探索世界奥秘之Life Story(生命物语) Unit11

英语听力 2019-08-10 18:11:15 86

探索世界奥秘之Life Story(生命物语) Unit11

But what\'s even more amazing to me is that although we\'ve changed so little in so many thousands of years, each of us changes so much in just one lifetime. We tend to think of growing up as just getting older and bigger. But actually as we make our way through life, our bodies change much more significantly than we realize. In fact, we change just as dramatically as a caterpillar. A caterpillar is an eating machine and that\'s just what it needs to be to stockpile the energy it will need to reproduce. Yet, to meet a suitable mate, it may have to travel many miles and it\'s hardly equipped for that. But evolution has provided the caterpillar with a solution. One creature is recycled into another.

A new challenge has been met with a new answer. Our bodies too face different challenges in life. And we are reworked to cope with each of them. From the moment we are born, we are changing and adapting to life\'s demands. And every change we make follows a plan drawn up for us by the millions of generations that have gone before. In this series, I\'m going to show you the stunning science of these changes throughout life.

How our brain cells are wired up when we are children? How homp3ones transfomp3 us at puberty? What changes happen inside our bodies? How our muscles become stronger? How our brains mature as adults? And how our bodies continue to alter throughout our lives.

words and expressions

stockpile:To accumulate and maintain a supply of for future use.

puberty:The stage of adolescence in which an individual becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction.青春期

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