大学英语精读听力预备级 less12

英语听力 2019-07-18 09:35:01 133
[00:00.00]Lesson 12  The Perfect match (Part one)
[00:07.18]I walked into the office and shook hans with a smiling man named Mr.White.
[00:13.95]He was dressed very well,compared to me.
[00:18.31]There was a pile of papers on his desk.
[00:22.57]"I\'m sure you\'ll be very pleased with her,"he said.
[00:27.43]"She was picked by our computer out of more than ten million women in the United States.
[00:34.48]We divided them into groups according to race,religion and social background."
[00:41.56]  I sat there interestedly.
[00:45.22]  In many parts of the world,
[00:48.56]a young person\'s hasband or wife is chosen by the person\'s parents.
[00:55.20]In the United States,on the contrary,
[00:59.56]the choice is usually made by the young people themselves.
[01:04.89]But now it is said that certain companies can help a young person
[01:11.05]in search of the right husband or wife.
[01:15.42]Such a company collects a great deal of information about each man or woman,
[01:22.57]if they are interested in marrying,and puts the information on a card.
[01:29.23]They call it an IBM card.
[01:33.18]All the cards are then arranged by computer.
[01:37.85]The theory is that such a machine can make the best decision
[01:43.60]a bout matching the right man with the right woman
[01:48.56]because machine are not influenced by human feelings.
[01:54.13]So the young persons are encouraged to pay such companies for a perfect match.
[02:01.18]  "And now--" Mr.White said.
[02:05.05]He suddenly opened the door to the next room,and I got a surprise.
[02:11.21]   She was pretty. Really,she was!
[02:15.76]I regretted not having taken a bath and dressed inmy Sunday best.
[02:21.53]  "Mr.Walker," he began to introduce,
[02:26.08]"this is Miss Alice Dunfield.Miss Dunfield,this is Mr.Franklin Walker."
[02:34.33]  "Call me Frank. Nobody calls me Franklin,"I said.
[02:39.97]I was a little excited,but pretended to be calm.
[02:45.15]She was pretty,you see.
[02:48.31]  Mr.White went out,and we were left alone.
[02:52.88]  "Hello," I said.  "Hello," she answered.
[02:57.74]  "I\'m --- I\'m very pleased with the choice,"I said,
[03:02.60]I was trying to be careful of my words.
[03:06.85]Maybe she didn\'t like being called a choice.
[03:11.40]" I mean-- I\'m glad the way things turned out."
[03:15.76]  She smiled.She had a nice smile.Good teeth.
[03:20.93]  "Thank you,"She said."So am I."She was excited,too.
[03:26.99]  "I\'m thirty-one,"I told her.
[03:30.44]"Yes,I know,"She said."it\'s all on the cards."

[03:35.41]Words to watch
[03:38.75]perfect              match                compare
[03:42.08]a.完善,完美          n.,v.比赛,竞赛;婚姻  v.比较,相比
[03:45.41]pile                 desk                 pick                 computer
[03:50.14]n.,v.堆,叠;堆积      n.书桌,服务台        v.拾,采,摘,挑选      n.电脑,计算机
[03:54.87]divide               group                race                 background
[04:00.00]v.分,划分;分配,分享  n.群,小组            v.,n.比赛;种族,人种  n.背景
[04:05.13]husband              wife                 choose               contrary 
[04:10.36]n.丈夫               n.妻子               v.选择,挑拣          a.,n.相反(的),矛盾的
[04:15.58]company              search               collect              information
[04:20.91]n.公司               v.,n.搜索,寻找,探查  v.收集,收(税等)      n.情报,信息
[04:26.24]interest             marry                card                 theory
[04:31.46]n.,v.兴趣,关心,注意  v.结婚,嫁,娶         n.卡片,名片          n.理论,学说
[04:36.69]decision             influence            human                encourage
[04:41.82]n.决定,决心,果断     v.,n.影响            a.人的,人类的        v.鼓励,助长,促进
[04:46.96]pretty               regret               bath                 dress
[04:51.83]a.漂亮,俊俏          v.,n.遗憾,懊悔,抱歉  n.洗澡,沐浴;浴室     n.,v.服装,女装;打扮
[04:56.70]introduce            pretend              calm
[05:00.58]v.介绍,引进,传入     v.假装,假托          a.平静,镇静,沉着
[05:04.46]alone                tooth
[05:06.94]a.,ad.独自,单独;仅仅 n.牙齿 大学英语精读听力 大学英语精读1听力 大学英语精读4听力 大学英语精读2听力 大学英语精读2听力答案 大学英语精读听力答案 大学英语精读听力下载 大学英语精读第


