboard because he threw chalk.
[03:17.71]On Friday of that week things were back to normal.
[03:22.90]"You know what Charles did today?"
[03:27.07]Larry demanded at the dinner table,in a voice slightly amazed.
[03:33.34]"He told a little girl to say a word
[03:38.20]and she said it and the teacher washed her mouth out with soap and Charles laughed."
[03:46.37]"What word?" his father asked unwisely,
[03:51.19]and Larry said, "I\'ll have to whisper it to you; it\'s so bad."
[03:58.32]He got down off his chair and went around to his father.
[04:03.58]His father bent his head down and Larry whispered joyfully.
[04:09.84]His father\'s eyes grew larger.
[04:14.38]"Did Charles tell the little girl to say that?" he asked in a serious tone.
[04:22.44]"She said it twice," Larry said. "Charles told her to say it twice."
[04:29.71]"What happened to Charles?" my husband asked.
[04:34.75]"Nothing," Larry said. "He was passing out the crayons (蜡笔)."
[04:40.51]Monday morning Charles forgot about the little girl and said the bad word himself three or four times,
[04:48.68]getting his mouth washed out with soap each time.
[04:54.55]He also threw chalk.
[04:58.40]Then it was the first Parent-Teachers meeting,
[05:03.77]and I wanted very much to meet Charles\'s mother.
[05:09.13]My husband came to the door with me that evening as I set out for the P.T.A.meeting
[05:17.41]"Invite her over for a cup of tea after the meeting," he said.
[05:23.57]"I want to get a look at her."
[05:27.35]"If only she\'s there," I said in hope.
[05:31.88]"She\'ll be there," my husband said.
[05:35.84]"I don\'t see how they could hold a P.T.A. meeting without Charles\'s mother."
[05:42.40]At the meeting I sat restlessly,scanning each comfortable mother\'s face,
[05:49.67]trying to determine which one hid the secret of Charles.
[05:56.33]None of them looked stressed enough to me.

[06:00.79]No one stood up in the meeting and apologized for the way her son had been acting
[06:08.14]No one mentioned Charles.
[06:12.10]After the meeting I identified and sought out Larry\'s kindergarten teacher.
[06:19.15]She had a plate with a cup of tea and a piece of cake;
[06:24.91]I had a plate with a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
[06:30.67]We were cautious as we moved toward one another,and smiled.
[06:36.94]"I\'ve been so anxious to meet you,"I said."I\'m Larry\'s mother."
[06:42.98]"We\'re all so interested in Larry,"she said.
[06:48.06]"Well,he certainly likes kindergarten,"I said.
[06:53.32]"He talks about it all the time."
[06:57.85]"We had a little trouble adjusting,the first week or so," she said rigidly,
[07:05.20]"but now he\'s a fine little helper.With occasional mistakes,of course."
[07:13.19]"Larry usually adjusts very quickly," I said.
[07:18.44]"I suppose this time it\'s Charles\'s influence."
[07:27.05]"Yes,"I said,laughing,
[07:30.61]"you must have your hands full in that kindergarten with Charles."
[07:36.48]"Charles?" she said. "We don\'t have any Charles in the kindergarten."

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