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英语听力 2019-08-11 06:10:47 68

—What are you going to do after this lesson?
—I\'m probably going to have a cup of tea. What about you?
—Oh, I\'m going to the post office.
—I see.

—Can you come and see me at nine o\'clock?
—I\'m afraid not. You see, I\'m meeting Mr. Green at nine.

—I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?
—Oh, I\'m really worried about it.
—I\'m not surprised. So would I be.

—What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda?
—Well, first, I\'m going to do the washing up.
—Poor you! While you\'re doing the washing up, I\'ll be having breakfast in bed.
—It\'s alright for some people.

—I\'d like to withdraw fifty pounds from my deposit account.
—Certainly. Would you please sign this fomp3?
—Oh, yes. There you are.
—How would you like the money?
—In fives, please.
—Fine. Here you are.
—Thanks. Goodbye.

—How are you, Brenda?
—Fine, apart from the backache.
—Oh, dear, I\'m sorry to hear that.
—Yes. My back\'s killing me.
—Oh, I hope you\'ll soon feel better.

Man: Waitress! This meat is like old leather! It\'s enough to break every tooth in your head.
Waitress: Perhaps you\'d like to change your order, sir. The sirloin is very tender.

Woman: John, look what that waiter\'s gone and done! Spilt soup all over my new dress!
Waiter: I\'m terribly sorry, madam. Perhaps if I could sponge it with a little wamp3 water...
Man: Leave it alone, man. You\'ll only make it worse.
Woman: I want to speak to the Manager!
Waiter: Very good, madam.
Manager: I do apologize for this unfortunate accident, madam. If you would like to have the dress cleaned and send the bill to us, we will be happy to take care of it.
Woman: Oh no, it doesn\'t matter. Forget it. It probably won\'t stain very much.

Man: Waiter, this just won\'t do. This wine\'s got a most peculiar flavor.
Waiter: Yes, sir. I\'ll take it back. Perhaps you would like to choose another wine instead, sir?

—Hello. Who\'s that?
—It\'s me.
—Who\'s me?
—Why, me, of course.
—Yes, I know. It\'s you. But who are you?
—I\'ve told you who I am. I am ME.
—I know you are you, but I still don\'t know who you are. Anyway, I don\'t want to talk to you whoever you are. I really wanted Mrs. Jones.
—Who do you want?
—Mrs. Jones!
—Mrs. Jones? Who\'s Mrs. Jones?
—Why, Mrs. Jones lives where you are, doesn\'t she?
—There is no Mrs. Jones here. What number do you want?
—I want Bournemouth, 650283.
—This is Bournemouth, 650823.
—Oh, dear, I am sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number.
—It\'s quite alright.
—I\'ll try dialing again. Sorry to have troubled you.
—It\'s quite alright. Goodbye.

Two old men are talking about the days gone by. Listen.
—The beer\'s just like water. They don\'t make it as strong as they used to.
—No. Things aren\'t what they used to be, are they?
—The pubs aren\'t any good nowadays.
—No. But they used to be good when we were young.
—The trouble is that the young people don\'t work hard.
—No, but they used to work hard when we were young.

Ten years ago, I loved watching television and listening to pop records. I hated classical music. But I liked playing tennis. Five years ago I still liked playing tennis, but I loved classical music. Now I prefer classical music. I like playing squash. But I hate television.

Mr. Davies is talking to his son Martin.
Mr. Davies: (quietly) Why aren\'t you doing your homework?
Martin: I\'ll do it later, Dad. I must get these chords right first. Our group\'s playing in a concert on Saturday.
Mr. Davies: (laughs) Oh, is it? You\'ll be making records next, will you?
Martin: We hope so. The man from \'Dream Discs\' is coming to the concert. So I\'d better play well.
Mr. Davies: You\'d better get on with your homework! You can practise all day Saturday.
Martin: Oh, Dad. You don\'t understand at all. This concert could change my life.
Mr. Davies: It certainly could! You\'ve got exams next month. Important ones. If you don\'t get a good certificate, you won\'t get a decent job.
Martin: (rudely) I don\'t need a certificate to play the guitar. And I don\'t want a boring old job in a bank either.
Mr. Davies: (angrily) Oh, don\'t you? Whose boring old job paid for this house? And for that guitar?
Martin: (sighs) Yours, I know. But I\'d rather be happy than rich.

Letter Dictation. Write your address, your phone number and the date.
The letter is to Winnipeg Advanced Education College. Winnipeg, W-I-double N-I-P-E-G, Advanced Education College, Hillside Drive, Winnipeg.
Dear Sir or Madam. Please send me details of your courses in Computer Programming. New line. Thanking you in advance. Yours faithfully, and then sign your name.

(Your address)
(Your phone number)

Winnipeg Advanced Education College,
Hillside Drive,

Dear Sir or Madam,
Please send me details of your courses in computer Programming.
Thanking you in advance.

Yours faithfully,
Your name

Write your address, your phone number and the date. To Sea View Hotel. Sea View, S-E-A V-I-E-W Hotel, Harbor Road, Cork, Ireland.
Dear Sir or Madam. I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the first to the fourteenth of August inclusive. New line. I look forward to receiving your confimp3ation. Yours faithfully and then sign your name.

(Your address)
(Your phone number)

Sea View Hotel,
Harbor Road,

Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the 1st to the 14th of August inclusive.
I look forward to receiving your confimp3ation.

Yours faithfully,
Your name

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